Ye Li and Stark took it and began to look through it at the same time.

Well…. Except for the name, the information is basically the same, that is, I want to hire two people as advisers to S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Have you read it, Li.”

Tony, who had finished reading it, handed the information in his hand to Ye Lidao, “Let’s take a look?” ”

“Ah, good.”

Ye Li readily agreed, exchanging information with Tony and looking:

Nick Fury: “…”(Can you respect our secrecy…) )

“Ahem! Since you’ve read it….”

Nick Fury pulled the information back from the two guys and asked in a long story short, “What thoughts?” ”

“You can’t afford me.”

Tony spoke first, spread his hands and said, “But I just need someone to do me a small favor, Washington is going to award me and Rhodes, and I am willing to use my contract fee to let you help me hire an award presenter.” ”

Iron Man’s implication is that he reluctantly agreed to the non-binding position of advisor.

Nick Fury nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at the remaining Ye Li, “That Mr. Ye?” ”


Ye Li flatly refused, “I won’t be for the snake… S.H.I.E.L.D. work. ”

Nick Fury: “Just consultants. ”

Ye Li: “That’s also a position, isn’t it?” ”

“But I can…”

Ye leaned back a little, opened his arms, and said with a light smile, “As the vice president of the Ghost Spider Club, cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. in some aspects, the kind that is beneficial to both parties, win-win~”


Nick Fury was silent for a while, and finally let out a turbid breath and nodded, “Okay…. Since Vice President Ye is unwilling…. Then we will do it in a cooperative way. ”

With the current influence of the Ghost Spider Club, the brine director still didn’t want to give up his friendship and chose to retreat to the second.

“Well, I guess we need a liaison on both sides…”

Ye Li stood up, put his hand on Barbara’s shoulder and smiled, “I recommend two candidates, Ms. Barbara from our club, and your S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Natasha, who happen to have already met.” ”

Nick Fury: “…” (I’ve been silenced a bit much today…) )

Although he also thought so.


Ye Ligang finished speaking, and did not want to work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just turn around and let the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. work for the Ghost Spider Club…

It’s so detrimental…

S.H.I.E.L.D., the Secret Service Resting Base.

“Natasha, you don’t know, it’s so bad that you actually took me to see the bureau… Hey? What happened to you? ”

Barbara was talking, when she saw Natasha put her hand under the faucet, rinsing all the time…

Could it be…

Barbara had a guess on her mind, she had seen some rookie agents behave like this before.

That’s because —

After they killed people, their hands were stained with blood.

Under the lack of psychological tolerance, he suffered from mental illness and often hallucinations.

They thought that the blood on their hands had not been washed away, so they kept washing there, and even washed the skin…


How could such a problem arise with such a seasoned agent as Natasha…

Could it be that she had killed someone who made her feel remorseful?

Come to think of it.

Barbara stepped forward and patted Natasha on the shoulder and comforted, “Natasha, forget about it, it’s nothing…. That’s what we do as agents ….. There are some things that we can’t decide on our own…”


She did leave a shadow….

But not the kind of shadow that Barbara’s brain makes…

She has a stain on her hands, not red ….

It’s white…

The more Natasha thought about it, the more angry she became.

“It’s not all to blame for your departure, I can’t help but want to wash my hands when I see him now!” ”

“Huh? Why? ”

Although Barbara did not know the cause and effect relationship, she reminded her, “But in the future, you will have to contact the Ghost Spider Club on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., which Fury decided.” ”

Natasha:??? (Wouldn’t that mean to see that guy often?) )

“Brother, why are you looking at me like this?”

Matilda sat obediently in front of Ye Li, shaking her legs and seeing her brother staring at her.

Ye Li remembered one thing – it seemed that Matilda had grown up and was the appearance of the goddess of thunder…

That’s not okay.

It’s not that he thinks Jane Foster is ugly.

Just compared to the goddess Thor.

Or the young Matilda is even more amazing.

Europeans and Americans are really younger and more beautiful…

He decided to wait for Matilda to grow up again and use the power of the spell to keep her appearance…

But not until then.

In fact, there is a relatively simple way.

With the experimental data of Bronsky, the guinea pig.

Super soldier serum can already be used for civilian use in small doses, and the injection is not so painful.

Ye Li said with a serious face, “Matilda, do you want to become stronger? ”

Matilda thought of her murdered family, didn’t think much about it, and immediately nodded, “Think!” ”

“Good, I’ll take you to a place.”

Ye Li called the research institute: [Arrange an injection, a small dose, the strength does not matter, the important thing is not to hurt too much, you know?] 】

The person in charge of the institute respectfully said: [Okay BOOS, I will arrange]

Didi Da Da –

Tick Tick –

It was raining heavily outside the compound.

Thought about it.

Ye Li did not choose to let the rain stop.

It’s always going to rain.

He took Matilda and got into the modified car that he hadn’t driven in a while.

The car had previously driven to Stark’s house, and was remodeled again by Tony and Ethan, making it more durable, but Ye Li did not choose to enlighten it.

Tweet —

Vernica in the garage barked twice and wanted to hang out too.

Ye Li started the car engine and shouted to her, “Vernieca, if you want to breathe, follow and follow behind the car.” ”


Vernika exclaimed happily and followed Ye Li in the heavy rain.

Matilda leaned curiously at the car window, she couldn’t figure out how Vernika drove it herself.

Ye Li glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled.

Others walk pets, he rides motorcycles.

[Detected Gwensdacy’s enemy of fate, Dr. Octopus Otto Gunther Octavis]

biubiu! biubiubiubiu

The red light traces the asphalt road, splattering debris——!

“My God, New York is getting messier.”

Ye Li stepped on the brakes under his feet.

Looking at the four mechanical tentacles that were raging madly not far ahead, he was also speechless.

Last time, because I wanted to live with Felicia, I didn’t face Dr. Octopus.

Unexpectedly, this time Otto ran out again to cause damage, and directly hit him in the face.


A passerby who was fleeing suddenly pointed to the sky in surprise and shouted, “It’s a ghost spider!” We are saved! ”

Looking at the peripheral hat of Ghost Spider 1ogo printed on his head, you can tell that this is a ghost spider powder.


The powerful long legs wrapped in black streaked through the rain curtain, kicking open the mechanical tentacles that were about to grab passers-by-

Gwen shrunk and spun in a flexible circle in the air, dissolving the reaction force of this kick.

And then another kick – boom!

And that’s not the end of it.


She shot out, grabbed the retreating Dr. Octopus, and pulled it over again——!

Another kick – boom!

Otto:?? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He was stunned by this set of combos.

Matilda looked at the car dumbfounded, “It’s amazing…. Like the people in the anime…..”

Ye Li is also pleasing to the eye, but this head sent to the door can’t be robbed by Gwen.


The dark clouds in the sky began to spin into a whirlpool, and black cumulus tornadoes mixed with lightning probed down, wrapped around Dr. Octopus and rolled towards the sky———

The thunder condensed and struck Dr. Octopus with precision, and the rumbling thunder covered his screams.

“Ah! It’s a tornado! ”

“The criminal has been punished by heaven!”

“Did God punish him?”

Pedestrians have been filmed with cameras, believing that this video will go viral online for a long time.

And in the S.H.I.E.L.D. archival records after that, it is speculated that this incident may be the handwriting of Daisy Johnson.

After all, according to the intelligence provided by Agent Barbara before, Skye is likely to hide the ability to manipulate celestial phenomena, and is a backbone member of the club, it is not surprising that he will help the ghost spider behind his back…

“What’s going on?”

Under the action of spider induction.

Gwen had long avoided it.

She looked at the dark clouds that retracted after rolling Dr. Octopus into the sky, and felt incredible, “Such a precise target for octopus people is definitely not a normal natural phenomenon… Does anyone still have the power to manipulate nature? ”

[You defeated Gwensdaisy’s enemy of fate, and as her relative, you can choose one of the following rewards]

[1. Monetary reward: one million US dollars]

[2. Random reward: absolute zero degree of ice energy (slowing down atomic vibration, water molecule manipulation)]

[3. Slave Reward: Transform Otto Gunther Octavius and obtain an absolutely loyal subordinate]

Wow~ After so long, something good finally came out again

Of course, Ye Li chose [Two] and immediately tried this ability———


That’s right, stagnation, not freezing … The area that is absolutely frozen seems to have been stopped.

In addition to the microscopic quantum realm.

Any movement that enters the sphere of ability is immediately stopped…

Ye Li could even feel that as long as he wanted to, this ability could quickly freeze an entire planet…

But now, this range of absolute zero has only spread a little, and it has been controlled.

He will not be idle and freeze the earth.

Find out the strongest effect of this ice power.

Ye Li ended the experiment.

The sphere field contracted instantly, and the scorched corpse and the fragments of the robotic arm that were stagnant fell down again——


The car that had stalled was restarted.

Ye Li did not say hello to Gwen and drove towards the research institute.


Matilda, the co-pilot, said heeche, “‘~ After I get the injection, will I be as good as her?” ”

“It’s not that powerful.”

Ye Li didn’t discourage the girl’s enthusiasm too much, and drew a big cake, “However, it’s not bad.” ”

Good villains are also the same as Captain America.

There are still cards.

Institute injection room.

【Injection preparation start】

[Normal heart rate, normal blood analysis…]


Matilda’s small hand nervously held Ye Li, after all, she was only a girl in her early teens, and she was still afraid of injections…

“It’s okay, now the injection is fast.”

Ye Li stroked Matilda’s palm with his palm, giving her gentle comfort, “After the injection, it doesn’t matter if you want to smoke cigarettes.” ”


The researcher on the side listened strangely, comforting the little girl that she shouldn’t say lollipops or something…


With needle insertion.

Matilda let out a cry of pain, but because she was often beaten, it was not so unbearable.

The power of the serum began to rapidly transform her body, allowing her lifespan to grow rapidly…

A few hours later.

Ghost Spider Club, yoga room.

“Leave, you’re not teasing me, are you?”

Barbara finished her yoga exercises, looked at Matilda, and said suspiciously, “You want me to teach her?” ”

This girl looks to be in her early teens…. Away from this ….. Also to train agents from an early age?

Ye Li asked the girl who was being led by him for advice, “Do you want to learn?” Mathilda. ”

Matilda’s gaze was firm, “Think! I want to learn to fight! ”

If she can become as powerful as a superhero, she wants to protect the weak in the slums…

“It’s not a fight, girl.”

Barbara frightened Matilda, “It’s a fighting technique, and sometimes it kills.” ”

“Okay, don’t bluff her.”

Ye Li clapped and decided, “Teach slowly on the road.” ”

“On the road?”

Barbara wondered, “Where are you going?” ”

Ye Li: “Beautiful Paradise, New Mexico, my personal bodyguard lady~”

…. (Good King Good)

New Mexico

At night.

Highway refueling stations.


A black car, a car that has been modified so that the model cannot be seen, plus a motorcycle, slowly stops.

“Leave, your car is so cool!”

Barbara happily got down from Vernieca’s seat, and just now she tried a self-driving frenzy, which didn’t feel too exciting.

“You take your time, be careful of being thrown out by Vernica.”

The door of the modified car opens.

Ye Li walked down with Matilda.

He pumped the gas gun and fed Vernieka oil.

Dirt ——!

Vernika honked the horn, she only liked to let Ye Li pump oil.

“I want to buy some doughnuts.”

Coulson got down from his Aegis bus, walked to Ye Li and drew a gas gun, and chatted, “Mr. Ye, do you want to buy something?” ”

Ye Li asked the girl who was looking at the wilderness, “Matilda, do you want to eat doughnuts?” ”

Matilda nodded, then pleaded, “Can I buy some cigarettes?” ”

Hearing this, Coulson smiled and kindly taught the delicate-faced girl, “It’s not good to smoke at such a young age.” ”

Matilda looked at him and felt that this uncle looked quite kind, especially the almost bald head…….

Ye Li touched his sister’s head with his palm and explained to Coulson, “Matilda’s current physique, it doesn’t matter if you want to smoke a little.” ”

“Physique stroke?”

Coulson felt that the intelligence had been sent to the door, and asked curiously, “What physique?” ”

“You want to see it?”

Ye Li said to the little sister nonchalantly, “Let Agent Coulson see it, Matilda.” ”


Matilda took out a coin, but hesitated, and seemed a little reluctant…..

Ye Li smiled and said, “Don’t care, it’s only twenty-five cents.” ”

“Good…. Brother, I’ll come on…..”

Matilda no longer hesitated, placed the coin between her slender index finger and thumb, and with two fingers, the coin was easily bent down….

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