Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 357 The Birth of Wolverine (Part 2)

A laboratory set up underground in New York. This is one of the most confidential laboratories. The people working here are all in jail. They may not be able to come to the ground once a year. Every time you go out, you need layers of layers. Report.

But these people have unimaginable high salaries, and their families are living well because of this, and they can be regarded as gains and losses. Although they cannot return to the ground at will, these people can bear it because the work needs to be kept secret. What's more, when they don't want to do it, they can apply to leave, and they will be washed away with their memories and return to the ground to live a normal life.

All kinds of instruments are placed everywhere in the laboratory, and the functions of all kinds of instruments are all weird. There is even a blast furnace for steelmaking. To build such a base underground, only a powerful The evolutionary alliance of evolutionaries can only be built now.

In that blast furnace, a red iron can is fixed in it. It maintains a high temperature of more than 5,000 degrees Celsius throughout the year. This iron can is cast with Adamantium alloy. Only the finalized Adamantium alloy can withstand it. This high temperature. All other metals will melt, and this temperature is already close to the temperature of the sun's surface.

The original solution of Adamantium alloy is contained in the jar, and the Adamantium alloy that has not solidified is contained in it so that it can be stored for a long time.

And not far from the blast furnace, there is another pool filled with liquid nitrogen. Inside the pool is an operating table, which Bruce specially created to help Logan perform bone replacement.

In the original book, the experiment was conducted in water. The cooling time of Adamantium alloy was too long. Bruce was going to make improvements. So there was this pool filled with liquid nitrogen. The pipes used the Adamantium alloy that Bruce brought from Wakanda. Half is done, and the rest is only enough for two people to experiment.

This time, I am going to help Logan fulfill his wish to become stronger, and equip him with the metal bones that should have belonged to him in advance, so that Wolverine will appear in advance. Bruce also spent a lot of thought, so At the moment he waited for Logan to adjust his mentality and experiment.

Bruce actually wanted to do something like this a long time ago. After he found Adamantium alloy and called Logan back from the battlefield, he had this idea, but he was not going to force Logan to accept this kind of experiment, so he never proposed it. But now Logan himself is willing, so he satisfies Bruce as a fake science lover to complete this experiment.

"Logan, come in. This will be the beginning of your new life. Look, there is the metal solution formed after the integration of Adamantium and meteorite essence, which is about to be injected into your body to replace your body's bones. "Bruce said, pointing to the blast furnace in the distance.

"So this pool is where I need to lie here when injecting that metal liquid? What kind of liquid is this?" Logan asked, looking at the pool in front.

"There is liquid nitrogen in it, and only this ultra-low temperature liquid can quickly cool the Adamantium solution, thereby reducing your pain. There is only so much I can do for you. As for the rest, it depends on you. I'm myself." Bruce said: "As long as you are prepared, you can start at any time. These needles will pierce all your bones precisely, and the molten metal gushing out of them will occupy the position of the bones. "

Bruce’s words made Logan a little clearer about the situation he was about to face: "You mean to replace my bones with those hot metal solutions, but the pain in the process may impact my consciousness and turn me into an idiot. "Bruce did not hide Logan from the danger of this experiment.

Because extreme pain will stimulate the human brain, it’s affirmative. It’s like when a person suffers a major injury, the brain is stimulated, and the memory of the injury will be lost, that is, temporary amnesia. Certainly because The damage is too heavy, so they forget all their memories. This is just the brain breaking up the genes containing memory peptides within that period of time, which causes amnesia.

"Yes, but we still have a back-up method, that is Charles." Bruce explained. He also prepared a second hand for the safety of the experiment. That is Charles. This mental ability person can restore Logan's chaotic memory after the experiment. It can be done with or without amnesia.

Definitely according to the original plot, there is no amnesia, but there was no amnesia in Wolverine at that time. In Apocalypse, Wolverine was locked in a huge amounts of iron room because of the pain in the experiment and caused mental confusion. Phoenix helped him. The memory was restored, so take precautions beforehand, Bruce called Charles too.

"Since you are so prepared, let's start. There is nothing you can't survive. You have been shot for three days and three nights on the battlefield, not to mention the pain." Logan said indifferently.

But it doesn’t matter what Logan realizes, but Bruce can’t fail to be prepared. If there is a problem after Logan completes this kind of experiment, he will not forgive himself. He has not many friends in his life, and it can be said that he doesn’t have any. Logan is only half of those who can be called good friends and good brothers.

In this case, Bruce cherishes this friend very much. The manor where Bruce started his home in Canada still retains the name of Howlet Manor. This is reserved for Logan, even if it hasn't changed for seven or eighty years, the decoration inside is still the same as before.

When Charles walked into the laboratory, everything was ready. Except for the two researchers who were left to record the data, there were only three people left, Bruce, Logan, and Charles, all of them with solemn expressions.

"Uncle Logan, I want to check your memory now, and then check it again after the experiment, so as to ensure that your memory is complete, otherwise, there may be a memory fault." Charles said to Logan, he just said Bruce grabbed it directly from Hank's Cerebro.

After knowing what Bruce is going to do now, Charles feels that this is a lot more than looking for an evolutionary. It is simply a whimsical thing to replace all the bones of a person with metal. The temperature of the metal solution is thousands of degrees, and injected into the human body is enough to cook a person in an instant.

But when he thinks of the powerful Self-healing Ability of Uncle Logan and Godfather Bruce, Charles feels that it is really possible to succeed. What definitely needs to do in these situations is to maintain the same memory before and after the Logan experiment, that is to say, this experiment may cause memory fuzziness or even loss.

"Let's get started!" Logan didn't have the slightest hesitation, in order to become stronger, in order not to be a drag in the future battles, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of becoming stronger, he would work hard to do it 10,000 times.

"Relax, I will be very gentle!" Charles said, and then put his hands on the temples on both sides of Logan, which is the easiest place to invade a person's consciousness.

"Recall what you have experienced, from childhood to childhood..." Logan began to recall his own suffering following Charles's guidance.

Logan didn't remember much, but Charles was sweating constantly on his head, because at this time Logan's life experience made him empathize. So he experienced those things like Logan, and even the changes in his psychological condition at the time were exactly the same.

This made Charles feel the feeling of being penetrated by a bullet on the battlefield, the feeling of being held in a dark confinement room, and then being eaten by a mouse, endless loneliness, endless pain It all hit Charles's heart.

This kind of experience made Charles feel terrified. If there was no Self-healing Ability, Logan would have died of 10,000 lives. Charles only now feels the anti-healing ability of this kind of Ability. He originally thought he was not afraid of death. Now Then I realized how painful it was to not die.

But no matter how terrifying the memory, Charles endured it, and then until the moment before the experiment, in just a few minutes, Charles experienced Logan's life. The temperament of the whole person has become a bit vicissitudes,

"Okay, you can experiment. All the memories have been checked. I will help you recover in a while." Charles rubbed his forehead and said, such an experience may be due to others. Human memory rushes into the brain in a short period of time, causing split personality.

LeEco Charles has no scruples in this regard. His powerful mental Ability allows him to withstand such mental shocks. Definitely, the greater the number of people, the greater the impact of success, and Charles also has his own limits.

Seeing that Charles had given a guarantee, Logan immediately took off his clothes, leaving only a short library, and then stepped into the pool of liquid nitrogen. Before entering, he held a metal tube, which he used later when he needed Roar to suck, and the test bench below was also tied up one by one. He used metal straps, all of which were the best. Things are made because they need to be recycled, not just Logan used up by himself.

When everything was ready, Bruce ordered the experiment to start, and Wolverine was about to be born, at this time, twenty years earlier than the original.

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