Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 324-Apocalypse's Tomb

Where did Bruce go? Not many people know this, but after Bruce ended the battle, he didn't show up with all the evolvers. All the evolvers were speculating where he would go.

But no one knows where Bruce is at this time, or even someone who knows some inside information will not understand that Bruce's insignificant order at the beginning will have something to do with where he is now.

Bruce has worked constantly in the past few years, and now it’s time to reap the results. In these years, Bruce has done a lot of things. He regained the protection of the earth from Asgard, and made the first alien invasion on the earth. Decades in advance.

And this time the battle made people all over the world know that aliens really exist in this universe, and the strength of aliens is beyond the imagination of the people on earth, and the people on earth who were originally prepared to interact with aliens friendly. All dreams are now shattered.

The most important thing is that the main force in this battle is the evolvers. They are the evolvers who are incompatible with ordinary personalities and are called freaks. The time for the evolvers to appear in the sight of ordinary people is also earlier. And in this battle, the powerful power of the evolvers made all ordinary people feel terrified, and at the same time they knew that this group of evolvers, whom they dubbed freaks, protected the earth.

In this immense battle, countless spaceships flying in the sky have given these people on earth a powerful impact. They need people who can make them feel safe to guard the earth, so that the evolutionary and ordinary people The contradiction between the two found a reasonable catharsis area.

With these changes, Bruce finally reached the threshold for copying again, and under the envelope of that energy, he pushed open the door. And the nebula in Bruce's mind also began to split at this moment.

But Bruce's time is extremely limited now, because when there is that kind of heart throbbing, he is trying his best to absorb the energy and cannot be distracted. And that feeling of throbbing is also very short-lived. If you can't seize the opportunity, it will only be wasted. Therefore, Bruce urgently needs to carry out this Ability copy.

Bruce had already figured out his goal for this time before definitely, so after solving the crisis in New York City, Bruce came directly to the goal.

In Egypt, in a golden desert, towering Pyramids have witnessed thousands of years of wind and frost. In this land, the Nile River flows endlessly from here like the sea, and a bright pearl-like city has been bred on the shore. -Cairo.

Bruce definitely didn't mind to see the all kinds of people flow in this city. His destination is nearby, but he has never been in that city. Pyramids stand in the desert, but no one knows that under a towering Pyramids, a twisted tunnel leads directly into it.

A few years ago, Bruce had found Apocalypse’s grave. Definitely the old guy just said that he was in a deep sleep, but Bruce had already checked out that Apocalypse had turned into a blue-skinned mummy. NS.

As for why it was resurrected under sunlight, Bruce didn't know, and didn't want to know. What he has to do is to cut off the last trace of this guy's resurrection.

The tomb of Apocalypse is built underground. It is a huge underground palace. At the moment, the skeleton-like corpse lies on a stone platform. There is no breath of life. There are countless inscriptions on the surrounding stone pillars supporting the dome. Bruce didn't know the meaning of the lines.

Bruce definitely remembers a detail, that is, these lines will guide the energy in the sun under the sunlight, and then become the energy to revive the weather.

So after Bruce found Apocalypse’s tomb, he erased all these lines, so that this guy would really not be able to appear. Bruce had his own plan. He no longer forced all the plots to appear, such as In the first battle of X-Men, Sebastian was slaughtered by himself. How could it be possible to recur?

In other words, at that time, the Cuban missile crisis will still occur, but it will never be controlled by hellfire behind it like the original book, because who is left in the hellfire now? Sebastian is dead, White Queen has been taken under by Bruce, and has a good relationship with Erik.

With the addition of the Red Devil, who was scared by Bruce and didn't know where he went, the villain in that movie seems to be gone. After this calculation, it is impossible to reappear the original situation. .

It's just that Bruce is still ready to see if the trajectory of this world will still follow the original path, maybe there will be new discoveries.

But all this has to be verified by time. Bruce does not have the Ability to control time, nor does he intend to go to super-space time, because if the time is messed up, everything will become a headache, and it is a joke to reverse the future.

The Marvel world is full of errors and omissions, but it is still somewhat regular, but when the timeline touches it, everything is unnecessary, because this is a paradox. Just like in the movie “Reverse the Future”, if Dr. Glasswar was not killed, the consequence would be that all the Mutants lived well in the manor in West Chester?

Then the plots that occurred after the reversal of the future will never appear again, then Wolverine will not be transformed, Sentry will not appear, the variant bill will not be proposed, and the leech virus will not appear again?

Definitely none of this has happened yet, but Bruce has strangled the possibility of Apocalypse's final resurrection. After using this guy as a waste this time, he will be sent on the road. At least Bruce is not going to let this so-called first evolver once again. Stand under the sun.

The naked Bruce appeared on the rock on which Apocalypse was lying. At the moment, his muscles bulged, and he was a lap larger than his previous figure. The muscles were not very streamlined, but the power contained in it was quite impressive. It was one level of monsters, and Bruce guessed that his strength was at least doubled compared to before this battle.

There is definitely no instrument that can test his strength, so it's just a rough value.

"Apocalypse, let you be the template for my fourth stage. How much Ability does you, who are known as the strongest evolutionary, have?" Bruce said and strangled Apocalypse's neck. The guy's neck was broken, and then he was thrown into the incinerator and burned.

But when Bruce grabbed Apocalypse by the neck, he found that this guy was showing signs of life, and he seemed to be waking up from that kind of death. Suddenly Bruce was more cautious, he needed to be foolproof.

A strong sense of satisfaction came from the depths of Bruce’s soul. This feeling was very strange. Bruce didn’t have any abnormal sensations in his body, but there was a feeling of ecstasy, like being in the clouds. That kind of contented feeling can't be said, but it makes people can't help but indulge in it.

The three nebulae in Bruce's mind began to grow wildly at this time, and then opened up a large gap in the surrounding void. At this moment, Bruce even saw that the blank place was different from others. The deep dark gloomy feeling in the area.

Instead, I felt that there was a cloud of light there, but there was no color at all. It was a mysterious feeling. There should be a cloud of light, an invisible and intangible light, and then it exploded in an instant. .

The three nebulae each stretched out into a blank space. At this time, Bruce actually found that it seemed that it was not enough. A strange feeling made him feel in the ecstasy. It was a kind of Ability in Apocalypse transmitting to himself.

"Molecular override, Ability upgrade, infinite power, energy shield..." Apocalypse's Ability flashed through Bruce's mind, and it was a strange selection interface that appeared in Bruce's heart.

"This is the Ability of Apocalypse? So many? There is actually Possessing other's body rebirth... No wonder this guy claims to have existed during the dawn of earth civilization, and has lived until now. This Ability is simply against the sky, facing death. At that time, you can choose the nearest person to Possessing other's body. As long as you defeat the opponent's soul, you can take over the opponent's body, including Ability, and your own Ability can also be brought over." Bruce expressed emotion with Apocalypse's original Ability, this Ability allowed Apocalypse to constantly establish his own brutal rule after the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the thousands of years of history.

Definitely Bruce is now picky. There are so many abilities, many of them are very practical, they are all Bruce's dreams, but now Bruce feels that he chooses one Ability at most, and Bruce hasn't found out what the law is.

Perhaps it was determined by the number of evolvers absorbed during the upgrade. Bruce had a little speculation. The first time he upgraded, he caught Erik and Sebastian at the same time, so he copied it all at once. With two abilities, he completed the energy upgrade the second time when he lost the electromagnetic power, and gained the proficiency to the third level.

At that time, he absorbed the Red Devil’s Ability, and there was only one person, so he could only copy one Ability. Bruce had long been logically thinking that the Red Devil had only one teleportation to absorb, so he absorbed the teleportation instead of the lost electromagnetism. force.

This time Bruce was only around Apocalypse, and he had known that Apocalypse had a lot of Ability, so that hesitation indecision made him know that he could only absorb one Ability.

After Bruce's selection, the three beams of light will become one in a round, forming a new Bat Nebula.

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