Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 515 Thor returns

Thor's sentiment made him understand why Odin sealed him and exiled him on earth, because his mistakes were so stupid. Impulsive and belligerent, all kings who conquer by force cannot bring a good life to Asgard. They will only cause the Aesir Protoss that has stood for countless years to be destroyed by the flames of war, and then completely eliminated in the long river of history.

So now Thor understands his responsibility, but he can no longer go back to the past. He is just a mortal now. How can he intervene in the battle between the Destroyer and the steel armor, as long as a beam of energy rubs him Passing by will kill him.

At the moment, not only Thor is here, Sif also brought the three Asgard warriors to here. After all, they are the elite fighters of Asgard. These people have physical strength and speed far beyond ordinary people, so at this time they It runs faster than galloping horses, and has an advantage over this rough wasteland, so the two came here with little difference.

When he got out of the car, Thor saw the situation on the battlefield of At the moment. At the moment, two Iron Man stood aside, four hands stretched out toward the front, and four thick yellow energy beams hit the destroyer. Going away, while the Destroyer was standing on the other side, At the moment the laser shot from the two big eyes on his skull was also much stronger, directly stalemate with Iron Man's palm cannon.

The three warriors of Asgard and Sif At the moment rushed up with their weapons one by one. They saw the Destroyer being dragged by the Iron Man. Suddenly everyone thought it was a good opportunity to attack, and they rushed forward one by one.

But if the Destroyer had only this kind of attack tactics, how could it become Asgard's chief individual weapon of war? So when the Asgard three warrior Sif rushed forward, the pieces of scales on the Destroyer's body opened, and suddenly lasers that were countless times smaller and shot directly at the four people.

Suddenly, the three warriors of Sif and Asgard were in an unprecedented crisis. Laser beams put the four of them on the ground in an instant. This was the result of the four powerful Asgard warriors who reacted fast enough to get out of the deadly.

"Loki, don't hurt them, you just want to kill me, then I'm here, don't do anything like this anymore! They are innocent!" Thor At the moment yelled at the sky, hoping Loki Can see.

But At the moment Loki has left Bifrost's area. He did not see Thor's actions or hear Thor's words at all. At the moment, he quietly tasted the place where Odin was sleeping, waiting for the Giants of Jotunheim King Lauf. arrival. At this time, Loki, who was not good at fighting, took the Eternal Spear of his adoptive father Odin. Although he could not exert the most powerful power of the Eternal Spear, it was the strongest artifact of Asgard after all.

Staying quietly in a corner, waiting for Lauf's arrival, he knew that Lauf would have come when he learned that Odin fell asleep. This is something the two opponents will definitely do.

On the earth, Loki did not have a new order, so the Destroyer continued to do it according to the previous order, first destroying the bug in front of him, and then killing Thor. When they saw the countless small lasers fired from the Destroyer, Tony and Howard were both stunned, and they had already used all the spare energy on their side.

And the guy on the opposite side actually has extra energy to deal with others. Suddenly both felt that the energy of this destroyer had surpassed them countless times. In this case, continuing to fight for internal power (bombardment between energies) is absolutely absolute. Not his opponent anymore. So in the end, the energy consumption of the steel battle suit will only be exhausted, and then it will be scummed by the Destroyer’s laser.

So the two smart guys stopped doing it immediately. If you continue to do this, your father and son will go to see God. This is definitely not a joke. Therefore, as the controller of the most powerful arms group in the U.S., they don’t. Maybe they are joking about their lives, this is their bottom line.

Therefore, both of them had the intention to retreat, and immediately increased the attack power of the explosion again. The yellow energy beam directly exploded with a stronger force to push the laser uncontrollably and leaned toward the destroyer.

But at this moment, the two of them directly began to change directions and flew out towards the other side, just maintaining the power of the palm cannon and the laser together. At this time, they no longer were in the direction where the laser shot straight out.

And At the moment Thor has also come within the attack range of the Destroyer, and countless small laser transmitters once again appeared on the Destroyer's body, directly shooting out countless laser rays, penetrating Thor's body. , Killed him directly on the spot.

Thor fell. Although he had distinguished the trajectories of the lasers, his body could not keep up with his consciousness. This made him unable to avoid the lasers, even the vital points, so he was shot directly through. After the body, a thin hole appeared in the heart, all of which were directly scorched. The laser trace that penetrated the body was like a small mole, but all the surrounding tissue cells were all necrotic. .

So Thor's heart has completely become a piece of barbecue, and there is no possibility of surviving in an instant. He directly lay on the ground and looked at the sky with his eyes, At the moment his mind is echoing his recent harvest, the force is The foundation of protecting kind people. Not for conquering and bullying.

Therefore, he felt that he had really found out what he needed to be a king. It was a heart that could protect the weak, and could face the enemy, but he didn't rush to kill a forgiving heart that was what a king should possess.

With this thought, Thor fell into a deep sleep, and then the whole person's consciousness fell into darkness.

At the moment, there are many people watching the show. Among them, Bruce and his son Andrew are also watching quietly here, but everyone can't see their father and son, because the area around them is Bruce’s domain, so everyone When I looked over, there was no one here. They were like transparent and invisible people. Everyone only saw the scene behind them.

"Father, that big guy is so majestic! Just why are Uncle Howard and Tony's brother fighting that big guy?" Andrew asked his father.

"Because this big guy has hurt a lot of people, he is evil. Everyone doesn't like such people. Just like us, we have powerful power, but we can't hurt others. Otherwise, someone will come out. Attack us and think we are evil." Bruce explained. Although the son is not an evolutionary, he is also a powerful person now, because this little guy is now wearing a steel battle suit. Had it not been for Bruce to pull him just now, maybe this little guy would have rushed out to fight.

This time he said that he would not participate, and he would never intervene again. It definitely wouldn't be a violation of the agreement to definitely make a move after they had played. Bruce felt that what he did was quite good, at least he didn't make a mistake.

So at this time, Bruce waited patiently. He hoped to build a steel armor for his son, using the metal of the Destroyer. This metal may not be inferior to Adamantium in Bruce's view. According to Bruce's observation just now, the metal on the Destroyer possesses memory properties and high-strength defensive Ability, which is different from Adamantium alloy.

After all, Adamantium alloy is strong and sharp, but this kind of metal is restorable. As a spare armor is obviously also very suitable, and Bruce also wants to make this armor a little smaller to become the inner armor of his son's Adamantium alloy battle armor.

"Father, those uncles and aunts are injured." Andrew was suddenly worried when he saw Sif and their hands, and the little guy was kind in his heart. Bruce just wanted to compliment him when he saw Howard and Tony had directly shifted their positions, and Thor had also stepped into the attack range of the Destroyer.

The time for everything to happen was very short, not even more than five seconds. At the moment Andrew was waiting for his father to rescue those uncles and aunts, but another uncle fell to the ground.

"Andrew, it's okay. Those uncles and aunts will be safe. Look at the last uncle who fell. He is going to transform. Then he will be very strong and defeat the big man." Bruce said to Andrew. , Apparently all this is back to the original point, Thor died and then came back to life to regain Thor's power.

"Really?" Andrew asked.

"Definitely is true, you see..." Bruce said. At the moment Thor fell, Jane was covering her mouth and screaming, and Sif and the other four wanted to die. They came to Earth in violation of the regulations this time to bring Thor back. Now Thor died.

The few people who were sad did not notice At the moment that a gentle force in Thor's body was repairing the wounds on his body, and his consciousness was clearer than ever. At the moment, he felt a strong call from a distance. Then, this call was so familiar: "Om Neal!"

Thor looked like he was dead, but he didn't die at all. Odin left his supernatural power in his body and saved his life at the moment of his dying.

After he was resurrected, he immediately felt Om'Neill's call, so he stretched out a hand and moved in the direction of the call.

And Om Neal also broke through the arrangement of S.H.I.E.L.D directly under Thor's summons, flew directly from the original pit, and fell into Thor's hands in an instant.

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