Li Xiaobai didn't know how to practice, and apart from the cracks on the ground, he couldn't see any strangeness in the two's moves, he could only stare blankly.

The poisonous mist on the ring completely dissipated, the moves didn't even have the special effects of the basic exercises, and the rest of the disciples were also confused.

Their level is too low to understand the connotation of such an operation, but the disciples with higher strength have their eyes wide open one by one, lest they miss every detail.

The elders also looked stern, and watched the battle seriously. This kind of strength can already be on par with them. Even if their cultivation base is a little bit worse, their fighting consciousness and understanding of exercises are not far behind.

Piao Miao Peak is really a genius!

The two people on the stage had no distracting thoughts, they turned a deaf ear to the exclamations below, and only had their eyes on their opponents.

Su Yunbing was also shocked. She didn't expect that the second junior sister's direct cultivation had reached such a level without knowing it, and she really couldn't take her down for a while with ordinary means.

But at this stage, the competition should be over.

Su Yunbing's eyes were fixed, and a cold light burst out in his eyes. He turned his wrist, and a huge hammer appeared in his hand.

This hammer is ridiculously big, the hammer head alone has a width of three meters, and the handle of the hammer is even longer. The wild totem brand is covered on its body, which stimulates the brains of the people who eat melons.

It's hard to imagine that that seemingly slender and petite body can explode with the power to swing a giant hammer.

"Junior Sister, you are pretty good at staying under Senior Sister for such a long time, you can go down."

After saying that, he exerted a sudden force in his hand, the brilliance flowed, and the giant hammer turned into afterimages and hit Ye Wushuang. A black light suddenly appeared on the hammer head, revealing a rare and strange beast, and the sound of a sonic boom was faintly heard in the air .

Ye Wushuang's complexion changed, the power carried by the hammer made her hairs stand on end, dark green smoke gathered, and the internal skills were running crazily, trying to block the hammer.


The hammer broke through the kung fu without any resistance, and hit Ye Wushuang's chest. The breath in his body was chaotic, blood spurted out from his mouth, and he flew upside down.

Su Yunbing smashed the hammer to the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, and defeated Ye Wushuang. She felt much more comfortable in her heart and her mentality was more balanced.

Feeling the buzzing and tremors on the ground, Li Xiaobai swallowed uncontrollably, the senior sister is really scary, she can swing such a big hammer.

Looking at the gigantic hammer with an exaggerated shape on the stage, Feng Wuxie's expression changed drastically, and he blurted out, "This is the natal treasure!"

"What is a natal spirit treasure?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"It's a magic weapon carefully cultivated with my own blood. Being able to possess the existence of a natal spirit treasure is invincible at the same level. Su Yunbing has come to this step. Her cultivation is at least the sixth level of the Golden Core!"

Feng Wuxie was really frightened. You must know that he is only at the third level of Jindan now, it's ridiculous that he still thinks that he is the leader of Xianyuzong.

In front of Su Yunbing, he is nothing.

"It's been a long time since I've sparred, but the senior sister has come this far. It seems that she's ahead of me by a lot!" Liu Jinshui murmured.

"Third Senior Brother, if you face Senior Sister, what are your chances of winning?"

Yang Chen frowned and asked, Su Yunbing showed too much courage.

"Don't talk foolishly, you and I are very clear about the skills of the elder sister, if she uses martial arts and martial arts, we will not be an equal enemy!"

Lin Yin looked indifferent, he was not surprised by such a result.

Yang Chen seemed to recall some bad memories, so he stopped talking.

"Second Senior Sister will be okay?"

Li Xiaobai asked, the blood stains on the stage hadn't dried yet, looking shocking.

"Don't worry, this is just a minor injury to Senior Sister Ye, and it will recover after a little exercise." Liu Jinshui said.

"Second match, Su Yun ice wins!"

The referee was also stunned. The aftermath of the hammer just now made him feel the threat of death, and it took him a long time to recover.

The disciples in the audience were all shocked, the totem brand on the hammer, and the powerful sense of oppression it exuded deeply shook everyone's heart.

Disciple of Piaomiao Peak, so terrifying!

Su Yunbing laughed, and walked down the stage leisurely with a hammer in his hand, his face full of complacency.

"Junior Sister, if you can't get enough kung fu, go back and practice more!"

"Hehe, Senior Sister taught me a lesson!"

Ye Wushuang's complexion recovered a lot, but it was a little pale, and it didn't look like he had been seriously injured.

Li Xiaobai was even more surprised, originally thought that the senior sister was very perverted, but he didn't expect that the second senior sister was even more perverted, and he could recover from such a serious injury in the blink of an eye.

It's incredible.

"The third match, Piaomiao Feng Linyin vs Piaomiao Feng Lingfeng!"

The match had to continue, the referee said something tremblingly, and then hurriedly left the ring, he didn't dare to stand too far in front of the disciples of Piaomiao Peak.

"Come on, Fifth Junior Brother."

Lin Yin was very relaxed, his figure flickered, and he stepped onto the ring.

Ling Feng was a little nervous, and was more silent than usual.

"Fifth senior brother, it's okay, there's no shame in losing to third senior brother."

Liu Jinshui patted Ling Feng's shoulder and comforted him.

"That's right, the third senior brother has been fighting all year round, and he is full of killing intent. If you lose, you lose. There's nothing shameful about it." Yang Chen also said carelessly.

Ling Feng nodded, his figure flickered, and he appeared on the ring in an instant.

Li Xiaobai stared at the two people on stage with wide eyes, why did he feel that Ling Feng was afraid of Lin Yin?

Could it be that something happened before?

On the stage, Ling Feng cupped his hands, "Brother, please be merciful!"

"It should."

Lin Yin said lightly with his hands behind his back.

"Then the younger brother will be offended!"

Ling Feng pushed his palms flat, a fiery red light shot up into the sky, and a scorching breath rushed towards his face.

The arena was instantly burnt to pitch black, and there was a faint tendency to melt.

"Scorching Sun Palm!"

Different from the battle between the senior sisters, Ling Feng came up with a big move, the ring was covered with overwhelming flames, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly.

Li Xiaobai repeated his old trick, carefully devouring the nearby flames, adding hundreds of attribute points again.

Pretty good!

It can be seen that the fierce fighting in the arena is very fierce, the temperature in the air is constantly rising, and many disciples are already sweating profusely.

The flames on the arena turned from fiery red to purple-black, the temperature was more than ten times higher, and the center of the arena was directly burned through.

It's hard to imagine that Lin Yin could fight in such an environment.

a moment later,

The ground trembled suddenly, and the flames in the field gradually dissipated, revealing the figures of two people.

Lin Yin slipped Ling Feng with one hand, and casually threw it down the stage.

Ling Feng coughed up blood, his body was covered with frost, and convulsed, Ye Wushuang hurried forward to treat him.

"Piao Miao Peak, Lin Yin wins!"

The referee spat out a few words with difficulty.

Everyone was petrified, and no one knew what happened on the stage. The flames that filled the sky were enough to shock people, but it turned out that Ling Feng was defeated in an instant. What kind of operation is this?

"Senior sister, have you seen clearly?"

Liu Jinshui asked Su Yunbing.

"One move, defeating Lingfeng, Junior Brother Lin Yin's cultivation is almost the same as mine, he only needs to condense his natal spirit treasure." Su Yunbing took a deep breath and said slowly.


"Third Senior Brother has come this far?"

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