Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 20 The Bathhouse Must Be Taken Away

"Hehe, I have my own plan in mind. All of your Immortal Feather Sect disciples look like they have never seen the world. I am also afraid that they will encounter accidents when they go out, so I will take a vaccination in advance."

The speech was interrupted, and the national teacher was obviously a little unhappy.

"National teacher, don't worry, we have already told you about these things, life and death are fate, this is what they have to go through."

"This time, I will trouble the national teacher." The head of the sect clasped his fists and saluted, and said with a smile.

"Well, don't worry, which disciples will follow me to Zhenyuan Kingdom, and those whose strength is too weak don't need to go."

Li Shejin said slowly, his eyes rolled around, and he saw the people from Piaomiao Peak at a glance.

Su Yunbing and Ye Wushuang are both beauties, and their temperament is beyond dust.

Li Shejin's small eyes were shining with excitement, and he pointed at the people in Piaomiao Peak, "The disciple over there is good, I want it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience silently mourned for him.

The national teacher's complexion was obvious, and he didn't hide it at all. He actually wanted to get the idea of ​​the two senior sisters of Piao Miao Peak. The road was destined to be peaceful.

The sect leader next to him was also sweating profusely, he was very afraid that Piaomiao Peak and the others would slaughter this national teacher as soon as they left the mountain gate.

Intuition told him that people from Piao Miao Peak could definitely do this kind of thing.

"Hehe, thanks to the great love of the national teacher, the little girl is more respectful than obedient. Seven of us are brothers and sisters, and we will go with you."

Su Yunbing was uncharacteristically, smiling like a flower, and Li Shejin was spitting and swallowing wildly.

In his mind, he was already fantasizing about spending time with this sister in Zhenyuan Kingdom. In his opinion, these disciples were all inexperienced, and he could make them obey with a little trickery.

Zhen Yuanguo never misses what he wants.

It's just that he didn't see the strange coldness in the eyes of everyone in Piaomiao Peak.

Li Xiaobai felt a little terrified, these brothers and sisters were lawless, if they were released, this national teacher might not survive five seconds.

The head of the sect and all the elders also had the same idea. Although everyone wanted to teach the national teacher a lesson, he was a monk of a great country after all, and it would be very troublesome if he was killed.

"Ahem, that's about all there is to say. You go back and pack up. We will gather at the mountain gate in an hour. This operation will be led by the great elder of the Holy Demon Sect. The top ten disciples of the Dabi will follow him directly to return Saint Demon Sect, there is no need to continue the competition."

"This time, we must uphold the attitude of friendly exchanges and do our best to help Zhenyuan Kingdom eliminate monsters." The head couldn't help but asked a few more words.


The attitude of everyone in Piaomiao Peak was surprisingly good, uncharacteristically, whatever the headmaster said was what he said.

But the more this is the case, the more worried the head is, but it's not easy to say anything at the moment. It can only let Li Shejin ask for more blessings. If you want to play with fire, we can't stop it.

The disciples in the audience rushed away and went back to get ready for work. They really didn't want to stay for a second longer. This Li Shejin made people feel disgusted.

The greasy appearance, coupled with the lustful eyes, really makes people uncomfortable.

Li Xiaobai has always been puzzled in his heart, this Li Shejin doesn't seem very strong, why does he have such an arrogant and domineering attitude?

Could it be that the Zhenyuan Kingdom is powerful?

Quietly leaning towards Liu Jinshui's side, the fat man felt that he knew many things.

"Senior brother Six, do you know why the national teacher is so arrogant? I feel that his strength is not very strong." Li Xiaobai asked.

"Hey, well, it's a long story, and it involves a lot of historical issues. The origin of Zhenyuan Kingdom actually starts with one person."

"More than a thousand years ago, there was a person in our Fairy Continent who broke through the realm of eternity and ascended to the upper realm. This person was named Zhenyuan Daxian, who was born in a country called Dayuan Kingdom. After he ascended to the upper realm, this person The Great Yuan Kingdom will be renamed the Zhenyuan Kingdom."

"Because this Immortal Zhenyuan followed the path of Confucianism at the beginning, and proved the way with great righteousness, so he was full of bookishness. The people of Zhenyuan Kingdom are not very good at cultivation. A high-ranking look."

"Furthermore, it is said that they are related to Zhenyuan Kingdom and some forces in Zhongzhou. Although they keep silent about this matter, it is easy to see. After all, they have hundreds of monks in the Golden Core Stage. I know it well."

"It is precisely because of this that everyone will give them face."

Liu Jinshui explained.

Li Xiaobai understood in his heart that this is a country where immortals once lived, and it has something to do with the forces in Zhongzhou, so it is full of arrogance.

Sure enough, this world still relies on strength to speak, but the senior brother said that the hundreds of golden elixirs in Zhenyuan Kingdom are worthless, which feels more arrogant than Li Shejin.

"But this Li Shejin angered the senior sister, he is dead, the senior sister's temper, don't care who is behind them, just raise the hammer and do it!"

Li Xiaobai took it very seriously, the senior sister's behavior was too strange, it was obvious that she was trying to make trouble.

Just as I thought, I am afraid that the few people have already filled up their hatred before they even arrived in Zhenyuan Country.

Back in the cave,

Li Xiaobai quickly checked his system panel, he was about to go out to fight against the monsters, and finally hugged his feet to see if there was anything he could use.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Defensive copper skin and iron bones (42005000).

The skill hatred is 100%, the muscles are weak, and the sword pierces the sky.

Props not-so-sloppy helmet, golden silk soft armor.

attribute point 0

The mall is open.

Browsing around in the mall, Li Xiaobai is very clear about his position. He does not have any attack power. If he wants to defeat his opponent, he can only rely on skills and props.

Acquiring skills depends on chance, and the only things you can control are the props in the mall.

Walking around in the mall, although there are more than a thousand low-grade spirit stones in my hand, compared with the price in the mall, it is just a drop in the bucket, and I can't buy it at will.

After picking for a while, Li Xiaobai found several good items.

The thousand-mile teleportation talisman uses a talisman to instantly move thousands of miles away, and the teleportation location is random. (The price is 1000 low-grade spirit stones)

A broomstick flying mount, you can travel around the world on a broomstick. It needs spirit stone energy, and a low-grade spirit stone can be used for one hour. (The price is 1000 low-grade spirit stones)

After using the golden talisman, it can resist a blow from a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. (The price is 1000 low-grade spirit stones)

These are life-saving artifacts, and the price happens to be all of his current net worth.

Write down these things for the time being, and buy them when you need them.

At this time, there were a few senior brothers and sisters arguing outside the house.

"This bathhouse must be taken away!"

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