Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 247 Three-Party Negotiation (Part II)

Bruce appeared in front of the US military barracks, and then Odin led Thor out of Bifrost all of a sudden, and then the melon-eating crowd of the US military appeared on the scene, and as the protagonist on the other side, Lauf was also driving the universe. The spacecraft came over the American camp in the next instant.

Perhaps the previous Bifrost’s impact on people is surprising and inexplicable, then the spacecraft driven by the Giants of Jotunheim, Lauf, is directly beyond everyone’s cognition. Although this spacecraft is not large, it is only more than 20 meters away. Long and short, but it can't stand its strong sci-fi style appearance.

The streamlined hull is cast from an ice-blue metal. There are no wings. There are six jets with tail flames at the tail, which directly push the entire ship through the air, and then steadily. Stopped over the camp, such a behemoth shocked all American soldiers.

The spaceship hovering in the air is completely beyond their cognition. Now even the jet plane has not been fully put into use, and this spaceship with no wings and only a propeller on the tail is definitely Black technology products.

But when they thought that the spacecraft was a black technology, Lauf's figure appeared in the door of the side of the spacecraft. Gao Yu's three-meter Giants of Jotunheim, with blue skin, looked completely non-earth at first glance. The appearance of a human, this made everyone's mind flashed a thought, this is an alien, then this Flight device is a spaceship!

Before the US soldiers thought this was a new type of aircraft, but now it seems that this is a spacecraft that can be used for space navigation. When the two are not at the same level, all the US soldiers are completely shocked. They did not expect it. There are really aliens, and they have come to Earth.

"Odin, Lauf, come very fast!" Bruce's deep figure came out.

"Batman, Tesseract was originally intended for you, why is it hiding from us?" Odin asked. He couldn't figure out why this strong man in Midgard would avoid them in this way, didn't he know that Tesseract was the one he suggested to stay in Midgard.

"Stay on the earth? Give it to me? What a joke, do you really treat me as a three-year-old child?" Bruce sneered. Odin was a scheming guy. He didn't know why he kept Tesseract on the earth before, but he didn't know anything about it. He felt that this thing would bring disaster in Asgard, and this place on earth is a good place to hide things because no one pays attention to it.

But now that Tesseract is left behind, this is a thing worthy of fun. Thor wants to get Tesseract back to Asgard. The opinions of the two fathers and sons are completely different, and there must be something tricky.

"Definitely, the old guy Odin has always been a conspirator, he just hopes that I still have Mephisto, and even the rest of the Tesseract hitters will hurt you both!" Lauf also said aloud at this time.

"Lauf, don't hit Tesseract's idea, I will stare at you, and I promise that Tesseract will stay in Midgard and no one will come to snatch it! Anyone who snatches it is an enemy of Asgard. !" Odin said decisively.

"So sure? Then take care of your son first!" Lauf snapped all Odin's words back with a single sentence. It is not only Lauf who is playing Tesseract here now, but Thor as well.

"You..." Thor, who has a violent temper, glared directly at Lauf at this moment, and lifted Mjolnir Om Neal, and suddenly the Razers in the sky swam around.

"How is it? I've been said to be upset, I'm so irritated!" Lauf was not afraid, At the moment, under his control, a huge amounts of cannon sticks out from the top of the spaceship above his head. An icy blue energy gathered from the muzzle and aimed directly at Thor.

"Lauf, what are you going to do?" When Odin saw this situation, he stood up immediately. He is not willing to go to war here. In the face of countless earthlings, Asgard's image is to be maintained.

"What are they talking about? Odin, Thor, and Lauf? Isn't this the name of a god in Norse Mythology?" Steve said to Carter Page next to him, his voice low, almost inaudible, and he seemed unwilling to be Odin they heard.

"Yes, we are the gods in your mouth." But as the gods of Asgard, Thor and Odin, Lauf and these are powerful people with ears and eyesight. They heard this slight voice, Thor. Mjolnir proudly held it up and said to Steve.

"Is the legend true?" Steve couldn't believe it. These so-called gods really exist. Why haven't you seen the so-called gods for so many years? Are they really omnipotent?

"They are not omnipotent gods, just some powerful aliens." Bruce said disdainfully.

"What are you talking about? Do you really think you can be an enemy of Asgard? Just like Giants of Jotunheim, these overweight guys are beaten up by us and can only be huddled in Jotonheim? Does Midgard want to leave them? The old way?" Thor glared at Bruce.

"Okay, don't think your eyes are big. Correct it first. Now it's called Earth, not Midgard. Are you Asgardians who only fight like this? This time I am waiting for you. Here, I just want to tell you that the earth is not your back garden, there are strong people here too." Bruce said.

"I admit, you are a strong man, but the overall strength of your earthlings is still too weak, and countless alien civilizations in the universe can easily crush you. Do you really think that you have left Asgard? Protect, you can protect the earth yourself?" Thor said, but he knows very well how many alien visitors Asgard has helped the earth block over the years.

"I definitely know that there are many alien civilizations outside the earth, and they are all powerful, but do you really think that the earth can only be slaughtered by those aliens? Maybe your proud eyes can no longer see the strong on the earth But why do you want to protect the earth? And since you are so strong, why don’t you come to live there? Don’t say you don’t want to?" Bruce chuckled softly. He was a slapstick. What is the positioning of the earth in the Marvel universe? He didn't know it very well, but he imagined that there are definitely many hidden things on the earth. These things make Asgard have to guard the earth and prevent them from staying on the earth.

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