“The weather is wonderful.”

Ye Li, who went out, just glanced up, and the sky, which was originally a little cumulus, began to change.

Soon the sky was clear and the sun was shining.

“OK, it won’t rain in New York today.”

It’s too tedious to drive four wheels all the time.

Ye Li wanted to change his taste this time.

So he shouted into the courtyard –




With a low chirping sound.

An unmanned motorcycle with a dark style and beautiful arc honked its horn and automatically drove in front of Ye Li.

The roar of the engine emits a cheerful rhythm, as if shouting – ride me! Ride me! Ride me!

Enhanced Rat Charm – Enlightenment.

This handsome motorcycle.

It was Ye Li’s special creation that opened wisdom with a rat spell, which was already a new form of living being.

“Ok, baby, I’ll ride you~”

Ye Li chuckled and sat up, turning the handle.

Do not wear helmets.

He doesn’t need to.

“Hey, Li!”

Director George was finally able to rest today, and was watering flowers at the door, and saw Ye Li riding a motorcycle, greeting with a smile.

“You bought this motorcycle new?” Not cheap! ”


Vernika was blaring, as if annoyed that George measured her in money.

Ye Li pressed the brakes and calmed her, “She is very good, but she has a little temper.” ”


George thought Ye Li was amusing him and laughed, “Haha! Li, you’re so interesting.

However, there are some young men in my bureau who also like to call their beloved cars that. ”

“But I can only drive this old guy.”

He said, looking out into his yard.

There was a police car that had been driving for a short time.

Without contrast, there is no harm.

“George, he’s much more eye-catching than Vernieca.”

Ye Li teased, and rode away——


Wait for the leaves to leave far.

George reacted and scolded with a smile, “Good boy, dare to say that about me!” ”

A gentle breeze brushes your cheeks, the air smells a little sea, and the waves crash on the shore.

The sea and sky scenery are connected.

Dirt ——

Ye Li rode Verica at a gallop, and soon stopped by the sea where there was a luxury villa, honking his horn to remind a certain guy that he had arrived.

Ah, it is naturally impossible to drive a motorcycle so fast, but he can use charms to cheat.

Dirt ——

Ye Li pressed a few times, then stopped honking the horn and let Vernika call automatically.

He himself reclined in his chair and took out his phone to swipe the short video.

Big data intimately recommended him hot beauty dance videos, cool video content, and cool sea breeze.

But the level of hot dancing… Ye Li’s evaluation is average, not as good as Gwen and their dancing.

Dirt ——

[Sir, someone is visiting].

[After checking the information, confirm that it is Mr. Ye Li and have your invitation record].

Stark rolled over, still snoring, and didn’t hear Jarvis’s announcement.

Next to her was a woman with dyed blonde hair, clean and slippery, draped only in a white sheet.


JARVIS: [Sir].


Tony was finally woken up and rubbed his head to get up, “Shouldn’t the rest day be a pleasant communication with beautiful women?” ”

“Which guy came to visit me early in the morning?”

JARVIS: [Sir, it’s 9:43].

“It’s still early, isn’t it?”

Although Stark said this, since he was already awake, he still got up.

“Someone coming to visit you?”

The sexy girl next to her had also woken up, and then smiled at Tony with her arms around the sheets, “I guess it must be which lady~”

Christina is a well-known journalist.

So she knows.

With the personality of “Iron Man” Tony Stark.

He doesn’t have many really good friends.

Will come at this time, it is more likely to be a beauty who has an affair with him~

But she was immediately punched in the face by Jarvis.

It repeated the report again: “Sir, it’s Mr. Ye Li, he has your invitation permission.”

“It’s him, O-”

Tony gave a punch and ordered, “Justice, call the doorway surveillance.” ”

On the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room facing the sea, the picture of the doorway is immediately displayed, and there is also a sound.

Dirt ——!

Vernika, who stopped in the doorway, screamed loudly, and the leaf on her seat was gone.


Tony: “Jarvis, don’t tell me, it’s a motorcycle that’s visiting, although it’s cool.” ”

[Sir, just twelve seconds ago, Mr. Ye Li has been invited by Ms. Pepper to enter, and is now waiting in the living room, Ms. Pepper is entertaining].

On the glass window display, the picture turns.

There was a scene of Ye Li and Pepper chatting face to face again, and they seemed to be chatting quite closely.

“Okay, I’ll go right over.”

Tony walked out of the room and went to another room to get dressed.

“Hey, Tony!”

Christina, who was thrown in place, rummaged through and found that her clothes could not be found.

She had to put on a shirt that Stark had thrown here over her underwear.

“Leaf: Away…”

Christina remembered the name –

Although Ye Li is not as well-known as Tony Stark, he has a lot of fame in the celebrity circle because of his hobby of painting beautiful women.

So she also walked out curiously, reporter, not too much material.


“Tony still sleeping?”

Ye Li took the coffee handed over by Pepper and did not rush to drink it, “He is like this every day?” I’ve heard people say he’s a workaholic. ”


Pepper sat down across from him and chatted with him, “Like last night, he met a beautiful reporter from Vanity Fair, so he’ll be up a little late today.” ”

“Oh, then I guess he should be getting up now.”

Ye Li complimented politely, “Ms. Pepper, with a caring beauty like you around, I think Tony should cherish it, instead of just finding some random women to have a one-night stand.” ”

Pepper felt sour in his heart, hiding a wry smile with a smile.

“I’m just a housekeeper and assistant fetching dry-cleaned clothes for the women Tony brought back.

And then…… Sweep the trash out of the door. ”


Ye Li raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that Pepper has a lot of resentment towards Stark and the woman he brought back…

Well…… This must not give Tony an arch fire?

“The assistant is good.”

Ye Li continued to chat, “I also have a little assistant, she is very beautiful, very smart, and most importantly, has a dexterous little mouth ~ very clingy ~”


Pepper didn’t hear that Ye Li was secretly driving Skye’s car, and he was a little envious of this intimacy.

However, she didn’t show it on her face, and maintained a smile and said, “It seems that Mr. Ye Li is also very amorous~ It should be very good at pleasing women, right?” ”

Asked by Pepper.

Ye Li was also not embarrassed, and asked with a smile, “Then did I please you?” Ms. Pepper. ”

It’s not that he’s interesting to Pepper, it’s just ordinary little jokes, enliven the atmosphere of the chat.

Pepper was still young during this period.

“Of course ~ Mr. Ye, you are very graceful, I don’t think many women will refuse you.”

Pepper is the same, just kidding~

After all, Ye Li is talented and complete, and she also has a good impression of perception, so she doesn’t mind teasing him for a couple of words.

“Mr. Ye is very accomplished artistically, and recently Jackson Pollock has a new work…”

Pepper found a topic to chat with Ye Li, “It’s his masterpiece “Spring” series, what do you think?” ”

“The painting is not bad, but the list price overflows too much, the appreciation space is very small, and it is not recommended to buy.”

Ye Li chatted with Pepper with a pleasant face, but he was a little impatient in his heart——


[Tony, this guy, why don’t you get out of here?] 〕

[Yadi urges me to come over every day].

[I came, and I ended up playing with women there].

Ye Li somewhat understood Pepper’s resentment… It is indeed quite difficult to take care of Tony’s style of life.

In the comics, it seems that Pepper was soaked away by Tony’s bodyguard Harpy, and even got married later….

“Mr. Ye?”

Pepper reminds: “The coffee is going to be cold. ”

“Okay, thanks for the reminder.” The coffee cup was not as big as the palm of his hand, so Ye Li dried directly in one breath.

And at this time.

The grinding Tony finally came down, “Hey, Li, you like to drink like that too?” ”

“Tony, did the Vanity Fair female reporter keep you entertained.”

Ye Li put down the coffee cup, “Do you want to learn martial arts with me, or do you want to learn some special martial arts with her.” ”

“Li, you’re like a jealous little woman now.”

Tony sat down on the couch and spread his hands, “She can’t teach me yet.” In fact, it should be me teaching her. ”

Ye Li glanced at him, “When do you plan to start training?” I can’t wait to punch you in the face. ”

“Tony? Tony? ”

At this time, someone came over again, still shouting Tony’s name in his mouth.

“Oh! Tony, I’m sorry~”

After Christina found the three people in the living room, she said apologetically, “I’m not familiar with this place, are you talking about important things?” Do you need me to recuse myself? ”

“It’s okay, just chatting.”

Tony said indifferently, “You can come and sit for a while, wait a while before leaving, I have prepared a special car for you to wait.” ”

Ye Li looked at Christina, mainly curious to see what the girl Tony had just slept with last night was like.

Blonde hair with black hair – not Gwen’s natural hair color, it is obvious from the black hair roots that it is dye.

He wore only a dark red men’s shirt—it was supposed to be Stark’s.

Seeing Ye Li staring at her, Christina deliberately made a sultry gesture and walked towards this side.

As she walked, the black sexy lingerie inside her shirt was clearly visible, as if she was deliberately showing her figure to the two men in the living room~

Mainly, it is still shown to Ye Li.

Christina could hear from Tony’s words just now, and this was to kick her out after playing.

So she took Ye Li as a new target and sat next to him, biting her fingers from time to time to look cute.

Ye Li looked at Christina, who came to his side like this, and secretly evaluated——

The figure is okay, quite hooking~

At first glance, the face is also okay.

But look at it a little more….

Forget it…….

Not his dish.


PS, big PS: Kneel and beg Yanzu to subscribe after they are on the shelves.

The book is finally going to hit the shelves (in fact, it can be on the shelves before this chapter is posted, but the fawn is a newcomer and posted without paying attention, haha).

As for the mood, it is still more apprehensive, because this is the first book written by the deer to hit the shelves.

I don’t understand a lot of things, so I don’t know how many people are reading this book.

However, I can see the support of some Yanzu, which gives me the motivation to write.

In short, there is not much to say, thank you readers for their support, I hope to subscribe to it, and thank you to the editors who have been giving suggestions, and the group friends who answer new questions in the group.

The auditors are also hard, and they always have to be audited……. Ahem, some chapters.

Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, comments, etc. for help…. (I don’t know if these are still useful after they are on the shelf, learn to ask for it, hehe)

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