S.H.I.E.L.D. mothership.

Projection conference room.

“Such unusual weather! Definitely not a natural phenomenon!! ”

“Weapons! This must be an alien invader’s celestial weapon!! ”

“Can anyone tell me what’s in this pitch black on the satellite image!?”

Strong thunderstorms isolate the transmission of electromagnetic signals.

At present, there is no scientific means to know the specific situation of the city of Newyo.


The stupid parliamentarians made a decision———

“Launch a nuclear bomb immediately!!”

“This can’t be!”

The egg slapped the table and shouted at the congressmen’s projections.

“That’s Manhadun Island, councillors! Unless my group cannot stop them, I will never order the use of nuclear weapons against any civilians! ”

Councillor A blocked? Fury, didn’t you see this satellite image? What did they prevent? ”

Nick Fury: “We can’t make up our minds! This could be Sol’s handiwork. ”

Councilman B: “Sol? The clown who claims to be a god? ”

Congressman C: “Do you think we don’t have his data analysis?” ”

Councilman D303: “Stop your little tricks, Fury.” ”

“Look at this, Congressmen.”

Nick Fury projected “The Battle of New York” and analyzed, “This is the painting of the vice president of the Ghost Spider Club, I guess he has the ability to prophesy, Stark went to him before the signal disappeared, they should have a way.” ”

“Should? Are you counting on a civil organization? ”

Councilman E: “Well, I admit that some guys are secretly supporting this club, but I don’t think they can solve the problem. ”

MP F: “Trust the decisions of Parliament. ”

MP G: “It’s just a notification, Fury. ”


Projection cut-off.

The aggrieved chief immediately received a report from Hill: [Sir, we have an airplane frame to take off! ] It’s an illegal takeoff! With nuclear bombs on it! 】

“Ma Ja Fake!!”

Nick Fury scolded and tried to contact Stark: [Stark! …. Stark? ….. Tony? …. Shett! Damn thunderstorms…..! 】


【Nuclear bomb launched】

The pilot reported.

[Detonated after two minutes and thirty seconds, finished….. Wait a minute….. What is that!? 】


The black palm firmly grasped the nuclear bomb in fast flight, and the white nuclear bomb trembled weakly, and it was impossible to break free …

Ye Li was still receiving a nuclear bomb for the first time, and he also tilted his head with some novelty, “… Dare to drop a nuclear bomb on my head ….. It seems that some people just don’t want to live…..”


The black trench coat was raised, covering the nuclear bomb, and as if by magic, the two disappeared together…

In a white building.

Conference room.

The parliamentarians who had just crossed the order to launch a nuclear bomb gathered around a long table, all with relief…

Finally, there is no need to worry about aliens and destroy the wealth they have worked so hard to accumulate…..

As for those little fart people, let’s be buried together …..

The legacy left by the citizens of Newyo, they can also operate a split scrape, a rare way to get the best of both worlds…

Just as lawmakers are whispering and imagining the future———

Table tennis~! A sound.

A black figure flashed, half-crouched on the conference table, holding a white thing with one hand that was breathing with gas.

“Good afternoon, MPs~

I heard that you like this, I brought it to you, it’s intimate enough, right? ”

Flutter! ——!!

The sound of chairs falling…..

The sound of a hasty escape…..

The sound of a howl for help…..

Finger nasal pain scolding voice…..

It’s a pity it’s too late….. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Under the heat of the nuclear explosion center, everything was burned to ashes …

Except for that demonic black figure…

He was like he was in purgatory, smiling…. Look around and turn into flying ash…

——— all particle movements close to leaf separation are stagnated by absolute zero energy.

Nuclear explosion for him …..

And artillery battles are not much different …

It was with this ability that the energy of the nuclear explosion was firmly confined to this small conference room, miraculously without a trace of radiation leaking out.

Newyo City.

Bang! ——!!

The Thunder Rune shattered.

It’s not that it can’t be maintained, but it turns into two extremely huge thunder dragons and rushes towards the portal!

Compared to the length of the Thunder Dragon, the Leviathan battleship is a small amount.

If it weren’t for the passage of cosmic wormholes, they could have been bigger and thicker…….

The core of the two dragons is none other than Mcholnir and Meow Ball.

After passing through the portal.

They’re intertwined.

Rushing to the Zitari mothership,

Wandering through it,

Cut holes one by one.





Peng!! ——!!!


The Zitari mothership was riddled with holes, and in a violent explosion, it turned into the wreckage of the universe.



The two thunder dragons roared and returned victorious.

The Battle of New York ended.

Urn en~

Nourish ——!!

Jessica also inserted the psychic scepter into the protective cover of the Cosmic Cube, ready to close the wormhole.

The picture freezes in this moment.

Ye Li put away the brush, put it aside, took the bowl of Chinese soup handed by Cindy, and tasted it.

“Oh~ good, where did you learn the craft?”

“It’s Chinatown~.”

There is a police officer named Chen Ying, she…..”

After Cindy finished talking about learning Chinese food today, she turned to look at Ye Li’s new painting and chuckled.

“I kind of regretted not helping, it looked wonderful.

It was that the thunder was a little scary, and the whole sky was dark.

Black spiders are really powerful…. It’s completely different from us, I think he shouldn’t be a spider totem…”.

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