Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 980: You finally have a little self-consciousness as a female.

After Leonard left, Gu Mengmeng was silent for a long time with Ervis's neck. Both Ervis and Leia thought that because she was soft, she saw that the scene was uncomfortable, but she did not know how to comfort herself.

I was afraid that the wrong words would make her more sad, so she had to be silent.

The group continued to move forward. After a long walk, Gu Mengmeng suddenly spoke. "My husband, I will protect myself in the future. I will never let you and Leia experience the kind of Leonard."

Both Ervis and Leia were a meal, but they just laughed.

The females of Beast have always regarded themselves as the most precious. It is the basic normal to protect themselves from a little bit of injury. Only the hazard of their family is where it is dangerous, and it does not stop.

Leia pinched Gu Mengmeng's cheek, with indulgence and a little helplessness, said: "You finally have a little self-consciousness as a female."

Ervis is also a chuckle. He kissed Meng Meng’s face and said: “In any case, it is always good to know how to protect yourself. Don’t forget it when you turn your head.”

Gu Mengmeng took Lay's hand on his face and then leaned on Ervis's neck and whispered, "I won't forget it, because I can't bear your suffering. I just watched Leonard hurt. Straight on the ground, I was thinking, if you are lying there or Leia, I am so distressed."

She never knew how to avoid danger or even take her as a bait, and learned to protect herself.

Heart, very warm.

Kissing Meng Meng's eyebrows, Ervis only spit out one: "乖" word.

After a long walk, I finally walked to the end of the crystal vine. There was only one tree. I couldn’t use a few people to embrace the thickness, because the roots that are exposed on the ground have a football field size, and the place closest to the tree pole is exposed. The roots of the branches are thicker than the body of the corrugated.

This Already a **** tree?

If placed in modern times, that minute is to be included in the cherished protected area.

Gu Mengmeng jumped from the arms of Ervis and walked over to the tree on foot.

Ervis and Leia followed, but it seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier two hundred meters away, and could not be close to any step.

Even if it is corrugated, you can't move closer to an inch.

Gu Mengmeng went through the barrier-free.

Turning around, Gu Mengmeng smiled at Ervis and Leia, saying: "Don't worry, I can feel that it is not malicious, not dangerous."

Thinking of the aggressiveness of the blood vine, both Ervis and Leia frowned.

No malicious, why not let them approach?

Gu Mengmeng didn't say anything more, just turned around and continued to approach the tree.

The leaves on the tree are like the emeralds, and the layers of the clouds are covered with clouds. Gu Mengmeng looks up and looks at it. There is a leaf that falls freely, just falling in the palm of Gu Mengmeng.

The touch is cool and there is no weight belonging to the plant.

Gu Mengmeng looked at the leaf, and then saw that the leaf melted and gradually disappeared into her palm, as if it had melted into the palm of her hand.

A washing sensation that is particularly difficult to explain is rotated in the body. It is a clear feeling that the blood, organs and even the soul in the body have been sublimated. Gu Mengmeng looks up and looks at the tree for a long time. For a long time, I can't speak, and I forgot what to do.

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