“Well, I take back what I said before, there really isn’t much to do here.”

Tony handed a cone to Strange.

“People who can recognize me want to point a gun at me, but fortunately I run fast.”

Strange took Tony’s cone, but did not answer, he was holding Ye Li’s psychic scepter, looking carefully- “This is magic?” ”

“Maybe it is.

In fact, the essence of magic is also science. ”

Ye Li took the scepter back, “Let’s look at it later.” ”

“What’s wrong?”

Strange just finished asking.

See in the parade.

A white-haired teenager with riffraff Fan walked quickly towards them———

“Stark? Is it really you? It’s hard to believe you dare to come here! ”

“Oh~ here it is again….”

Tony pointed to Pietro and said, “I can go wherever I want.”

Do you want revenge too?

Just for that ridiculous reason?

I’ve had enough.

You should go to the people who use the weapons. ”

“Tony seems to be having an anxiety again…”

Strange leaned over to Ye Li and whispered, “I’ll just say… It’s not reliable to come out and relax…”

The other side.

The black-haired girl stared at the corner of Tony’s eye, occasionally glancing at Ye Liao….

The eyes are a little more complicated…..

Are they together…..

“What do you say? Amusing!? ”

Hear Stark’s words.

Pietro was furious! Striding up, swinging his fist, he was about to beat this executioner———


Tony, however, was deflected head-to-head and easily dodged with the fighting skills Ye Li taught him.

At this point in time, Pietro has not yet been experimented, just a young and strong ordinary person.


Just as Tony smiled triumphantly.

Boom… Boom… Click!

——— saw that many people rushed out of the procession, apparently all rushing to him….


Two fists are hard to fight with four hands.

A certain Iron Man scolded, quickly pressed the bracelet, and wanted to summon the suit.

But it seems to be too far away ….

Nothing happens.

The natural result of this situation is – Stark is pressed into a corner by the passionate crowd …

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Don’t punch in the face.! ”

“Whoosh! You guy!

What are I doing ripping my pants for!? ”

“All right!

I promise not to come to Sokovia anymore! Let me go! ”

It sounds like a miserable cry.


Tony is also smart———

Because of the angle, he beat his main force, mainly Pietro alone.


He could have opened Pietro, and deliberately circled with Pietro to block the excited people behind.


Strange, the friend, moved a little to the side to prove that he had nothing to do with this person~


It’s good that he doesn’t move.

This move.

It caught the attention of the crowd———

“These two people are in the same group as Stark!”

The people who couldn’t hit Stark shifted their gaze and wanted to take Ye Li and Strange as venting targets.

Strange: “…” (I knew it was going to be on the plane, Tony this guy was a bit of a pit….. )

“Ye, it’s up to you.”

I’m going to be beaten when I see it.

Stephen quickly dodged behind Ye Li, at least this person still had a stick in his hand, wasn’t it…

Yes…. Finally it’s time for me to play

Looking at the several mortals rushing up.

Ye Li turned the scepter in his hand, thinking about how to fill the cup, so that he was low-key and not out of character~

“Wait a minute!”

The crisp sound of coquettishness suddenly sounded at this moment——

Accompanied by this girlish voice.

A bunch of black hair fluttered in front of Ye Li, and a few strands of hair were still gently ruffled with the wind~

It makes the tip of his nose a little itchy.

.. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The girl has slender arms outstretched.

The punk ring worn on her little hand adds a bit of sassiness to her beautiful appearance.

Wanda blocked Ye Li and interceded.

“They…. He’s innocent, don’t embarrass him, you guys just go and hit Stark. ”

“Wanda! What are you doing? ”

The victims of Stark’s weapons will not give face to this powerless girl———

“Get out of the way! Otherwise, even you will be beaten! ”

“You guys…..”

See that these people are unreasonable.

The girl’s good-looking amber eyes flickered, gritted her silver teeth, and suddenly turned around and grabbed Ye Li’s wrist.

“Run! ——”

She couldn’t help but say something, so she dragged the man who hadn’t said a word and ran towards a small alley-

This is the most impulsive thing a girl has ever done in her life.

Even Ye Li was a little surprised…..

Fortunately, he did not forget to lose his friend, and before leaving, he stuffed the scepter into Strange’s arms, and explained and shouted——

“Take care, I’ll contact you later!”


Strange helplessly held the scepter and looked at several grudges around him….. Quargued, “I said….. I don’t know either of them, do you believe it? ”

Several people looked at each other a few times———

“Beat him!!”

Boom! ——Wuen~!!

When the big fist was about to fall on poor Strange, it was suddenly bounced off by a faint blue energy shield.

The countershock wave generated also swept out several complainers, and even the people who beat Tony next to him were affected.


Pietro, who beat his head, got up at this time and found that his sister was missing…

“What about my sister?!”

A street vendor watching the play laughed and reminded him, “Pietro, your sister ran away from the alley with the wild man and went to give birth to your little nephew!” Ha ha! ”

The hawker’s words caused laughter from many people around, which made Pietro’s face hot.

He glared at Stark and quickly chased after him from the alley, “Wanda! ——! ”


Tony took this opportunity to quickly run to the energy shield and asked Strange for help.

“Hey, open the door for me! Stephen. ”

“Ah, this…”

Strange hadn’t learned magic yet, so he couldn’t come to this thing, so he had to say helplessly.

“I’m sorry, it’s full here…”

Tony: “?? …..”


Wanda took Ye Li around and ran directly back to the house in one breath, “Come here….. They shouldn’t be catching up…”

Ye Li touched his nose and looked at her…. Wanda in this period, so innocent…..

“That….. Aren’t you afraid I’m a bad person? ”


Wanda seemed to react to some questions at this time, and blushed a little and put her hands over her chest.

“You wouldn’t want to do something bad, would you?”

“I’m just reminding you not to be so naïve.”

Ye Li took out a beautiful rope loop pendant and handed it to her, “Be careful that you will be deceived by the bad guys later.” ”

“I’m not as stupid as you think.”

After Wanda’s mouth hardened, Qian’s finger picked the rope loop and asked him, “What is this?” ”

Ye Li smiled, “The thank you gift you want, it can follow your heart and let you reach the place of your heart.” ”

The key to this rope loop is not the ruby ornament the size of a pigeon’s egg, but the rope loop itself mixed with the silk of the web of fate.

As long as you bless this girl with a spiritual shield, he, the world weaver, can open the portal for her according to her ideas.


Wanda naturally did not take it seriously, chuckled, put his index finger on the rope loop, and turned his hand to drop a few times~

“I thought… You can say something lovely, those guys on the street, always like to occupy like this.

But the things they send are not as beautiful as you~, the people outside are really different…..”

As soon as her slim hand stopped, the rope loop rotated and slipped down to the snow-white wrist~

This is taken tactfully.

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