“Skye, your program is loaded.” Ye Li pointed to the tech-savvy laptop on the table.

He also has hacking skills now, and can see that Skye’s notebook should be very high.

“Loading complete!” Skye was delighted to see the progress bar on the screen.

However, she scanned her surroundings and felt that it was not safe here, so she put the computer away first.

Well…. Sneaky, what to do… Although Ye Li only glanced at the screen just now, judging from the skills copied from the system, Skye’s hacking skills are very high, which can make her happy, and it is estimated that she has hacked into the database of some secret department.

Scattering all the remaining crumbs to the swans who were grabbing food, Ye Li clapped his hands, “Get out of here first, the wind tells me that this place has been targeted.” ”


Skye also thought that Ye Li had some strange intuition, picked up the computer bag and smiled, “Do artists talk like this?” ”

She didn’t think that she would be targeted when she first joined the “High Tide Organization”.

Otherwise, what kind of department does this have to be so efficient.

“Okay, big artist, don’t be suspicious.”

She grabbed Ye Li’s arm, “Let’s go~ take me to your art exhibition.” ”

“There’s nothing to visit in that place, I have a better place to go~”

Ye Li smiled mysteriously, “That’s where my best works are collected.” ”


Manhattan, Central Park.

In the North Tower, not far from the Stark Building.


The security officer greeted Ye Li, and then operated a few times on a tablet and handed it over, “Your unlock is needed here.” ”

Ye Li took the tablet, which showed a floor that was not open to the public.

After entering some decrypted information, Ye Li took Skye to this floor by elevator.

“Oh~! Oh my God, leave, are these all your works? ”

Skye let out an exclamation as she got out of the elevator.

On this floor are various safety glass cases, including paintings of various sizes and styles, and even some oriental ink works.

Even outsiders like her, who are not very knowledgeable about the market, can see that these paintings are definitely a grade higher than those exhibited at the art exhibition.

“Some of them are my works, some are other masters who collect them.”

Ye Li came to a metal wall and pressed his palm.

The wall is pushed to both sides, revealing a portrait of a person more than one person tall.

On the face, there is a heroic goddess of war, which looks lifelike.

Skye couldn’t help but step forward and caressed the glass that framed her with her hand, “What a masterpiece….. What’s her name? “

Ye Li smiled, “Goddess Athena, one of my famous works. ”


Skye, who was interested in extraordinary things, thought for a moment, “Leave, do you think gods, like those in Greek mythology and Norse mythology, exist?” ”

“I think the so-called gods are just more advanced creatures, such as aliens and the like.”

Ye Li calculated the time, it should not be long before the hammer god Thor’s Myrnir fell.

“Leave, you seem to be a materialist, obviously artists should be romantic.”

“Materialists can’t be romantic?”

Ye Li pushed his hand, and “Goddess Athena” was pushed away, “If you want to find a secret place to start operating your computer, this is a good place.” ”

Inside is a wide space where artistic atmosphere and romance are intertwined, all kinds of fresh grained wood room furniture, a corner of the room, brightly colored paints and various painting utensils, it looks like it has been useless for a while.

He pressed a switch, and the connected window shades automatically opened, and behind the one-way floor-to-ceiling windows, the view of New York was in full view.

“There’s a room inside, which is a surprise.”

Skye was also amazed with admiration – the priceless painting, which was used as a door.

There is a special kind of trench gas.

“Few people know that I’ve only brought Gwen and Jessica here.”

Ye Li invited, “Now I want to add you, come in with me, little assistant.” ”

Under the building.

The figure with long blond hair followed.

Barbara checked the whereabouts monitoring of Ye Li and the two along the way, and found no useful information, “Maybe I shouldn’t follow them, but go directly to investigate the Ghost Spider Club.” ”

She felt that with these two people, she could only eat some dog food.

Also, how unexpectedly strong the wind was today.

Before the operation, I clearly glanced at the weather data.

“Found you.”

Ye Li, who closed his eyes and felt it, opened his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He has already locked the stalking guy through airflow sensing.

It seems that a lesson is about to be taught to her.

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