Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 354-The Evolved Alliance

The spaceship fell from the sky, and the momentum was immense. At this moment, all New Yorkers looked up. A biological instinct made them feel that a catastrophe was imminent.

And Bruce with Beast perception is even more so, he almost felt it when the spacecraft just started to fall, and suddenly a pair of eyes looked up at the sky, and his extraordinary eyesight made him see what was starting to fall from the sky. That behemoth.

The spacecraft, which is 20 kilometers long, descends directly from the sky like a small planet hitting the earth. The whole of New York seemed to be shrouded in an atmosphere of horror, and everyone felt like they were crushed by a boulder, and they were all full of panic.

These residents don’t even know that a nuclear bomb hit the city not long ago, and Bruce changed the flight trajectory halfway, and the mushroom cloud on that day has not disappeared yet, it just happened 10,000 meters above the ground. In the high altitude above, it has no influence on them, and things like nuclear radiation are directly blown away by the stratospheric wind in the high altitude where the air is thin.

The city is plagued by disasters. The civilians living here need a big heart. The entire city was destroyed ten years ago. The reconstruction work has not yet been completed. It has now been used by the evolutionary alliance as headquarters. For several years, the spacecraft will also fall from the sky. At a height of 20 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide, there are iron bumps weighing hundreds of thousands of tons. What would happen if they fell directly and hit the earth? A catastrophic consequence?

But at this time, Bruce didn't panic. He definitely knew that if the spaceship fell down, it would be a disaster, but he was very calm and he had his own way to solve this kind of thing.

In an instant, Bruce once again came to the Caribbean Sea. There are people who solve the problem. Magneto Erik can definitely control the fallen spacecraft. Now Erik's power can be said to be close to the peak. He is willing to destroy all the big cities in the Americas at any time.

So at this time Erik was the best person to solve this crisis. Bruce who appeared next to Erik instantly grabbed Erik, and at the same time brought all the prisoners back to the underground base in New York City.

Although there are already spacecraft flying in the sky as the headquarters, the underground bases are not abandoned. The Wayne Group’s scientific research laboratories are placed in these underground bases, and the Dungeon still exists and is being held in prison. Each evolutionary who used his own Ability to commit crimes caught in the year.

It can be said that the Dungeon of the Evolutionary Alliance is much stronger than the prisons built by ordinary people. At least ordinary people don’t know how to restrain the super-Ability of those evolved. Under Lost Super Ability, he was arrested, and then detained in a plastic prison.

But he escaped easily. It would not be so easy to put it in the prison of the Alliance of Evolutions. What Hank likes most now is to research, study the abilities of various evolutions, and find ways to restraint. Definitely also has a way to enhance their Ability, which is not to be treated differently.

The prisoner was thrown into the prison, and Erik went to work. The huge spacecraft At the moment has fallen towards the New York waters below. Erik needs to stabilize this thing first, and Bruce wants to go up and check. So what happened.

Erik really lived up to the expectations. At this moment, his power was displayed vividly, standing in the garden of the Wayne Group with his arms high, but he held the spaceship firmly and suspended from such a long distance. In the air, there was no sign of falling, and the entire spacecraft seemed to be floating at that height.

At this time, Bruce had already entered the spaceship, and the invitation that came into view made Bruce crazy. This is a ransacked spaceship, and Bruce feels that when he dismantled the things on the spaceship, it was not so clean.

All the things arranged in the spacecraft were taken away, whether it was the computer in the control room or the sofa in the rest area. Also those operators who were moved by definitely were the elite talents cultivated by the evolutionary alliance over the years. Bruce didn't let ordinary people intervene in the evolutionary affairs, and all the operators were Awakening evolutionists.

But this time they were all taken away by Apocalypse's men, and they were all swept away. This made Bruce feel humiliated. He vowed that he must go to Africa to bring back all Apocalypse's evolutionary empire.

But what is needed most now is to stop the spaceship, and the power system is destroyed. This is their procrastination plan to drag Bruce and the most powerful Erik, and prevent him from going to Africa quickly to trouble them. The expected effect of Apocalypse's subordinates is that Bruce needs to ask Erik to dock the spaceship, and he himself will sit here to preside over the overall situation.

But they underestimated Bruce. This guy is used to being a shopkeeper. At the moment, the thing he wants to do most is to go to Africa to find Apocalypse's remaining subordinates and settle accounts. So after asking Erik to put the spaceship into the sea in New York, he just went straight Disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in Egypt and over Cairo. Below this was not a city, but a huge amounts of Pyramids, which existed like the palace of the Apocalypse evolutionary empire.

But at this time, Bruce discovered that there was no one here. There was no evolutionary in the Pyramids or the slave housing area below. It seemed that all Apocalypse's subordinates had disappeared in an instant.

"Apocalypse, come out for me!" Bruce yelled loudly. He seemed to forget that Apocalypse was just thrown into a nuclear bomb and killed by explosion.

Bruce definitely doesn’t care about all of this. He is completely crazy now. Apocalypse has completely touched Bruce’s bottom line this time. He doesn’t care about anything else, but the Evolutionary Alliance is an organization he deliberately created. This is his future plan. The roots of these people are talents reserved for various situations in the future. Whether it is scientific research or combat, they need manpower. The Evolutionary Alliance cannot have too many troops. All the evolutionary are treasures.

But no one answered him now, Bruce attacked the Pyramids below frantically, only to see the sonic domain open, directly shattering the Pyramids below, at this moment the air vibration had already sent out beyond what human ears could receive. At the limit of frequency, a Pyramids fell apart in an instant, and then crashed constantly downwards.

But no one means no one. Within the entire sonic field, there is no evolutionary. This makes Bruce feel that this seems to be a trap. Starting from the missile crisis between the United States and the Soviet Union triggered by Apocalypse, It is a well-knitted trap for the evolutionaries in the evolutionary league headquarters, as well as that set of advanced computer equipment.

But now Bruce, Apocalypse's subordinate who disappeared without a trace, can't be found. The whole Africa is too big. He doesn't have the time to look for it, and the opponent has the ability to transfer in a short time. No one can find each other.

So after Bruce madly destroyed Apocalypse’s Pyramids, he calmed down a little bit. He had to face the situation where the evolutionary under his hand was almost swept away. Those evolutionary with no offensive power were the logistics staff, without them being indifferent. There is no way to maintain the operation of the evolutionary alliance by relying on the evolution of the main battle type.

At this time, Bruce directly ordered the abandonment of the Canadian and Brazilian branches, and flew the two small spacecraft branches back to New York to consolidate the US imperial base.

Bruce is in a bad mood, so no one dared to approach him. Even Raven, who has grown into a big girl or an unmodified child, only followed Charles in the manor and did not go crazy. Her Ability made her the most qualified. The spy is also the most powerful intruder. During this period of time, she was most interested in how to obtain the code for the US imperial nuclear weapon button.

But after such a big thing, her game couldn't go on, she could only come back, and at the moment Bruce's manor gathered all the evolutionaries of the evolutionary alliance that are still left.

"Charles, we need to find more evolvers. Now we have suffered a heavy loss and need more partners. You and Hank are responsible for finding these people, no matter what evolvers they are, do you remember?" Bruce said. Instructed, he had to face the situation where no one is available now, so he needed to recruit more evolvers.

"Hank, how is your Cerebro machine made? I need that thing. Charles can help you find those evolvers. We can use it to gather evolvers in the shortest time. Our enemies are obviously also searching for evolvers. , Now there is no way to find it slowly." Bruce said.

"It's almost there, you can experiment at any time, but this is only a theoretically feasible method, Charles may be dangerous." Hank said.

"What kind of side effects?" Bruce definitely knew that this method was feasible, but he needed to confirm whether the side effects were the same as in the original book.

"If you want to use the Cerebro device, you need to instantly contain the ideas in the minds of countless people. This will form a big impact, which is an impact on the consciousness level. If you don't pay attention, you will be washed away from your consciousness and become an idiot." Hank replied road.

"Charles, are you sure?" Bruce thinks it should be similar to the original. During this time, Charles's Ability has also been secretly helped to improve several times, although he has not yet reached the most powerful state. A single mind can control the world. , But an American emperor should be almost the same.

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