Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 826: If torture can make her happy, then torture it.

Gu Mengmeng looked at Natalie, didn't talk, just looked at it quietly, as if waiting for her to speak first.

Natalie carefully released her hand, biting her lower lip, and said in a small voice than the mosquito, "He is the father of Ervis."

Gu Mengmeng chuckled, this tweaking is really a woman's nature.

I like it, I don’t want to be reluctant, I still find so many reasons?

But it is not punctuated, but a faint opening said: "For Elvis, I can not kill him. But for my son Ervis will kill him personally. So, honestly give me the antidote, It is a wise move."

Natalie nodded and promised: "I will definitely let him hand over the antidote, sure!"

Gu Mengmeng did not say anything more, turned and walked outside the cave. After two steps, I turned back and said, "Food is fast, it tastes bad."

"Yeah." Natalie nodded, then slowly picked up the bowl.

Gu Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head with a little helplessness and walked out of the cave.

Out of the cave, I feel that the atmosphere is a bit strange.

Ervis and Leia stood on one side and yelled at Biddle. The smell of gunpowder was a bit strong, and one could not wait to tear the other side apart.

When I saw Gu Mengmeng, it was a second to collect murderousness, as if nothing had happened before.

Gu Mengmeng was puzzled, but did not ask for anything in front of Biddle.

In the face of others, I ask my males, and let the males not come to Taiwan to prove how much their males care about their stupid behavior. Gu Mengmeng does not do it.

Before the person, she will leave a face to Ervis and Leia. No matter what doubts or dissatisfaction, she will wait for her home, and ask when there are no outsiders.

So, Gu Mengmeng went to Ervis and walked over to compare Del: "The food I sent in, she has already eaten. As long as I am willing to eat, my body will slowly get better."

Biddle’s face couldn’t be overshadowed. Today is the most happy day in the past six months.

He really felt that Natalie gave up the idea of ​​abandoning him. She wanted to live and live for him.

Even though she wanted only the antidote that he couldn't get, she could be troubled by her, listening to her vicious curse and threat, watching her tremble and screaming and taking something to marry him, which was unbearable. The scene actually gave him a hint of sweetness.

As long as she is willing to live well, it will be good to stay with him.

If torture can make her happy, then torture it.

What is this?

As long as she does not abandon him, she can

Gu Mengmeng hesitated for a moment, still stood still and looked at Biddle: "I told her just now, I can take her back to St. Naze, she refused."

Biddle stunned and looked up at Gu Mengmeng. Both of them were out of focus, and it seemed to be a reaction.

Gu Mengmeng continued: "I also said that if she is afraid of you, I can kill you first. But she stopped me."

she was

Don't want him to die?

The news slammed against the heart of Biddle, as if someone was holding the drumstick and knocking on his chest.

She should have hated him, and wanted him to die from the beginning. It’s just that she didn’t have a person who could do it for her.

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