Du Jiaobing snorted and immediately revealed his thirteenth level of true destiny.

After all, the limits were the same, and this was agreed upon in advance.

The next second, Lin Yi took the lead and started with a lightning flash.

With the firing speed of the lightning flash, this is basically an attack pattern that is impossible to dodge.

However, the lightning flash only hit an afterimage.

Du Jiaobing suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Thunder flash!

Everyone in the stands had their eyes lit up.

Although using the lightning flash and other body movement patterns to dodge attacks can only be regarded as routine operations for senior students, Du Jiaobing was able to do it so smoothly, which shows that he is indeed extraordinary and worthy of the title of the last rookie king.

After all, he has only been in Tiandao Academy for two years.

"You can't even use a lightning flash well, you are useless!"

Du Jiaobing sneered, and then a dark red light flashed on his fingertips: "Today I will teach you how to use it!"

As a result, his face-to-face lightning flash also missed.

Lin Yi also avoided it with lightning flash.

The whole audience was stunned for a moment.

They could understand that Du Jiaobing could dodge calmly, but how could Lin Yi, a freshman who had just entered the hospital, dodge it?

Du Jiaobing was obviously surprised.

"Shit luck!"

He didn't believe that this was Lin Yi's true level, especially since Lin Yi's lightning attack was very close and basically did not leave his attack range, which further verified his guess.

Du Jiaobing immediately caught up and suppressed him.

In addition to the paradigm, Tiandao Academy has a very complete system for both offense and defense. Every offensive master is a master of suppression.

The so-called suppression, the core essence is to interrupt in advance, so that the opponent cannot use the paradigm smoothly, and then fall into a passive situation of being beaten.

Du Jiaobing's suppression skills are obviously advanced, and his fire is not inferior to the vast majority of senior students.

In the eyes of the people in the stands, Lin Yi's chance of winning, which was not high to begin with, was compressed to an extremely low level at once.

"Don't just take the beating without fighting back, it's like I'm bullying you, that's pointless."

Du Jiaobing suppressed and ridiculed while secretly preparing for a thunderbolt.

Lin Yi wanted to break the situation, and the only choice at this time was to use thunderbolt, but if he really did that, it would be exactly what he wanted.

As long as he dared to use thunderbolt, he would be 100% sure to interrupt!

At that time, it would be a whole set of social beatings, which would definitely leave a deep impression on Lin Yi for the rest of his life and leave a lifelong shadow!

But Lin Yi didn't.

After being suppressed for a while, Lin Yi showed a strange expression: "That's it?"

"What do you mean?"

Du Jiaobing thought Lin Yi was just being stubborn, and was about to mock him again, but Lin Yi suddenly made a move.

Du Jiaobing's heart skipped a beat.

The timing of Lin Yi's move was the connecting section of his entire suppression routine. The flaw was not big, but it was indeed an opportunity to break free from the suppression.

Once Lin Yi broke free, it meant that all the previous efforts were wasted.

If it were just this, it wouldn't be a big deal for Du Jiaobing. He was fully confident that he could suppress Lin Yi again. However, with so many people watching on the sidelines, if Lin Yi could break free so easily, he would lose face.

Lightning flashed.

Du Jiaobing decisively used Thunder Bomb, and Lin Yi froze on the spot.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the stands.

Du Jiaobing subconsciously thought that he was being made fun of. To ordinary people, there was nothing wrong with his action.

After all, no matter what, Thunder Bomb was not dodged, and at the current distance between them, he could directly connect with a set of output without wasting the control time of Thunder Bomb.

But in the eyes of those who know the business, he was forced to use Thunder Bomb first, which was already a failure.

Du Jiaobing couldn't help but feel a little angry.

But when he glanced at the stands from the corner of his eye, he saw the new man in a windbreaker who appeared on the stands, and he was immediately refreshed!

Cao Kuang!

The person who came was Cao Kuang, the creator of the series of thunder-related paradigms, who had officially graduated from Tiandao Academy!

Once upon a time, Cao Kuang was also a leading figure in Tiandao Academy. Now he has a higher status. Although he has not yet completely touched the highest level of the Tiandao boss, he is not far away.

Even in the Tiandao Academy camp where there are many masters, they are all well-known and capable generals!

Such a person suddenly appeared in the stands, which would naturally cause a sensation.

The key is that Du Jiaobing is a famous disciple of Cao Kuang!

This disciple is not Cao Kuang's younger brother, but he is the core of his practice, which is the thunder-related paradigm left by Cao Kuang.

Lin Yi is also the same.

In the eyes of everyone, this duel is an absolute civil war among Cao Kuang's disciples. Now Cao Kuang himself is present, which makes this already gimmicky battle between the two new kings even more icing on the cake!

Wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses, Cao Kuang sat in the middle of the stands and became the protagonist of the whole scene.

As for Xiao Tiao who was sitting below the stands, he didn't even look at him.

Everyone couldn't help but whispered when watching this scene.

Xiao Tiao was two years younger than Cao Kuang. According to rumors, Cao Kuang had always looked down on this amazing junior. There were also rumors that he had fought with Xiao Tiao privately and suffered a big loss. There were all kinds of versions, true or false.

However, from the scene in front of him, at least one thing was verified, Cao Kuang's attitude towards Xiao Tiao was indeed average.

Otherwise, with Xiao Tiao's status not lower than his mentor, the two sides would have to say hello when they met.

Xiao Tiao took the initiative to stand up and saluted Cao Kuang.

Cao Kuang pretended not to see.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly complain, is this guy wearing sunglasses because he is blind?

Apart from other things, Cao Kuang's sudden arrival is indeed a huge motivation for Du Jiaobing.

Even if Cao Kuang is not his idol, he is also the goal he strives to pursue.

Since Cao Kuang is rare to be present, he must perform well in front of him today. If he can get the other party's appreciation, it may be a rare opportunity!

Du Jiaobing immediately launched a strong offensive.

His offensive was so fierce that even many senior students were secretly shocked.

Even if they were in Lin Yi's position, it is estimated that at least half of them would suffer at his hands!

Looking at Cao Kuang's expression again, it is obvious that he is also interested.

There are many people who learn his thunder paradigm, but not many can really learn the essence. Looking at Du Jiaobing's posture, it is obvious that he has seen a few tricks.

Cao Kuang pinched his chin and muttered to himself: "It's really interesting. He actually knew that these paradigms of mine are not separate paradigms. When they are taken apart and used, they are a set of unique physical skills."

"Tsk tsk, should we find an opportunity to teach him Thunder Strike?"

Thunder Strike is not a paradigm, but a set of powerful physical skills created by him. Once combined with the thunder paradigm, it can produce an effect of one plus one being far greater than two.

Thunder Strike has contributed greatly to his powerful reputation today.

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