New York City is gradually being cleaned up, leaving only the large tracts of ruins left behind after being cleaned up, like pieces of scars on the city, which are particularly desolate.

A sad New York citizen walked tremblingly in this ghost-like city, waiting blankly for the government's rescue.

At this moment, the people on earth knew that they were not the only intelligent life in this cosmic starry sky. They also knew that in front of the aliens, the earth was like a baby without the power to fight back. But they have no way to deal with these aliens whose technology is far beyond the people of the earth. At the moment, these domineering politicians on the earth feel only panic and the ambition of madness.

But they couldn't get those alien spaceships, not just because the Evolutionary Alliance was obstructing them, but also because their planes couldn't touch those alien spaceships at all.

At the moment in the evolutionary league headquarters in New York City, Erik looked at the empty base hall. He is now in charge of guarding the alien captive. This is the only survivor among this group of aliens. Maybe There will still be on the battlefields of Europe and Africa, but this one is definitely the biggest fish in his own hands.

Throwing Mousse Edwen into the Dungeon, the cage made of steel can make it difficult for the alien to fly. Then Erik was about to talk about the women and children of the Evolutionary Alliance, who were released, turned and left the prison.

Mousse Edwen opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding steel walls and the iron windows with the thickness of an adult's arm. A strong madness flashed in his eyes. This planet must pay a price. In the hearts of the generals of this eternal race, the death of 300,000 soldiers is absolutely to be buried with this planet.

"Wisdom brain, please answer when you hear!" At the moment, a biochip transplanted into the body of Mousse Ed's body resumed operation. He was knocked out by Bruce when it was proved that he could not be controlled on the European battlefield. past. At the moment, he woke up and immediately contacted the intellectual brain on that flagship.

"Please give orders, General Mousse." The voice of Zhibrain's machinery echoed in Mousse's mind. This is the sound formed by the electric wave signal stimulating the auditory nerve, which outsiders can't hear.

"Is the spaceship's main gun charged enough now?" Mu Si asked. He had had countless opportunities to fire that shell before, but he held it back for a long time, because at that time the energy of the planet annihilation gun was still Not enough, the power is definitely not enough. So he has been waiting, because it only takes a thought to do things, not in a hurry.

"The charge is 20%. Because of uncheckable reasons, the energy cannot exceed 20%." Zhi Nao replied.

When Bruce absorbed and released Energy, he appeared directly in the muzzle, which was the only area on the entire spacecraft that the brain could not detect.

"Only 20%? Why is there only this after so long? This energy is not enough to destroy the planet at this moment, at most a continent." Mousse thought this way, but he thought about it again, as if destroying a piece of land. Continents are also enough. According to the distribution of the continents of this planet, it is speculated that as long as a continent is destroyed and the crust is ruptured, it is enough to wipe out all life on the planet at this moment.

"This may be the best result. If all lives are wiped out, then the remaining people of his own tribe will be able to directly take over this planet." Mousse calculated it, and then decisively ordered: "Wisdom brain, directly Fire, bombard where I am now!"

Mousse gave the order to commit suicide, because he wanted to die for his 300,000 soldiers, so he directly asked Zhi Nao to target himself. In this way, the continent where he is now directly bears the bombardment of the 20% power shells, and there is no possibility of surviving. And now that he is caught by the strong people of the earth natives, then this is the other side's lair, and there must be people from the other side, which can be regarded as revenge.

So at this moment, the planet annihilation gun on the spaceship adjusted its muzzle and turned towards New York, and the yellow-glowing cannonball was ready to be launched at any time.

"This cannon is turning!" Bruce At the moment was still in the muzzle, and suddenly felt that the cannon was moving, and the group of energy and light group below began to become unstable.

At this moment, Bruce's heart palpitated. This was Beast's intuition that he was reporting a huge amount of danger about to happen. Suddenly Bruce knew that the cannon in front of him was about to fire, and the direction of aiming had also been deflected.

The sonic field was opened again, and it suddenly extended from the direction of the muzzle, pointing to a clearing in New York City, where it was a square.

"Times's not our main base!" Bruston's expression changed when he looked at him. This cannon aimed precisely at his base, and if this group of highly concentrated energy were bombarded...

Bruce didn't dare to imagine, he immediately acted immediately. He originally thought that this way, the energy in the spaceship would be exhausted and the task would be finished. Who knows that under the circumstances, he has to work hard now.

The first thing he thought of was destroying this cannon. Before, he still had the idea of ​​leaving it as a sharp weapon in his hand, but now it was not the time to care about these things, and he immediately blasted the cannon into the chamber.

However, as the most powerful weapon of the Eternal Clan, Bruce's fist did not play an obvious role in front of this thing. It was like hammering a stone with an inflatable hammer, leaving no traces.

"So hard?" Bruce retracted his bloody arm and healed instantly. But looking at the gun barrel that was still the same as before, I was speechless. Is this planet-level weapon so difficult to destroy? At this moment, he couldn't help but think of Asgard's Bifrost. In Thor's movie, Bifrost was finally destroyed, but it was the effect that Hammer used to constantly bombard the bottom with his own hammer.

Bruce knew exactly what kind of weapon Om Neal was. He had seen it before. It was cast by the nucleus of a white dwarf star under Odin’s supernatural power. Each hammer is equivalent to the impact of a small planet. .

Under such circumstances, it would take many times to smash the seemingly fragile Bifrost to pieces. The current strength of my fist is absolutely powerful, but it is far from the level of a small planet, and a small planet weighs more than 100,000 tons.

Then you can only really fight, Self-healing Ability plus Energy Absorption Ability strengthening, stick to the end, even if you fail, you can move and run instantly, and you can cut a little bit.

When Bruce made up his mind, the Planet Annihilation Cannon had also completed its launch preparations, and the yellow energy group below immediately started to release outwards, rushing towards Bruce like a light.

Bruce was too late to react, but only maximized the Energy Absorption Ability of his body. The whole person crossed his arms and hovered in the air in front of his head. The wings also stretched out with all his strength. The sphere formed by Energy Absorption was slowly rotating. The position in front of him resists the violent energy gushing from below. At this moment, Bruce is unwilling to give up, because below is the earth, where there is the power he has built up with all his strength, and the woman he is gradually acknowledging in his heart, as well as him. Hope of going home.

definitely At the moment Bruce’s actions are as ridiculous as the praying mantis in front of the wheel, and as funny as a person holding a pot cover alone on a volcano that is about to erupt, but Bruce did not flinch.

At least at this moment, he was unwilling to back down, because he knew that if this shell was bombed, then the entire earth would be ruined. Since it was called a planet-level weapon, it could definitely destroy the planet.

Even if he wrestled with this cannon before and had countless Energy Absorptions of this cannonball, he still didn't dare to bet, because once he lost, he would have nothing, not to mention that his everything was directly opposite the one below. Under the target of the energy bomb.

That's right, the women, children, and the people Bruce cares about among the members of the evolutionary alliance are all in the refuge room of the evolutionary base below, and this energy cannonball is facing what he cares about.

At this moment, Bruce felt that he was being thrown away. Although he was constantly Energy Absorbing, there was still no way to clean the Energy Absorption instantly. The whole person is wrapped in a ball of energy cannonballs, constantly approaching the earth below.

The planet annihilation gun was fired, and it was out of the muzzle at this moment, but the shells after leaving the muzzle did not vent toward the earth like a torrent, but a ball of light, a huge ball of light, expanding constantly. , Constantly illuminates the entire sky.

At this moment, it was like two suns appeared in the sky. Even this ball of light surpassed the brightness of the sun. The originally blazing sun was more like a star, and everything had obviously been let down below. The people were stunned.

The most violent reaction was the US imperial government. When this ball of light appeared, the politicians had no response at all. They didn't know how to deal with this situation and evacuate it urgently? Obviously it is impossible, because the crisis that emerged this time is too close to New York, and it is not even out of the atmosphere.

Although the speed of this ball of light is slow now, it has only a little time to land in New York City. How can it give the government time to evacuate the crowd, so all they can do is write their resignation and wait. Step down.

There are definitely not reconciled, they are not reconciled not because of the imminent disaster to the people of New York City, but they are not reconciled not to get the alien spacecraft.

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