Li Xiaobai quickly put all the materials into the space ring.

These are all real gold and silver, which can be exchanged for spirit stones, so they can't just be given to little loli.

"Boss, you probably won't need this material..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said pitifully.

"I'm of great use."

Li Xiaobai said calmly, took out a monster inner alchemy and swallowed it.

The inner alchemy entered the body, a heat wave surged in the dantian, and the breath of a beast swept all directions. There was a thunderous explosion sound effect in the stomach, and everyone who heard it trembled.

Li Xiaobai's complexion was flushed, with a relaxed expression all over his face.

He let out a deep breath.


Attribute point +200...

The effect is good. I have heard people say that the energy in this monster inner alchemy is extremely violent. Ordinary people will definitely die if they take it. Seeing it today, the energy in it is indeed very explosive.

But he was comfortable, and the others were dumbfounded.

The monsters that can condense the inner alchemy are all in the golden core stage. Normally, when they meet this kind of monster, they will turn around and run away. Today, there is a ruthless person who swallows the inner alchemy of the monster beast. How confident is this, and how is it What strength!

Li Xiaobai didn't know that in the eyes of young men and women, he was already a ten thousand year old monster that could rival the ancient beasts.

Li Ruojun's face was as white as a sheet of fright, and she almost lost control. She was the only girl in the team of five, and she had the worst mental capacity to bear it. Seeing such a fierce scene, she almost lost her way.

Li Xiaobai burped, still not satisfied, took out all the remaining monster inner alchemy, and swallowed it.

"Gulu Gulu!"

The sound of explosions in the dantian continued, the sound of thunder rolled, and the tyrannical monster breath raged, which made the little loli scream in shock.

"Boss, you are so fierce, you even dare to eat the monster inner alchemy raw, much stronger than those little fresh meats in our sect, you are the fiercest person I have ever seen, bar none!"

Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes were shining brightly, she adored Li Xiaobai very much.

"Senior is really extraordinary, with such a cultivation level, our generation of monks can hardly hold a candle to it!"

Ouyang Feng's face was full of bitterness, this level of gap was enough for him to spend his whole life chasing after it.

"Hehe, it's all routine operation, not worth mentioning."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, motioning everyone to move on.

The beasts were all shocked to death, and fresh blood must be found as soon as possible to make up for the vacancy in the source of attribute points.

Now everyone is in the inner circle of the Divine Beast Mountain Range. The monsters that appear here are the foundation-building stage Dzogchen, and the Jindan stage monsters are walking all over the place.

Ouyang Feng led the crowd to a swamp.

"Senior, this is Yunwu Lake, and there is a Golden Core stage swallowing python living in it, which should suit your appetite."

Ouyang Feng also had selfish intentions in choosing this area. There are quite a few elixir in this swamp, nourished by the breath of monsters and beasts all the year round, and they have already matured.

It's a pity that their strength is low. If they want to get these medicinal materials, it is tantamount to snatching food. If they can kill the python, they can pick it up. Even if they only get 10%, it is a big gain.

"Golden Core Stage, not bad."

Li Xiaobai's eyes are shining, and the Jindan period means that there is an inner alchemy to take, and another wave of attribute points can be added.

"Boss, come on!"

Little Lolita cheered on behind him, Li Xiaobai's complexion darkened, this guy's mouth was full of arrogance, but his body was very honest, he hid far away, obviously afraid of being affected, he was so timid, how did he come out to mess around.

After stretching his muscles and bones, he had nothing to say, and went directly into the swamp.

As soon as he touched the swamp, the attribute value panel began to jump. This swamp is poisonous.

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +1...

drop! It is detected that the host is injured by persistent poison, and the skill is upgraded to muscle weakness.

Myasthenia is centered on the self when using it, and it falls into a state of muscle weakness within a radius of two meters. The longer it lasts, the deeper the symptoms will be.


This poison actually upgraded the weakness of the muscles, but the name has not changed, and the range of use has been increased to two meters, so it will not be so restrictive when used in the future.

The swamp was surprisingly quiet, there was no thunderous roar, only a strange tranquility.

Li Xiaobai knew that this was the calm before the storm, snakes were very vicious, maybe they were looking for an opportunity to attack at this moment, in order to kill with one blow.

Sure enough, there was a sudden coldness under his feet, as if he had been licked by something.

Attribute point +30...


What kind of tongue is this? It can add so many attribute points with just one lick, which is much stronger than those monsters before.

At that moment Li Xiaobai didn't want to wait any longer, bent down, and kept fishing in the swamp with both hands, trying to catch the Tuntian Python.

Ouyang Feng and the others backed away in fright. This kind of provocative behavior is collectively referred to as courting death. They couldn't bear it when Tuntian Python got angry for a while, so it's better to back away first.


When Li Xiaobai disturbed it, the Sky Swallowing Python hiding at the bottom of the swamp became furious, and it felt that it had been seriously provoked.

The roar was deafening, resounding through the heavens and the earth, and a powerful and terrifying coercion swept the audience in an instant. It was said that the snake had a trace of dragon's blood, which was absolutely true.

The swamp exploded, and the Sky Swallowing Python soared into the sky, it opened its mouth wide and bit down on Li Xiaobai.

The giant python in front of him was surprisingly big, less than tens of meters in length, and the scales on its body shone with cold light, like armor.

However, no matter how bluffing his appearance is, it is only the cultivation base of the Jindan period, and it is impossible to beat himself.

Attribute point +100...

After this mouthful, Li Xiaobai was unharmed, but the giant python's teeth were broken, and the venom was sprayed all over his body, and his attribute points skyrocketed again.

Turning around, the boa constrictor quickly climbed up to Li Xiaobai's waist. This is the talent of snakes, strangling.

The body of the snake tightened more and more, and Li Xiaobai's veins bulged from being strangled.

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +100...


The attribute points increased crazily, and the strangulation was continuous damage. It could be seen that the python had used all its strength.

Li Xiaobai was in pain and joy, this python's attribute points are too rich, I really hope it can keep strangling him, but it's a pity that anti-injury is a passive skill, it is activated all the time.

Once the rebellion starts, no one loves.

The stronger the boa constrictor, the stronger the damage.

Soon, the scales on its body surface shattered piece by piece, and strands of blood drifted out.


The giant python roared crazily, its intelligence was not high, and once it entangled the opponent, it would not let go, and it was precisely because of this that it would suffer huge damage.

After the roar continued for a while, the sound stopped abruptly.

The strong sense of restraint suddenly disappeared, Li Xiaobai only felt his body loosen, and the Tuntian Python fell straight into the swamp, lifeless.

It was shocked to death by its own strength.

"Hey, it's rare to come across a handy one, it's a pity..."

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