Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 267 Experimental Accident

Bruce and Audrey didn't enjoy this kind of touch for long, because the storm was coming! The weather on the ocean is just as unpredictable, and the storm will come when it is uncertain.

So the two directly cuddled with each other and appeared in Wayne Manor on the outskirts of New York City for an instant. This was the first time Bruce had brought Audrey back to the manor, both of which were in an independent villa on the other side of Manhattan.

"This is Brother Bruce's manor? It's so beautiful." Audrey has already recovered from the panic of the storm. Such things have gone through a lot in the past few years, what snow mountain avalanches, what volcanoes The eruption, these two people have watched it close together, and have never encountered danger.

"Look for yourself first. I have something to deal with first." Bruce saw Timo waiting outside the garden and said to Audrey.

Every time Bruce comes back, he is in this garden. This is customary, so Timo will wait here when something happens, and definitely will send a telegram if he is urgent. The phone does not have a wireless signal now.

"Sir, something happened, something went wrong in the laboratory." Bruce came out of the garden, and Timo stepped forward to report.

"What laboratory? What happened?" Bruce usually only asks about these things. Emma, ​​Timo, and Erik are all dealing with it, so it shouldn't be a trivial matter.

"The chemical laboratory exploded during the experiment, causing a chain reaction in the laboratory. Several scientists died!" Timo said.

"Chemistry laboratory? How could it explode?" Bruce thought it might not be as simple as a few deaths.

"At that time, the possibility of experimenting with the civilianization of the energy block led to the collapse of the energy block structure, and the result was a direct explosion. The researchers on the spot died directly, and it affected the biological laboratory next to it." Timo said.

The laboratories set up by the Wayne Group are all together, because the research projects between several laboratories are related, which facilitates the integration of the final results and statistics, but there are also potential safety hazards. After all, the experiments are very dangerous and cause chain reactions.

In this regard, the Wayne Group has taken preventive measures. The walls and some structures have been strengthened, but this time the energy block of Tesseract exploded, and these safety measures appeared to be stretched.

"This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen again. Those who died this time should be given extra care and emergency plans. Don't be taken advantage of by those with ulterior motives." Bruce said.

"But there is one person among the people who died this time, and I don't know what to do," Timo said.


"Professor Lois Wiesel."

"You mean, Charles' father is also dead this time?" Bruce felt a bit tricky. Professor X's father worked under his own hands and died. Then Professor X would probably know that something like this would happen in the future. , You shouldn't have dug Lois from someone else.

"I have to go and see, Charles, are they here now? Where are they?" Bruce said.

"Ms. Sharon is taking Charles to the Wayne Group waiting for the results." Timo replied.

"You hire Roar for Audrey, I'll take a look." Bruce said, he disappeared in the manor in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already in the office of the chairman of the Wayne Group. I put on the formal attire I had prepared in the office, and went straight downstairs.

At the reception of Wayne Group, a group of people gathered here, and the atmosphere on their backs enveloped the place of the front desk. All American civilians with sad faces were sitting here in silence, with white flowers on their chests. There was a black gauze on his arm, and there was no words, all waiting for the Wayne Group to give a reply.

The Wayne Group has developed rapidly in the past few years, and its influence among the U.S. imperialism is also increasing rapidly. Whether it is in the government or in the market, the U.S. imperialism can compete with the Wayne Group. It's very rare, except that the military has been fighting to the end, no one dares not give the Wayne Group face.

But this is also based on the way the Wayne Group has been very kind to the civilians over the years. The Wayne Group has never been afraid of officials and consortia, but it has not been domineering with the civilians. Instead, it has always been in accordance with the law. None of them seized the interests of these civilians. This also makes the reputation of Wayne Group and other capital consortiums in the private sector completely different.

Most of the people sitting at the reception desk of Wayne Group are working for Wayne Group. Even if they did not join the group, they also received a lot of help from Wayne Group, such as their children going to school.

That's why it was so quiet and orderly now, waiting for the person who could really take the lead to come forward. Bruce came here under this situation and saw Emma who was negotiating with these decedent family members, and he walked directly over.

"Everyone, we will not escape the slightest responsibility. We are very sorry for everything caused by this experimental accident, and we are willing to bear the corresponding compensation. Please trust us and we will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer." Emma is a professional The tall and plump figure is undoubtedly revealed. In recent years, she and Erik have been in love, and Emma at the moment is already pregnant, which means that Erik is about to become a father.

"Emma, ​​how is the situation?" Bruce walked to Emma, ​​then asked, and said to these decedent family members at the same time: "Hello everyone, I am the chairman of Wayne Group, Bruce Wayne. Regarding this accident, we will give One reply from everyone, all medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses, and compensation for the wounded are in accordance with the highest standards. For those who die and their families, we will guarantee life. For those with children, all the children’s school expenses will be paid by Wayne Group." Bruce directly Start spending money when you come up.

In the U.S., although there are many things that cannot be done with money, such as many embargoed things, they are strictly controlled by the military and the government. If you don’t know the place of production, then even if you do A lot of money is not necessarily available, but sometimes, money can indeed play an unparalleled role, such as At the moment.

Bruce said that it can be solved with money, then it is not a problem. Double the price is not enough, then it will be doubled. At the moment Bruce’s compensation has far exceeded twice the death benefit, the cost of a child’s schooling. U.S. emperorship is not a simple matter. Although the other party claims that education is free, only local people know the true situation.

And not just going to school, Bruce also promised living expenses, which means that if the family members of the deceased have no source of income, they will be raised by the Wayne Group and eat for nothing.

It is definitely impossible to do that, but it is still necessary to give them a job that will allow them to live more abundantly.

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