Since the client is a lawyer….

Ye Li speculated.

That should be to entrust Jessica to find some evidence in a certain case…

Good villains are no longer a commission to catch mistresses…

A lawyer is already a rare customer for Jessica’s detective agency.

After all, no one knows that the girl who opened this detective agency is actually a superhero female knight.

Because the people who live in this neighborhood are numb people with decadent lives, they don’t pay much attention to the news.

And when in the detective agency.

Jessica wears a beret and flat-lit glasses.

It’s called dressing up in disguise.

Ye Li tried the tone of the detective style~

Memories in the mind.

Oh no…

Think back———

At that time, I thought she was just interested

I didn’t expect to have just returned from the detective agency….

Let Jessica try again tonight…

Tuk tuk –


There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Ye Li said casually, “The door is unlocked.” ”

Outside the door.


Matt Murdoch (Daredevil) stopped knocking on the door.

How is it a man’s voice…?

As a street hero who has been against Kim for a long time.

After Kim put himself in jail, Matt felt like it was an opportunity.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to collect evidence of Kim and commit crimes and send Kim to real prison.

And not the fake prison that Kim built himself.


Jessica, who came here to open the detective agency, caught Murdoch’s attention.

He detects Jessica’s identity as a superhero.

Compared to him, Daredevil, who is only famous in the Hell’s Kitchen area,

The popularity of the female knight on the Internet during this time is very high.

This made Matt think of coming to visit, maybe the other party could help Jinhe’s affairs.

But what’s going on with this man’s voice now?

A newly recruited assistant?

But this sound ….

It doesn’t sound like a mess either.

Daredevil is blind, but his other senses are keen.

He could hear the confidence and indifference in Ye Li’s tone.

These thoughts flashed through for a moment.

The next moment.

Matt pressed the doubt first, pushed the door and walked in.

Ye Li looked at one 04.


This red tights.

He instantly concluded –

——DD…. Daredevil.

Ye Li still has an impression of Daredevil, a superhero.

Marvel Super Heroes.

There are many heroes who are quite miserable, always abused by the enemy, and lose a loved one at every turn.

And Daredevil Matt Murdoch is one of the best.

He himself was always abused by Kim and his men.

Successive girlfriends were also kidnapped by the opponent’s bullseye in turn, and it was normal for a girlfriend to die twice in three days, and those who did not die also went crazy into a mental hospital.

There is a heroine named Karen Page in the Daredevil story, who was originally Murdoch’s secretary.

After she broke up with Murdoch, she even became a romantic action movie actor…

I don’t know if I’m going to the sea now.

It can be said.

Ye Li wants to live.

On Daredevil –

Quite the opposite manifested …

This guy can be so miserable, and he also has the ability.

“Hello sir.”

Ye Li folded his legs, looking unattentive to Murdoch.

“Jessica has something, I am her brother, Ye Li, meet you on her behalf.

Do you have a commission? ”

It turned out to be the older brother….. It doesn’t look like a biological siblings…

Matt shook his head at Ye Li, “What I want to talk about, ordinary people still don’t want to know, you should also know the identity of your sister.” ”

He didn’t want to involve ordinary people.

But someone, I don’t want to be a good sister and get involved with the guy in the future “League of Defenders”.

“Then you should also know…”

Ye Li scoffed, “Jessica is just a high school student who is still in school ———.

Her status as a superhero influences your thinking, Daredevil. ”


Ye Li said this.

Poured cold water on Murdoch’s head –

Oh, yes……

How can you involve a high school student.

She was just a child.

It was indeed neglected to do this…

It is one thing for a female knight to voluntarily preach justice.

He came to find someone, and it was another matter.

I think that the brother of this female knight is also very unhappy that his sister risked being a superhero…

Thinking of the older brother of the female knight in front of him.

Matt sincerely apologized to Ye Li: “Sorry, it was my negligence.

You told her that I had canceled the meeting. ”

After apologizing to Ye Li.

Matt was a little ashamed of his negligence, embarrassed to stay here, and turned around to leave.

But the next moment.

His steps suddenly stopped.

“…. Someone is eyeing here, it is rapidly approaching, and there are more than a group of people…”

Matt pulled out his double-flowered red stick and flicked a stick, “It may be coming at me, Mr. Ye, you’d better hide first.” ”

His super hearing can hear sounds from several nearby blocks, and naturally he can spot special movements.

Ye Li sat in place without moving, his brows furrowed slightly…..

He was thinking about how to torture a person…

[Detected Jessica Ye’s enemy of fate, the purple Zebdiakirkev]

The man in the red tights…

The blond figure crouched on an abandoned floor, using a telescope embedded with a detection lens, looking in the direction of the detective agency.

…. It should be the area of Hell’s Kitchen, the Daredevil who fights criminals.

Barbara thought to herself, taking out a fried chicken leg from the family bucket at her feet and stuffing it into her mouth.

When she finally caught Ye Li without a girl beside her, she felt that this was an opportunity to get closer, so she followed.

But I didn’t expect that he would come to the vicinity of Hell’s Kitchen.

Feeling that there was something secret, she distanced herself and secretly observed here.

Sure enough.

Soon saw the scene of Daredevil coming to the door.

What does he do when he meets Daredevil, trying to recruit new superheroes for the club?

Hmph, there may be a big problem with this…

As the club grew bigger and stronger, coupled with the popularity of several Gwen superhero members online.

Nick Fury is now paying a lot of attention to [Ghost Spider Club].

And Barbara’s task naturally became heavier.

She is responsible for investigating the ghost spider, contacting Jessica, investigating the black cat, contacting Cindy, befriending Skye, investigating Ye Li… And so on.

As soon as she thought of this, Barbara was angry –

Damn Fury!

I don’t know if I need help now, and I don’t send Natasha over, what are I doing…

Her silver teeth bit the chicken leg, and the fried chicken bones were all bitten off together – and the hateful Hill, who would be loaded in the newsletter all day! Have the ability to come to the club to investigate, that pair of long legs, Ye Li will definitely like it… Well?

And who are these people?

Barbara was thinking about how to pull Hill into the water when she saw a group of people quickly approaching the detective agency.

She paused as she chewed fried chicken legs in her mouth, activated the detection lens in front of the telescope, and locked on the leader of the crowd.


After analyzing the detection lens of facial information, the data was called up in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database –

[The super criminal Purple Man Zebdiakirkgrave, who has hypnotic manipulation capabilities, can control hundreds of people on a large scale… Has committed many crimes such as strong female cadre, Che Lun female cadre female…] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Is it the notorious perverted purple man?

Barbara, who is also a woman, couldn’t help but shiver.

Although she has some resistance to mental abilities after training, she still feels jealous of purple people.

In a sense.

This is a very dangerous character.

And I heard that …..

Purple people are not only interested in women ….


That Mr. Ye Li is very dangerous…

Barbara began to think: should I inform Gwen about them…


Let the bureau send someone to support, you can sell personal favors…

That Daredevil is still in the house, can he deal with the purple man…

Think of the end.

Barbara still chose to let S.H.I.E.L.D. send someone to take a look, while she waited and watched, ready to strike or notify Gwen of them.

Make a few preparations, foolproof!


It is the quality of a professional agent!

While Barbara was proud, her thin fingers reached out into the bucket of the whole family, and she took out a chicken rice flower and put it in her mouth——

The slight chewing sound of “clicking” sounded from floor to floor…

“A little scorched…

Well… I won’t buy this one next time. ”

“This is it….

My little beauty~”

Weird in purple suit.

Shuttling through the crowd on the street, he came to the door of the detective agency in an upright manner.

Its skin is also purple.

He was also followed by a group of people with live ammunition.

But pedestrians on the street turned a blind eye to these anomalies, as if they did not see them.

If you look closely, you can find out.

Pedestrians passing by by purple people will be in a trance for a while, and will return to normal when they are far away.

And those who hold guns around it also have wooden eyes in their eyes, obviously controlled by hypnosis.

“I’m coming~”

Kilgrave heard that the owner of this newly opened detective agency was a superb little beauty, so he hypnotized a group of subordinates and rushed over.

The purple man has used his hypnotic ability to humiliate many women he fancy.

He believes that this time this one will be no exception.

“It’s a pity, if you want to blame, blame it…. You are too far from heaven and too close to Hell’s Kitchen. ”

Seeing that the door was unlocked, Kilgrave smiled and pushed it open, ready to welcome his new plaything –

It’s just that.

As soon as he wanted to make a move, he noticed someone behind the door.

Immediately, he took a few steps back, allowing the hypnotic subordinates to block him.

The next moment.

The door was pushed open by an arm wrapped in red tights, revealing Murdoch holding two sticks behind the door.

“Purple Man?”

“Night Devil?”

The purple man stepped back some distance, allowing more people to cover in front of him, “Daredevil! How could you be here! ”

Kilgrave has a reason for being wary of Murdoch.

His hypnotic ability is not effective for everyone.

Strong-willed people, and people with different physiology from ordinary people, can resist his mental manipulation.

And Daredevil is not only determined, but also has a different echo sensory system from ordinary people, but is in the ranks of people who can resist Kilgrave’s ability.

Why am I here?

Matt was a little puzzled by the purple man’s words, didn’t he rush himself?

However, the lawyer’s quick thinking made him quickly think of the reason –


The purple man is the color demon among the super criminals…

He may not know the identity of the female knight, thinking that she is just a beautiful detective girl…

After Matt figured it out, he didn’t choose to leave.

Fighting criminals is what he has been doing.

A red stick in his hand flicked, and it was instantly divided into two sections, which were connected by steel wires.

The stick is thrown and retracted with precision, and each time it can entangle a firearm and pull it back, or directly knock it down.

Kilgrave’s face was fierce, and he also manipulated the gunmen around him to fire at Murdoch –

The gunfire is endless!

Can’t control, can’t play physics attack 170 hits?

Matt’s sensitive echo senses allow him to avoid bullets in advance through sound.


On Kilgrave’s side, there are too many people and there is plenty of firepower.

Now it is not Daredevil’s night nightfall, which makes Murdoch also very difficult.

It was hard to seize the opportunity to attack.

The purple man used a human shield to resist!

Daredevil’s principle of not killing made him very restrained…

Ye Li was in no hurry to make a move in the house, and when he saw Daredevil’s performance, he was also speechless.

Put yourself in chains

No wonder it’s always brutalized by villains


Kilgrave, seeing that his side was gaining the upper hand, began to shout—”You rat in the night! There’s no place for you during the day! ”

Yo he, and the dog barked

Ye Li also saw enough, and pressed his finger on the black bracelet (fourth sound)——

The black ring swirled.

Turned on the wrist~

The figure was on the seat and disappeared in an instant.

The information isolation function of the bracelet makes his disappearance unnoticed, even if it is the perception of Daredevil.



The clouds above the detective agency burst into a void!

A metal object like a cocoon fell at great speed –

With the sound of “clicking” wings spreading, the fans on the wings whistled!

This is naturally the [Vulture Vulture] summoned by Ye Li

“What’s going on again?!”

Kilgrave also spotted the birdman who pounced in the air and immediately controlled the people around him to fire into the air!

Ring the bell! Ring the bell!

After the vulture armor was strengthened by Ye Li with the rat charm, its strength has reached the level of being able to beat Tony.

These bullets fired by the gunmen with gangster firearms could not break through the closed metal wing defense.

And Kilgrave also tried to use his ability to control vultures, but found it completely ineffective…

Yes, not resisted like Daredevil.

It’s completely ineffective!

The other party seems to be an emotionless puppet…

So he just watched, and the pair of huge silver steel claws got closer and closer to him-


The purple man was unwilling to manipulate the people around him to lean over and protect him, wanting to make the other party have some scruples!

But the metal claws mercilessly penetrated his shoulders and pierced him along with his flesh shield!

The vulture then locked Kilgrave’s lute bone with its paws, soared into the sky again and flew into the distance——— flickering ~

Leaving Murdoch with a confused look…

Who is this person?


Mention it here.

About some Yanzu said that the timeline is not right –

The author knows, and on purpose (funny)

There is no big impact on the timing of the plot points, and adjustments will definitely be made for the plot of this book.

Don’t go into too much detail.

It’s a parallel universe.

Anyway, there are so many Marvel universes that aren’t, hehe.

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