Chapter 50: What to Drive? Essential oil open back? The origin of Fan Ma Hai Huang!.

King Kong is not bad?

Hear the words. Fan Qiang was suddenly stunned. Boy.

The system even gave this trick? Harm!

Who hasn’t watched a martial arts drama in a previous life? Fan Qiang remembered correctly.

The first contact with King Kong is not bad for the Divine Skill.

Or in a well-known TV series [The First in the World]! The protagonist becomes a non-time time to perform the Vajra is not bad divine skill.

The whole body turns golden, becoming the real [King Kong is not bad] of “indestructible, invincible, not bad, and invincible”.

The higher the power, the better its defensive effect, speed, immunity, and destructive power. It’s just that at present, Fan Qiang’s King Kong is not bad is only one layer. So the skin has not yet revealed its pure gold!

It’s just that the surface of the body is coated with a layer of golden light. But even so.

It also gave the bear-shaped Ilya a puzzle. I saw him slap down fiercely.

It turned out to be only a shallow scratch on Fan Qiang’s chest. Moment.

His whole person is confused! Is this so wrong?

I have obviously tested it before. Swing it down with all your might.

Even a thin steel plate can be pierced. What kind of monster is this kid?

A body is harder than steel?

Don’t say Ilya at the moment.

Even the audience at the scene was dumbfounded. What’s going on here?

Where did the sound of the golden stone come from? Aren’t there two people fighting hand-to-hand on this stage?


After several attacks in a row. Fan Qiang remained unmoving. Now it was Ilya’s turn to be confused. A confused look.

It’s like a real big bear.

“You Nana has a leg!”

“It’s a good fight, isn’t it?”

“Now it’s my turn!”

Fan Qiang was really angry this time.

This old Maozi doesn’t talk about martial arts. Still open and hanging?

Do you also turn into a bear? Are you a druid?

Who is a serious person? Come to think of it.

Fan Qiangqi did not fight.

I couldn’t help but jump up and punch Ilya in the face.


And at this time.

The audience listened more carefully.

It was indeed the sound of steel clashing. Absolutely not wrong!

This is the role of Vajra Not Bad Divine Skill!

After training, it can greatly improve the strength of the body. Now Fan Qiang’s body is completely comparable to steel! Punch after punch!

Smash it on the head of this big dog bear! Ilya was a little confused at first. He didn’t expect it.

Fan Qiang endured three full-force attacks after his bearing. It was able to be unharmed.

And the body seems to have become harder.

However, at this moment, after being punched in the face by Fan Qiang a few times. He was angry!


Originally, one of the negative effects of bestialization was to become more violent. Ilya at this moment.

Already completely crazy!!!

The two of them are fighting fiercely as if they were dead!

And each punch is greeted in the face of the other person. This made Fan Qiang a little speechless.

I had learned so many boxing techniques from Ilya before. At this moment, it is completely useless.

The kind that can be thrown directly into the trash. Really.

In the face of absolute power.

All bells and whistles are illusory.


“Bang bang!!!”

As the two fiercely clashed.

The reporters and anchors filming on the side were already dumbfounded. Actually hit until this time.

What rules, what ring. It’s completely unimportant anymore.

It can be seen who on both sides can’t support the fall first! And.

Under the frantic attack of Ilya.

Although Fan Qiang is like steel, King Kong is not bad! But clothes are not so strong.

Punch after punch.

He was stunned to smash all the clothes on Fan Qiang’s upper body! Reveal a lean body!


Because King Kong does not damage the effect of the first layer! At this moment, it fell in the eyes of everyone.

It’s like a layer of golden light on the surface of the body. Like a golden arhat.

Full of an inexplicable sense of power!

Directly show a group of female viewers in the live broadcast room what it is!

“I’m in the middle of it!”

“Why didn’t you find it before?”

“Brother Fan Qiang’s figure is also too top!”

“Sisters, today’s live broadcast ends here first, I can’t help it a little.”

“Why can’t you help it? Don’t go, young lady, talk to me privately! ”


“I used to think that I didn’t like muscle men, and I thought it was so scary to look so much muscle.”

“Now I find out that it’s not that I don’t like muscle men, but I don’t like that big muscle man!”

“Who wouldn’t like a muscular little brother like Fan Qiang’s little brother, who doesn’t like it?”

“Great, hurry up and take pictures, Jimei, it’s so hungry that my saliva is flowing down without arguing!”

Seeing this group of young ladies and sisters, they all went crazy with continuous screenshots. A group of male viewers in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

There are many fat houses that have pinched a chubby swimming ring on their stomachs. Gritting his teeth and complaining.


“Can it be said that fitness and weight loss can win the favor of young ladies and sisters?”

“But I’m obviously also a person who has applied for a fitness card!”

“No more!”

“This card has been in place for half a year, why hasn’t there been any meat at all?”

“I’ll go to the gym tomorrow and ask!”

“Didn’t you tell me that you can lose weight if you get a card?”

“I finally made up my mind to lose weight so once, but you made me lose so completely!”


See the fat house brother’s speech. Others were not comforted.

Almost all of them almost went crazy.


“Laughter can’t live the family!”

“God can lose weight if you get a card.”

“Why don’t you go to the gym to practice, can this meat run by itself?”

“Quack quack, quack!”


And at the same time. Battles on the field.

It’s almost on the verge of entering a white-hot stage. Ilya’s bearization is terrible.

But actually.

But anyone who is a normal person can see it. He is just forcibly overdrawing his strength! Just imitate the beast posture to fight! Fan Qiang, however, is different.

His Vajra is not bad divine skill, although it is a systematic reward exercise. But after all, it was upgraded by being beaten all the way.


In addition, the breath of water is constantly circulating in the body. Provide Fan Qiang with countless energies.

At this moment, he seems to be like an energy pump. Inexhaustible!


After the two bombarded each other for two or three minutes.

It was obvious that Ilya’s face had become heavier. However, Fan Qiang is fighting more and more courageously at this moment!

He even used King Kong’s incorruptible body to perform the Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist! People are like King Kong, fists are like flowing water!

Palm after palm slammed into Ilya’s body. Until the end.

Ilya’s side has already fought back without the slightest ability to fight back. But Fan Qiang’s attack is not over yet.

Because in a frenzied beating.

He felt like he was in a state of epiphany.

At this moment, he has been completely immersed in his own move practice. And this scene.

In the eyes of everyone. It’s kind of scary.

Ilya has clearly been beaten to an adult. But Fan Qiang’s fist still did not stop.

Or punch after punch!

“Bang, bang, bang!”


The audience could only hear the crazy echo of Fan Qiang’s punch into the flesh! Beat for nearly ten minutes.

Fan Qiang was already covered in blood at the moment. King Kong is angry, bloody arhat! And this is the final kick.

Only then did he suddenly kick Ilya out.

And impartiality just crashed into the coffin he brought when he entered the martial arts arena! Squeezed together with his younger brother Cheek!

See this scene.

Fan Qiang couldn’t help but show a sneer on his face.


“It’s quite thoughtful.”

“Are you even ready for the coffin?”

Words fall.

Only then did Fan Qiang take out a fairy bean from his pocket.

Feed it to your mouth and eat it!

The reason why this thing has not been used in battles before. It was because Xian Dou recovered from his injuries too quickly.

Fan Qiang didn’t want to make people feel like a non-human. But let’s be honest.

On the exposure of various hole cards in the past few days. In fact, Fan Qiang can’t hide it at the moment. It doesn’t matter anymore.

This scene. The audience saw it though. No one will say anything more.

What happened to people finally winning and eating a peanut? Is there a problem?

No problem!

And at the same time.

Everyone in the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room were already dumbfounded. No one thought of it.

This showdown came to an end.

It would turn into such a cruel scene! The two completely abandoned moves and techniques. Fighting each other purely by physical strength! Judging by the current scene.

It should be Fan Qiang who won!


“What do you say about this wave?”

“Did Brother Qiang win?”

“The picture just now was so tragic, I didn’t dare to look at it, it was terrible!”

“It’s really a fist to death!”

“That blood is like not wanting money!”

“It’s so murderous, I’m still a child, why do you want me to see such a terrible scene.”

“What happened to the old hairy man?”

“Won’t you beat you to death?”

“It looks like I’m still breathing a little, I shouldn’t be dead yet, right?”


In the eyes of everyone.

This old Maozi should have been beaten until he lost consciousness.

But there are still ups and downs in the chest, and I should still be a little breathing. But only Fan Qiang knew.

This kid is basically alive. Organs in the chest cavity.

In the fierce attack he had just made. It’s all shattered. This battle.

This is the end of it!

And the group of hairy people who were beaten half to death by Fan Qiang before. At this moment, I saw the two brothers of Ilya lying in the coffin together.

Their legs were already scared. I didn’t dare to take a step closer at all. Moreover.

When he saw Fan Qiang’s gaze sweeping over here. I was already afraid to pee my pants.


The entire Blue Dragon Martial Arts Arena was filled with a fishy aura! It stinks!

See this scene. The audience was delighted. I couldn’t help but complain.


“Didn’t you always blow about some fighting nations on the Internet before?”

“That’s it?”

“Brother Qiang hasn’t done anything to them yet.”

“It’s just a glare.”

“As a result, these pants are scared to pee.”

“It’s ridiculous!”

Greed for life and fear of death. This is also human.

Although the old Maozi are fierce and aggressive by nature.

But this is based on the fact that the strength of the two sides is not much different. But what is the situation now?

I saw that Fan Qiang even beat the boxing king of his own Mao Bear Country to death. This one by one.

Where is the courage to come forward?

I saw that this group of old hairs were wilting one by one. Fan Qiang was also a little helpless.

Anyway, he signed a life and death certificate with Ilyacek and others. And.

These two people have not provoked the Xia people less before. Beaten to death by yourself.

It is they who are also to blame.

But what should the remaining group of old hairs do. Fan Qiang really had a headache.

If only this group of old hairy people had bloody spots.

Stand up to avenge Ilya and Cheek, these old hairs. That Fan Qiang was relaxed.

Killing one is killing anyway. Killing a bunch is also killing. No big deal. But now here’s the problem.

This old Maozi is like a very soft egg.

It is impossible for Fan Qiang to beat up a group of cowards who have lost their fighting spirit, right?


“With your virtue, are you still a man?”

“The egg bag kicked the donkey?”

“My own countrymen have been slaughtered by me.”

“What about the grandchildren one by one?”

“Come on!”

“Stand up together, don’t let Lao Tzu look down on you!”

Fan Qiang reluctantly provoked a few words.


This group of old hairy people shook their heads.

It’s like not understanding Fan Qiang’s words. Obviously there are several translators in it. Fan Qiang understood.

Just pretend to be stupid and stunned!

And then I heard a siren outside the door. What Fan Qiang didn’t expect was.

Then I saw a row of inspection cars parked in front of the door. What Fan Qiang didn’t expect was.

This thing is actually so big. Rectify the audit!

“Who is Mr. Fan Qiang?”

“We received a call from the embassy of the Mao Bear Country here!”

“They say you are suspected of killing important people in their country!”

“Force us to arrest you!”

A beautiful woman came down from the inspection car. After showing his ID to Fan Qiang.

Then he frowned and said such a thing. Hear the words.

Fan Qiang was instantly confused. An important figure in the country of hairy bears?

Why do you have nothing to provoke this kind of existence when you are idle? And just when Fan Qiang was confused.

Inside that bunch of hairs.

Suddenly a shady man with a hooked nose came out. Pointing at Fan Qiang and scolding.


“Fan Qiang!”

“You murderer!”

“Do you know what’s going on with you?”

“Ilya is not just the world boxing king of our Mao Bear Country!”

“At the same time, we are also the deputy head of the sports bureau of our national team!”

“How many interests are involved, which you hairy boy can understand?”

“You’re finished!”

“Since you dare to kill Ilya, our Mao Bear Country will not let you go!”

See this hook-nosed man.

Fan Qiangzhi guessed.

I’m afraid it’s this guy who is secretly playing tricks. Contacted the Mao Bear Embassy to come and save people! This moment.

Fan Qiang did not laugh angrily. Leng snorted.


“It’s really laughing at me!”

“Do you know what life and death are?”

“In the ring, life or death!”

“Now that I have won, you will use your means to save people?”

“It’s ridiculous!”

“Then if I lose, do I deserve to be killed by Ilya?”


It’s disgusting! Fan Qiang really didn’t expect it.

This group of old Maozi is shameless to such an extent. How?

Bullying him Fan Qiang has no background?

“No matter how sophistry you are, it’s useless.”

“In short!”

“No matter what, today you Fan Qiang must apologize to our Mao Xiong Country and admit our mistake!”

“We must give an explanation!”

As a matter of fact.

The reason why this hook-nosed man dares to be so arrogant.

It was entirely because he had instructions from the Hairy Bear Emperor behind his back. As a matter of fact.

It’s nothing to die one Ilya. The point is that this is a big trouble.

It has been known to everyone in the country of hairy bears. In this case.

Fan Qiang beat Ilya to death in front of the whole world. Where does this put the face of the Maozi?


The Mao Xiong Country had to embarrass Fan Qiang no matter what.

Nothing to say today will make this kid leave unharmed! Let’s be honest.

Fan Qiang didn’t expect it either.

This group of old Maozi is actually so shameless. You can’t beat yourself in the ring.

Such despicable means are used in private.

At this moment, Fan Qiang felt as if a fire was burning in his chest. Angry to the extreme, don’t laugh angrily!

Fan Qiang said coldly.

“You want me to give an explanation, don’t you?”


“I’ll give you an explanation now!”

Words fall.

I saw Fan Qiang’s feet move.

Everyone hadn’t had time to react yet.

And the next second. Fan Qiang appeared in front of Ilya!

And the latter.

At this moment, he is completely unable to move, and he has completely lost the ability to resist! Therefore.

When he saw Fan Qiang’s murderous eyes.

An extremely frightened expression instantly appeared on Ilya’s face. Heart-rending screams.

“Don’t kill me!”

“I was wrong!”

“Please don’t kill me!!!”


Fan Qiang didn’t shake this kid at all. Directly kick at Ilya’s neck! Kicked it hard.


This kick.

Directly let Ilya come to the first two points. The blood soared a few feet high!

This picture is as exciting as it is! See this scene.

The eagle-hooked-nosed old hairy man was instantly anxious. He actually took out a gun from his pocket. Ming Huang pointed at Fan Qiang and roared.

“You damn it!!!”

Time. Everyone present was dumbfounded. No one expected it.

This old Maozi actually has a gun hidden on his body!


“Fan Qiang!”

“Flash away!”

Time. Everyone exclaimed. Yi.

This old Maozi has already made a killing heart!

Just when no one reacted. This old Maozi has already pulled the insurance.

Fired three shots at Fan Qiang! Bang bang!

Finished! These two words.

Instantly appeared in everyone’s hearts. At such a close distance. Even if it’s a god.

I’m afraid it will be difficult to withstand the attack of thermal weapons, right?

A scream was heard from behind. Fan Qiang turned back suddenly.

When he saw the dark muzzle pointed at him. People are also confused!

He didn’t expect it anyway.

The opposite side will actually pull out a gun! In an instant.

Fan Qiang felt a strong crisis of life and death! He didn’t have time to dodge anything. At this speed.

It is absolutely impossible for a person to be faster than a bullet! Even if it’s him!

It can only be hard-capped with the strength of the strengthened flesh of King Kong!


See if you have a chance to withstand these bullets! Bang!

First shot!

It hit Fan Qiang’s chest directly.

I saw that his whole person was shocked and took a few steps backwards. And above the chest.

Directly broke a blood hole!

The strengthened musculature is almost completely exploded. A blur of flesh and blood.


The second bullet followed. Or the same location! Merely. In the midst of exploding flesh and blood. There is a rib.

Xuan Zhi withstood the impact of this bullet! But the ribs are also broken!

And at this time.

Fan Qiang’s beating heart was beating. It has been completely exposed.

Lost any obstruction!

If this bullet hits the chest!

Fan Qiang will face the threat of heart breaking. Death is certain!

See this scene!

Everyone no longer even had the strength to shout. Almost instantaneous speechlessness!


What no one expected was.

At the moment when the third bullet was about to hit Fan Qiang’s chest. Skinny old man with sunglasses.

I don’t know when.

Suddenly appeared in front of Fan Qiang.

Directly use one hand to pinch the bullet in mid-air. The speed is simply invisible to the naked eye!

Forthwith! A backhand shot. A bullet pinched by an old man.

In an instant, it bounced to the center of the eagle’s hooked nose and old hair’s eyebrows. Kill it directly!


For Fan Qiang’s physical body can resist two bullets. Everyone was shocked enough!


This old man appeared inexplicably. But it is even more exaggerated and outrageous! Flesh to catch a bullet?

What kind of monster is this?

“I’m in the middle of it!”

“Lao Tzu didn’t dream, did he?”

“Is this fake?”

“No kidding?”

“I saw Brother Qiang resisting three bullets before, I think it’s outrageous enough.”

“Where did this old man pop up?”

“The sleeping groove is simply amazing!”

“He just pinched the bullet, right?”

“I’m not blind, am I?”

“Bitmo is even more outrageous to make a movie!”

The audience was already stunned.

It was completely impossible to believe what was happening in front of me.

And right at this moment.

The old man yawned. Carry your hands like a little old man. Slowly turned around. He looked at Fan Qiang’s chest. Then he said with a smile.

“King Kong is not bad, see God is undefeated?”

“What a kung fu!”

“You kid, do you have a relationship with Shaolin?”

Hear the words.

Fan Qiangzhi was already able to guess the identity of the old man. At this age, there is still this vision.

You can see your own work at a glance. Universally.

Except for which one.

I’m afraid there will be no other candidates! Therefore.

Fan Qiang said respectfully.

“Thank you Guo Haihuang for coming to the rescue!”

That’s right!

The little old man in front of him, wearing glasses, wearing a Zhongshan suit, and his skin was wrinkled, making it impossible to guess how many years he had lived. is the initiator of this Sea Emperor Competition.

Guo Haihuang who flew from Hong Kong Island! Although he promised Ilya before!

If he can win this game.

Just give him a chance to participate in the Sea Emperor Race. But actually.

In Guo Haihuang’s heart.

Ilya is not important at all.

He’s just a pure tool man.

In order to stimulate Fan Qiang’s inner desire to fight! Let’s be honest.

So many years have passed.

It was the first time that Guo Haihuang saw Fan Qiang so interested in him. Although the strength of the body is still a little worse.

But for the mastery and comprehension of skills. But there is a system of its own. Let’s be honest.

Even Guo Haihuang couldn’t see Fan Qiang’s family inheritance. But there is only one feeling.

This kid’s methods are very powerful.

Even he couldn’t see through Fan Qiang’s hole cards. Harm!

After all, it is produced by the system.

It’s quite normal that Guo Haihuang can’t see it.

“I really didn’t expect it.”

“Old man, I’ve been in this world for so many years!”

“A little doll your age.”

“I can actually recognize it.”

“It really surprised me a little!”

Is it really Guo Haihuang?

Unexpectedly, the other party actually admitted it. Fan Qiang was a little secretly shocked for a while. Wouldn’t that mean.

This old man is now nearly two hundred years old? Even broken through two hundred years old?

And just when Fan Qiang was puzzled. Guo Haihuang suddenly burst into a kick. Directly kicked Fan Qiang into the sky. It went around several times in a row.

When it is about to fall from the sky.

Guo Haihuang directly supported him in the sky with one foot. Back back down position.


The little old man actually took off his glasses. I looked at it carefully.

Only then said with a disappointed face.

“You boy…”

“How long have you been working out?”

“Why are you so skinny?”

“It’s not good at all!”

“Not to mention that the muscles on this body are compared to that monster, even if they are countless times weaker than the old man!”

“Just this body strength!”

“What to compare with that monster?”

Hear the words. Fan Qiang was stunned in an instant. Monster?

What monster?

But he replied in a serious way.

“I’m sorry, Guo Lao!”

“I’ve only been practicing for three days!”

“Make you smile…”


Three days? Hear those two words.

Guo Haihuang was dumbfounded? How long is this three days? Can you practice like this in three days?

It made his feet tremble. Almost didn’t drop Fan Qiang from the sky.

“What happened to Elder Guo?”

“Did I practice wrong?”

“Or is there something wrong?”

I heard that Fan Qiang was still there and asked knowingly. Guo Haihuang was really angry. Directly another kick.

Kicked this kid and flew out.

The whole person instantly smashed into the floor. Posing in large characters in the shape of a person.

However, Guo Haihuang showed a confident smile on his face.

“If this kid is really not kidding.”

“You can practice to this level in three days!”

“Then give this kid ten days at most, maybe he can really open his back!”

“Even if that monster is still alive then.”

“It won’t be without the power of a battle!”

And at this time.

Fan Qiang had just gotten up from the ground.

Just heard Guo Haihuang’s voice talking to himself.

“Open back?”

“What’s the back?”

“Is the essential oil open back Guo Lao?”

“I didn’t expect you to be so interested!”

Hear the words.

A few more green tendons appeared on Guo Haihuang’s face.

If it weren’t for the thought that Fan Qiang, this kid had just been shot twice and was seriously injured. Guo Haihuang had to kick this kid to death!

“I’ll drive your Nana’s leg!”

“I said it was a ghost back, boy!”

Ghost back!

I heard those words again.

Fan Qiang’s eyes instantly straightened. For every bodybuilder.

Ghost backs are unattainable dreams. Worldwide.

Except for a few people who can practice such an exaggerated thing as ghost back. Fan Qiang had never heard that ordinary people could practice ghost backs!


Or is it because those few people have a strange bloodline! Blood of Van Ma!

There are even people who say that they are not earthlings! Although Fan Qiang did not believe this. But the attachment to the back of the ghost. But no less than anyone.

“Guo Lao?”

“Is it true that there is such a thing as a ghost in this world?”

Hear Fan Qiang’s question.

Guo Haihuang nodded slowly.

“I didn’t hear about it!”

“I’ve seen it!”

“I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

“Decades ago, I saw the ghost’s back open in front of me.”

“The exaggerated back muscles, like a demon, like crying and laughing, are terrifying!”


“The reason why I started the Sea Emperor Tournament this time!”

“It is also to seek the heroes of the world!”

“Challenge that monster-like guy together!”

“Although decades have passed.”

“There is no news of him from the outside world.”

“But I think.”

“He would never have died so easily.”


“This Sea Emperor Tournament is not to take away the name of the Sea Emperor from me!”

“It’s to take back the title of Sea Emperor that belongs to our Xia Kingdom from that person’s hands!”

Listen to the words.

With the old man’s meaningful gaze.

Fan Qiang couldn’t help but be infected for a while. Hurriedly gave up his fist.

“Dare to ask Guo Lao!”

“Who is that person!”

However, Guo Haihuang just shook his head slowly.


“You don’t have to know his full name!”

“You just need to know that he is the only one that the old man recognizes, a strong man in another country with the title of Sea Emperor!”

“I call him a fan Mahai Huang Da!”


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