Looking at the history of the entire Zenith Competition, there are many cases of Tiangang Ranking bigwigs falling over, but like today, it is absolutely unprecedented!

But even so, the referee team has no reason to investigate Lin Yi on the spot.

After all, there is no substantial evidence.

In the final analysis, Lin Yi is not a pushover. There is a big guy like Chu Yunfan behind him. It is really not someone who can be touched by just anyone.

But in this situation where everyone is excited, if they really let Lin Yi go, who can guarantee that the situation will not get out of control?

The referee team was in a dilemma for a while.

Looking at the referee's tangled face, Lin Yi couldn't help but laugh a little and reminded: "Can we announce the winner?"


The referee hesitated.

In the preparation area, Jiang Shenzi was very depressed at first, but after seeing this scene, he was immediately relieved.

He just wanted to see Lin Yi lose face!

The match-fixing scandal was not only a way for him to vent his anger, but also greatly reduced the adverse effects of this defeat.

With this incident, most people will soon reach a consensus that his defeat to Lin Yi was not a crime of war, but purely because of the pressure from the mysterious boss behind the scenes, forcing him to accompany Lin Yi to act.

Although this will have some impact on his character as a judge who is not afraid of power, he should choose the lesser of two evils. As long as he continues to develop in this direction, it will be the best result for him, Jiang Shenzi!

Seeing the atmosphere on the scene getting more and more intense, Jiang Shenzi was watching excitedly, and suddenly he felt creepy again.

That mysterious voice came again.

"Go on stage now and admit that everything you said before the game was made up, just to find a reason to put pressure on Lin Yi."

Jiang Shenzi: "..."

If he could not lock the opponent's position, he would definitely fight back in person.

He is pushing his nose to his face, right?

Since it was exposed in public before the game, it means that they have completely torn their faces apart. Now they actually want him to swallow his words in front of tens of thousands of spectators?

Fuck him!

Jiang Shenzi sneered and turned to leave immediately.

Things have developed to this point today. If he leaves, he can not only get away with it, but also make the situation worse.

Another wave of fuel is added to the fire. The referee team can't get off the stage, and Lin Yi can't get off the stage either!

In the end, in order to give an explanation to the audience, the referee team can only bite the bullet and use Lin Yi as the first mover!

Sure enough, seeing Jiang Shenzi's actions, there was a big commotion in the stands.

Jiang Shenzi curled his lips, but before he walked out of the preparation area, the mysterious voice sounded again in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thirty years ago, the demon led the way."

In just eight words, Jiang Shenzi was struck by lightning on the spot.

The next second, Jiang Shenzi suppressed the panic in his heart, walked heavily, turned around and walked onto the ring.

The whole audience fell silent spontaneously upon seeing this.

Whether it was a match-fixing or not, only Jiang Shenzi, the person involved, had the most say!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Shenzi said in a hoarse voice: "What I said before the match just now was all made up by me to put pressure on Lin Yi. It was part of psychological warfare and had nothing to do with match-fixing."

At this moment, the silence was deafening.

Everyone in the stands looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Things have developed to this point, and everyone has taken off their pants. You, as the instigator, come up with this?

In fact, even Lin Yi was stunned at this moment.

Perhaps from the perspective of others, Jiang Shenzi did have the possibility of directing and acting in this, but according to Lin Yi's judgment, the so-called threat from the mysterious boss behind the scenes is likely to be true.

Since he chose to expose it, he must fight to the end.

Especially the scene just now was not a bad thing for Jiang Shenzi.

Now he is doing this again, which is really hard to understand.


Lin Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

After a long time, the referee finally reacted from his confusion and confirmed with a serious face: "Jiang Shenzi, in front of tens of thousands of people, you have to be responsible for every word you say, are you sure?"

Under the attention of the whole audience, Jiang Shenzi gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "It is absolutely true. I am sorry that my psychological warfare has caused trouble to the organizers and everyone."

After speaking, he bowed deeply to the stands.

Everyone was still confused.

The referee said with a dark face: "In this case, I now announce on behalf of the organizers of the Zenith Competition that your qualification for the competition will be permanently cancelled. The door of the Zenith Competition will be closed to you forever from now on, and you can leave."

Jiang Shenzi's eyes turned black and he spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

As one of the most important A-level competitions, the ranking of the Zenith Competition is crucial for anyone who wants to impact the Tiangang Ranking.

He is now directly blacklisted by the Zenith Competition, which basically means that he will never be able to enter the Tiangang Ranking from now on.

For him, this is tantamount to a complete and devastating blow!

However, no one at the scene had any objection to the organizer's behavior.

No matter whether Jiang Shenzi's behavior was his own will or forced, it had a huge impact on the credibility of the Zenith Competition.

If it is not handled properly, the Zenith Competition will even become a synonym for shady match-fixing.

No one can afford the consequences.

Just blacklisting him is already very lenient.

If it is a little more ruthless, the organizer of the event can even send him directly to the disciplinary center to kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

The referee looked at him coldly: "Come on, send him off!"

Two guards came up from the sidelines, one on the left and one on the right, and unceremoniously sandwiched Jiang Shenzi in the middle.

"I'll go by myself!"

Jiang Shenzi looked back at Lin Yi, his eyes full of resentment.

He didn't know who was behind him, and he had already made up his mind to fight to the end no matter what. After all, he had been operating in Tiandaoyuan for so many years, and he was not a small figure without a foundation.

But now, the other party mentioned the past thirty years ago, and he couldn't help but be afraid.

If that thing was revealed, what was waiting for him was not ruin, but a real disaster!

He didn't dare to gamble, so he could only endure it.

"The lucky ones who got in didn't have a good end, you wait."

Jiang Shenzi gritted his teeth and said, then struggled to move forward, but he didn't take two steps before his eyes went black and fell straight in front of him.

The stands were in an uproar.

Could this guy be dead?

Two guards stepped forward to check and confirmed that he was just unconscious. They immediately lifted Jiang Shenzi's arms, one on each side, and dragged him out of the arena like a dead dog.

The whole audience watched this scene. In addition to being angry at being openly played, they also felt sympathetic for a moment.

This is the treatment of a loser.

In this Zenith Competition, although Jiang Shenzi's team made it through the first round and entered the top 16, they lost to Lin Yi today, especially in such a humiliating way. In addition to the bad influence of breaking their promises, it is a foregone conclusion that they will be removed from the Tiangang List. (End of this chapter)

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