Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 859: Already hungry and thirsty

Ervis’s sinful smile, and he rushed to the past with Kew.

beat him

This sentence is that in addition to I love you, Ervis most likes to listen to what Meng Meng said.

Especially when the object is Kee, it is simply, his claws and fangs are already hungry and thirsty.

However, in the face of Elvis's fierce attack to the deadly attack, Kye not only did not fight back, but did not even hide to hide.

Just a sly smile, quite a feeling of being in the middle.

Sure enough, the hand feels wrong.

Ervis didn't have time to see what happened, only what the fist hit, but definitely not Køge.

A black shadow flew out of the attack track of Elvis, and a slamming sound fell into the corner of the wall, looking for the sound, it was Chi Xuan.

The little body was constantly twitching, the blood in his mouth was splashing everywhere, the whole person was dying, but staring at Ervis with his head guarded, as if Ervis dared to attack Køe again. It will be the same as that of Ervis, regardless of his own life and death.

Gu Mengmeng panicked when he saw Chi Xuan.

Ervis's attack on Keener made it all right. If you hit it straight, you can directly knock Kee's head off his neck.

Little Chi Xuan has not evolved yet. How can he withstand the attack of the fifth-level Ervis? !

"Leia, fast!" Gu Mengmeng rushed to Chi Xuan, but he wanted to hold him in his arms but he didn't dare to touch him.

I don't know if the bones are broken? Is there something in the internal organs? It’s unwise to see a first-aid attempt on TV, and it’s not wise to move a seriously injured patient. It is likely to cause secondary damage.

Gu Mengmeng sat next to Chi Xuan, and the distressed tears rushed down, how to wipe it off.

The son is her heart, especially Chi Xuan has suffered more than the other three.

Her nickname for Chi Xuan had almost no top, so she suffocated, this time, it was like a flash flood out of control.

Leia knows that Gu Mengmeng cares about Chi Xuan, and naturally he does not dare to neglect, but as soon as he approaches, Chi Xuan will make a preventive posture with his teeth, even at the expense of pulling his own wounds, struggling like to stand. stand up.

"Do you think I care?!" Ervis's voice was cold and hazy from the top of his head.

Gu Mengmeng squatted for a long while, and understood that Chi Xuan had just said what he said.

She was so sad that her son was hurt, and she was anxious to know what he said, so she could not help but anger. She said to Ervis: "What is your murder?! My son is hurt, are you still jealous of him?"

Ervis grinds his teeth and refuses to speak next to his fist.

"What did he say? You told me what he wanted?! Did he say that he was hurting? Did he say that he was very painful?" Gu Mengmeng almost collapsed, she wanted to give her two slaps She shouldn’t let Ervis start with Kee, knowing that Chi Xuan is squatting in Kee’s hand. What are the two words being teased? Why can't she endure it? !

Ervis grabbed Gu Mengmeng and let her beat him in his arms. He looked at Chi Xuan with a gaze, and made a few deep sobs from his throat. He responded to Chi Xuan’s words with the way of wolf communication. .

Chi Xuanyuan’s milk called a few times, and the weak air was like a gossamer. Gu Mengmeng felt distressed for a moment. He pushed Kelves to sit next to Chi Xuan and carefully stroked his head. , said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Mom is here, it will be fine."

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