“Oh…. That’s sorry, Koichi…. My business may make you be toyed with~”

Ye Li said in a light tone, “Can you use your green one to help me see the exact time when the demon lun descended into this universe?” I’ve had induction lately, but I’m not sure when. ”

The Supreme Mage smiled, there was a hint of cunning, and asked rhetorically, “Why should I help you?” ”

“To help me is to help you.”

Ye Li smiled confidently.

“You may not believe it.

My spider sense is special…. I always sense something inexplicable.

Like what…. My relationship with you in the future is not shallow… At least a deep friend, isn’t it? ”

Furuichi smiled and nodded, did not refute, wiped the fan on his face, and his face changed back to the appearance of an elder.

“Kid, the answer you want is on June 1st.”


Ye Li choked on Children’s Day, “Cough…. One!? ”

He wanted to ask again.

But a playful Supreme Mage had already opened a portal behind him, took a step back and left.

Ye Li was not interested in going to Karma Taj as a guest for the time being, and he stood in place and thought about it…

June 1st?

Is this true, or is Furuichi skinning with him?

Well…… According to the urine nature of the Supreme Mage, it may be both true and incidental …

No way…. When Stephen becomes the Supreme Mage, I have to educate him well, but I can’t be so skinny…


Felicia slept soundly, the cat ears on her head trembled, and the snow-white fluff on the tip of her ears tickled Ye Li’s chin a little, making him reach out and stroke the cat ears with pale pink skin in the white hair…. Soft… Tender… It’s hard to put down.

The so-called little betseng’s newlywed, Ye Li kissed Gwen lightly again and asked, “Little spider~ is so enthusiastic today, do you miss me very much?” ”

Those who have been blessed with the Absolute Spiritual Shield can have simple psychic communication.

I can’t communicate directly, but I can understand the general meaning – such as sad and happy, etc…

And a certain ghost spider, the mood has been very happy today…

“It’s not just this…..”

Gwen shyly replied to Ye Li, “Because I’m graduating, my father agreed to let me come and live…”

Ye Li smacked his lips: Isn’t that a little less interesting 100 flavors…. But the good thing is that you spend more time together…..

Jessica pasted her pretty face over and interjected, “Of course it’s good that Gwen can stay… But the room is really not enough…”


Ye Li pondered for a moment, “It seems that you really have to move back to Sunnyvale, Gwen, did Chief George pick out the house near the manor?” ”

The blonde beauty smiled lightly, “Dad has already picked it out a long time ago, just wait until you move back and move with you.” ”

“Director George has a heart…”

Ye Li knew that George was determined to hand over his baby daughter to him, and looked at Gwen with pity, “I will love you well~”

“Ah~ I’m so sleepy, I’m going to sleep….”

The girl yawned cutely, turned around and hugged Felicia, “You look for Jessica, the movement is smaller~”

Finish speaking.

The little spider rested with the kitten…

“Ah! Gwen, you’re so cunning! (Jessica)

A few days later.

“Oh my God, Li.”

Tony, wearing a golden and red armor, landed in Sunnyvale Manor with a bang, “You let my transport plane drive over, actually to move?” ”

Surrounded by busy porters, moving some of the more important items off the transport plane.

“Originally, I wanted S.H.I.E.L.D. to get a transport plane over, but think about their virtue.”

Ye Li said, knocking on Tony’s suit in his hand, this thing looked like the material was stronger again, “Maybe it would be more convenient for Skye to buy a moving company.” ”

Tony hugged his iron arm, “Buying a moving company for moving?” But there really is yours….. Hey, can you stop knocking on my jersey? ”

“In fact, I have acquired a security company to take care of the security of the estate…..”

Ye Li withdrew his hand, “Do you wear it when you go out now?” Maybe you can do some remote control. ”


The shoulder armor of the steel suit shrugged, “You remind me of Ivan Vanko, but maybe a good proposal ….. By the way, I heard that you went to New Mosesco with Coulson, how is it over there? (AEDI) On my side, S.H.I.E.L.D. sent me a mission to persuade Ross to release a guy called Abomination and let Aspiciousness join S.H.I.E.L.D.

Huh~ But unsurprisingly I messed up, General Ross doesn’t seem to have a good temper…..”

It’s your mouth that owes too much…

Ye Li, who is familiar with the plot, knows that Ross must have choked Tony enough.

Ye Li: “I said that we met Norse gods, or aliens, do you believe it?” ”

Tony: “God? Alien? ”

Toot toot toot ———!

Tony was about to say something when he heard the sound of a spiral in the air…


The helmet of the steel suit was raised, and Tony saw several gunships fall, “The security guard you hired?” ”


Ye Li corrected, “To be precise, it’s not hiring, they are now my people.” ”

After several gunships came to a standstill.

Above came down a group of female warriors wrapped in tight combat uniforms and graceful figures, all equipped with the latest thermal weapons, and it can be seen that the combat literacy is very high between their manners.

At the head of them was a silver-haired beauty, her expression looked strong and cold, and the combat tights were different from the black of the others, she was all silver.

The silver-haired beauty walked in front of Ye Li, put one hand on the full chest wrapped in silver tights, and bent down slightly to salute, “Hello boss, this is the silver marten security company, I am Silversablinova, you can also call me silver marten, I serve you with the wild battle group religiously.” ”

“Wild Battle Regiment?”

Ye Li hadn’t spoken yet.

Tony quipped first, “Good name, it reminds me of a group of wild kittens, maybe I should hire such a female mercenary group too~”

“While going-”

Ye Li pressed Tony’s steel suit helmet with one hand, and instructed Silver, “Your duty is to guard this manor.

Except for the people I said (Skye and others), no one is allowed to come in without my orders.

As long as you do a good job, the reward promised to you will not be less, understand? ”

What reward?

Reinforcement of the super soldier serum, of course.

Otherwise, like the silver marten, the strength can be regarded as a superhero role, but it is not easy to sell.

Silver glanced at Tony coldly, “Including this Mr. Stark?” Boss. ”

Tony Stark, the playboy, just compared her and her men to little wildcats, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Ye Li was still holding the helmet of the steel suit and said mercilessly, “Including him, of course.” ”

“Oh! You can’t do that, Li. ”

Tony was pressed by Ye Li, afraid of twisting his hand, and did not forcibly turn his helmet back.

He tilted his head and said a little funny, “We’re good friends, aren’t we?” Give me some face. ”

The silver marten looked at the advanced battle armor on Tony’s body, and also reminded Ye Lidao, “Sir, although I can assure you that my battle group and I have been fighting for a long time and can solve most of the troubles, we may not be able to stop a guy like Iron Man. ”

“Oh~ hear that, Li.”

Tony said proudly, “You can’t stop the great Iron Man, but don’t worry, I won’t break into the house.” ”

Ye Li rolled his eyes, pushed him away with the hand he pressed, and then snapped his fingers-


“Silver, come and get to know your colleague.

You will solve the general trouble in the future. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You guys can’t solve it…. It will shoot. ”

His voice just fell.

Silver Marten and Tony and others felt the ground under their feet and began to tremble slightly…


Knock —

The destroyer lit up and walked out from behind the towering garden trees.

An invisible sense of oppression spread throughout the audience…

Tony was stunned: “… Oh man, you have a registration for this…..”

The silver marten was also shocked by Ye Li——

This manor owner is really not an ordinary person, and there is even this advanced guard robot, which looks more threatening than Iron Man’s suit…

“What is this!?”

A Stark Industries porter was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and the painting he was holding fell to the ground.

This made this employee panic to roll to pick up the painting, afraid that Ye Li would be angry and let this robot crush him to death.

“Hey, don’t look like this.”

Ye Li beckoned to the destroyer, “Xiao Annihilation is very friendly, come, Xiao Annihilation, Bi Yay.” ”

The destroyer obediently raised his hand and put up two fingers …

Everyone: “…”Is your family Biye with a middle finger in one hand?”

This scene is really weird…

However, the leaf is off the skin.

It is good that everyone can be sure that this slightly hideous robot is controlled.

“I kind of believe your alien claims…..”

Tony guessed, “… This one…. Small extinction? … Black spider for you again? ”

“Just so you know.”

Ye Li added in his heart: I’ll carry it for myself, right?

“Well, I’ll take it for real.”

Tony didn’t ask, flew over to the fallen porter and picked him up, “Don’t be so afraid, my staff, it’s safe here.” ”

“Don’t get dirty the paintings of the great painters….. Hey? It’s an interesting picture. ”

Tony picked up the painting that had fallen on the ground and patted the ash a few times, and then he was a little attracted –

“Li, are these aliens you imagined? There is a decent…. It’s just too ugly…”

Tony was holding the “Battle of New York” painted by Ye Li a year ago, because he fell to the ground, and the white cloth covering it floated to the side.

“You can show it to Fury.”

Today is different.

Ye Li didn’t care too much about this now, and he couldn’t take Cindy out of the top pot again.

“But remember to give the egg a glance. If you want to see it again, let him pay me. ”

“You think the guy would be interested in this?”

Tony sensed that the painting seemed unusual, and nodded in agreement, “Then I’ll show it to him.” ”

Spray ——!

Vigorous push.

Iron Man took the painting and left the ground handsomely!

Ye Li: “Fly slowly, don’t let the wind blow.” ”

The golden-red battle armor in the air stumbled for a moment, and then floated away slowly…

George: “Li, you are too polite and help us move together.” ”

Ye Li: “Hehe~ Thank Tony, it’s his transport plane.” ”

“Thank you, Mr. Stark.

He is a kind man. ”

This way.

George also finished moving and was ready to go with Ye Li and the others to say goodbye to another neighbor, Parker’s.

“Alas….. Even if we all moved away, they were alone, after all, Peter’s child was not at home for a long time now. ”

George asked Ye Li, who was sitting in the passenger seat of his police car, for advice, “Li, you said… How about I rent out my Lower East Side house? This makes Ben and May not too cold. ”

Gwen, in the back seat of the police car, thought the same, “That’s a good idea, Dad.” ”

Chief George said sternly, “Gwen, talk to your man, don’t interrupt.” ”

Gwen pouted, “Oh…”


Jessica sitting next to her gloats…..

And then…… She was pinched by Gwen and the tender flesh around her waist——— “Oops! ”

“Huh? Jessica, do you have any good comments? ”

George chatted with Jessica, “I heard that you have recently become a detective, and it is better than being a female knight… I’ve seen quite a few detectives, and they are all quick-witted, so why don’t you come up with ideas? ”

Jessica glared at Gwen, then laughed, “Uncle George, what do I have in mind, you’re right…. Brother~ Why don’t we rent out the house too? ”

Ye Li hugged the girl in his arms, because some couldn’t sit down, Matilda could only sit in his arms, “Then we have to find some tenants with good conduct, but can’t we help the bad things with good intentions and hurt Aunt Mei and them…”

George smiled gratifyingly, “Li is still careful, then please, I will let Gwen help you.” ”

Ye Li: …. Why did it fall on my head again?

PS: I refined the chapter reviews, but there is a chapter review of one chapter… The mouse slid to delete (⊙x⊙) and I didn’t see which chapter it was, it seemed to be chapter twenty-one…

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