Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 56 Young Master, I Will Take A Bath With You

Li Xiaobai's performance was too strong, and Situ Kong was very afraid of the other party's revenge. They were just ordinary people and couldn't compete with big families.

"Grandpa, the young master is helping us,"

Situ Yanyu frowned, feeling that her grandfather was too cautious.

"That's right, my generation of monks, my righteousness is as thin as the clouds, and when I see injustice, I will take action when it is time to do so. Don't worry, I will help you solve your troubles."

Li Xiaobai said flatly, from the moment he put on the mask, he was following the half-dead route of the third senior brother.

Wang Ergou was thrown out, Er Gouzi seemed very excited, jumped into Li Xiaobai's arms and got into his chest.

Situ Yanyu's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks were slightly flushed, she felt that Li Xiaobai, who was wearing a mask, was more handsome than before, and he also had an extra charm that could attract women infinitely.

This straight nose, eagle-like eyes, handsome appearance plus this half-dead melancholy temperament...

Strong, handsome, and temperament, such a man is perfect...


Situ Kong coughed twice from the side.

Situ Yanyu's thoughts were interrupted, and she instantly calmed down, realizing that she had lost her composure.

"Haven't you asked your master's name?" Situ Yanyu asked.

"Under Ye Liangchen, I would like to thank the girl for her righteousness and rescue."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, and they use trumpets to save their lives.

Especially in this unfamiliar land, he might as well change his appearance from the inside to the outside and start a new life.

"It turned out to be Young Master Liangchen. The little girl, Situ Yanyu, is being polite. This is my grandfather, Situ Kong."

Situ Yanyu smiled like a flower, the more she looked at Li Xiaobai, the more pleasing she felt.

"Ahem, the old man is being polite, thank you Mr. Liangchen for your help."

Situ Kong cupped his fists in salute, Li Xiaobai's cultivation was unfathomable, and he also did not dare to offend.

"Hehe, it's nothing more than a little effort, may I ask if there are any abandoned houses in this courtyard?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the surrounding environment. The place where the grandpa and grandson live is not small, and there are many empty rooms, which are very suitable for a bathhouse.

"There is a woodshed, Yanyu, hurry up and clean it up for Mr. Liangchen."

Situ Kong led Situ Yanyu to open a dusty room.

The house looked like it had been in disrepair for a long time. At least two or three years, no one had been in it. It was covered with cobwebs, and when the door was pushed, dust fell down.

Situ Yanyu found a broom from the corner and wanted to clean it up.

Li Xiaobai hurried forward to stop, "You two don't have to do this, I'll clean it up."

"What a shame."

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter."

Just kidding, there is so much dust, if it is cleaned by hand, it will only get dirtier. With the help of props from the mall, there is no need for such a primitive cleaning method.

The vacuum cleaner can absorb everything, the more spiritual stones are injected, the higher the grade, the stronger the power of the vacuum cleaner. (1000 middle-grade spirit stones).

Note that the vacuum cleaner needs to be cleaned frequently.


This thing is much faster than manual cleaning. The only downside is that the fuel of this prop is spirit stone.

It's expensive to use.

Signaling the two to retreat, Li Xiaobai threw in a low-grade spirit stone, wanting to try the effect first.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner, and immediately, all the dust and furnishings in the house flock to the vacuum cleaner. No matter what it is, as long as it is close to the vacuum cleaner, it will become smaller and then be taken into it.

The storage port of this vacuum cleaner is equivalent to a huge space ring, and there is a vast space inside, and all the inhaled items are stored in it. The room became tidy almost instantly, Li Xiaobai laughed loudly, and threw in two low-grade spirit stones again.

The suction became stronger, and almost instantly, all the furniture and furnishings in the house flew over in a daze, and then were collected by the vacuum cleaner.

After a few breaths,

The house became spotless, not only the dust was gone, not even a small teacup was left.

Looking at the empty house, Situ Kong wanted to cry, mother, this place is too clean, at least you can leave the bed behind!

Situ Yanyu was also stunned, "Is this the method of a powerful person? Every gesture is full of supernatural powers, it's too powerful."

"Hehe, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, entered the empty room, and began to prepare for the construction of the bathroom.

I spent a low-grade spirit stone to exchange for a bunch of building materials in the mall.

Because the site is limited, this time it is still a simple version of the bathhouse, as long as the surrounding area is surrounded.

Situ Yanyu and Situ Kong stared at the scene in the room with astonishment, quite puzzled.

"The young master built a pool?"


"This is a Tang Neng product. It is a bathing technique. Immersing the body in the pool will not only improve skin care and beauty, but also slightly improve the cultivation base."

"Practice in this bathhouse, but the benefits are extraordinary, do you want to try Miss Yanyu?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, of course taking a bath with a beautiful woman is the most refreshing.

" need."

Situ Yanyu blushed when she heard the words, turned around and ran out as if flying.

When Situkong heard that this bathhouse could actually improve his cultivation, his eyes were full of curiosity, and his eyes were a little wretched.

"Hey hey, if Mr. Liang Chen doesn't dislike him, the old man is willing to have a bubble with Mr. Liang Chen."


After half an hour.


"This pool is really miraculous. After soaking in it, the old man's stagnant cultivation for many years has actually increased. It's unbelievable!"

Situ Kong's face was flushed, and his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Any monk who has no hope for cultivation will suddenly get a chance to be promoted, and he will be so excited that he can't help it.

It's just that the object of this uncontrollable love should have been the beautiful and charming Situ Yanyu, not a bad old man.

Looking at the cheering Situ Kong, Li Xiaobai felt a little hopeless in his life, but he didn't expect that the old man really licked his face and soaked in, and he only stayed for half an hour, and he had a tendency to sleep here tonight.

It's really strange to take a bath with a sixty-year-old grandfather.

The love affair in my heart is not like this.

Attribute point +10...

2000 attribute points.

All plus defense.

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the fifth turn (900050000).

Status Gorefiend Corroded.

The simple version of the bathhouse is still too low-end, and the speed of increasing attribute points with this thing is too slow. It may take a lot of time to get enough attribute points to advance defense.

I must eliminate the negative state in the shortest possible time.

We still have to find a really suitable venue and build a decent bathhouse.

"Old man, take your time to soak. I'll go out and look around. By the way, I'll also build a bathhouse for your granddaughter."

"Well, the vacant room on the west side is very suitable, just toss it lightly, Yanyu's body is not very good."


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