“Catch her!”:

Three punks rushed out with wooden sticks———

“It’s robbery!”

The girl was startled, shrunk into Ye Li’s arms, and whispered to her younger brother, “Pietro, beat them up!” ”

Obviously, Wanda was not very afraid, after all, she had seen how powerful Ye Li was.

“Oh~ I said that there will definitely be robbery in this partial place, and sure enough, the whole world is the same.”

Pietro rolled up his sleeves and picked up a stick on the ground, eager to pick three.

Hydra soldier, he can’t beat.

But street fighting, he’s doing it.

Ye Li was thinking:

Do you want to try your new tricks?

Those light butterflies are not useless, they are well controlled, and they can easily cut the alloy…

Wrapped in the biological standpoint, the Golden Light Spell added sharpness characteristics in addition to its original toughness properties.


The black mage in the dark made a move at this time.

“Pong!” A few sounds.

Pietro hasn’t had time to show off yet.

The mage approached closely, knocked down the three gangsters with his fists and feet, and saved the three…

Why is it salvation?

———If they wait for Ye to leave, they will be crippled if they are not dead…

“Master Mordo.”

Ye Li nodded politely to the mage.

Mordo: “Master told you about me?” ”


Ye Li told the truth.


Mordo glanced at him silently, his eyes more cautious.

When you become a mage, you eat this unfathomable set.

“Over here, please.”

Mordo stretched out his hand and took the lead to lead Ye Li and several people out of the alley.

When we reached the street outside, the pedestrians became dense again.

Follow Mordo.

Tony glanced at the black back a few times, and then looked at Ye Li…..

Finally, he asked curiously, “It turns out that mages all have to practice martial arts?” Then the martial arts you taught me are also the basic skills of a mage? ”

The head is still quite bright…

Ye Li glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and said, “Well, almost.” ”


Strange was also slightly excited…. Whispered and Ye Li muttered, “This Mordo Mage, was specially sent by Karma Taj to pick you up?” ”

He was thinking: Ye looked so faced, then the matter of learning magic was not stable…

“It’s Karma Taj’s mage, but…. You didn’t come to pick me up…”

Ye Li looked at Strange with deep eyes, “He’s here to pick you up.” ”


Strange pointed to himself a little dumbfounded?

“Why should he?”

Pietro glanced up and down at Strange, the decadent man, and questioned.

“Is he a magical genius? Impossible, right? I think I look more talented than him. ”

“Hey, you!”

Strange was looked down upon by a little fart child, how could he bear it, “When I performed nerve bridging surgery on patients, you were not yet born, young man!” ”

Pietro tilted his head, “Oh, then you are much older than you look, how do you maintain it?” ”

“Okay, shut up!”

Ye Li saw that Karma Taj had arrived, and stopped the two who were still stirring.

Pietro was not convinced, “Why should I listen to you.” ”


Wanda glared at her brother.


Pietro immediately quieted down like a quail.

Mordo pushed open the wooden door, “Come on.” ”

Tony walked in first, “It’s mysterious enough.” ”

.. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Ye Li and the five of them all entered Karma Taj.

Mordo continued to slowly lead the way in front and introduce them.

“This is my teacher’s temple, her name is Koichi.”

“Gu Yi?”

Tony heard the particular name and asked, “Is it your real name?” ”

Mordo glanced at him and did not speak.


Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Tony changed the question again, “Can you take pictures here?” ”


Mordo walked forward without thinking about himself.

Arrived in the atrium.

Strange and the others saw a mage sitting at the coffee table, reading with a book in hand.

This mage was dressed in an oriental robe, which was very mysterious to them.

Except for Ye Li, for a while, several people thought that he was the ancient mage.

“Thankyou (thank you)~”

Wanda took the teacup and thanked him, and several apprentice mages were stepping forward to pour tea for Ye Li and several people.

At this time, Tony was the first to speak to the robed mage Hamill, “Hello Ancient Mage, take the liberty to disturb, my friend wants to learn your spell to heal his hand… Of course, I am also a little interested, and you can also teach me that money is not a problem. ”

“Hey, Tony.”

Strange was afraid that Tony would speak too abruptly, so he quickly pulled him off and reminded, “Someone told me that the problem is not money. ”

Tony shrugged, “Whether that’s true, that’s up to you.” ”

“Ancient Great Mage, my sister also wants to learn magic.”

Pietro also smiled and pleaded with Hamill, “~ Please teach her too, it would be better if you could teach me by the way, hehe…..”

After learning spells, you may be able to be as powerful as a superhero, and you don’t have to be afraid of Stark’s steel suit… Naturally, he also wanted to learn to learn.

“Pietro…..,” the girl cried out, but didn’t say anything about her brother…..

Seeing that the “ancient mage” still did not speak.

Wanda looked at Hamill and pursed her lips, as if she also wanted to open her mouth to plead…

Ye Li pulled her over and greeted a Jingya woman who was pouring tea, “Ancient Mage, don’t come unharmed.” ”

Gu Yi still had that gentle and wise smile, and blinked his eyes interestingly, “The tea is very good, try it.” ”

Strange: “A? ”

Pietro: “Eh? ”


Tony looked at Gu Yi, turned to Hamill, and finally asked Mordo, “Which is…?” ”

Mordu’s originally flat face seemed to be a little unable to hold back a smile, and he nodded to Gu and retreated.

Also retreating was Mage Hamill in robes.

At this moment, it is self-evident who is the ancient one…..

Strange: “…”

Stark: “…”

Pietro: “…”

The three men buckled their toes to the ground, and they were a little embarrassed for a while…

“You always surprise people, leave.”

Gu Yi’s kind gaze swept over Wanda and the others, and he praised with a smile, “It’s all good seedlings…..”


Pietro heard the approval of the ancient mage, and he smiled, “I know that I have excellent qualifications!” ”

He seemed to see it, and he waved his hand to be the appearance of a magic light ~thing~

Furuichi kept smiling, and the folding fan tapped him and continued, “Except for you, child. ”


Pietro’s smile froze…

This kind face of the ancient mage is also too good at making people…

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