Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 66 Brother, Your Muscles Are So Developed

In the high hall of the Xia family, father and son are discussing.

The person Xia Chuan sent out to inquire about the news has returned, bringing back some water and stone bricks.

The Patriarch of the Xia family, Xia Jiuquan, carefully inspected the water quality and the bricks, and even invited the elders of the clan to jointly appraise them.

The final conclusion is that this is just a pile of ordinary materials, and there are no natural materials and earthly treasures mixed in it.

"Why is this? Could it be that an ordinary bathhouse can really attract so many people?"

Xia Jiuquan was a little puzzled. The children of the family in the city didn't seem like playthings. How could so many people be addicted to it?

"I'm afraid it's just because the bathhouse is new. When the juniors lose interest in it, it should close down." The elders said.

"I didn't expect that a bathing place could attract so many people, but the scale of his bathhouse is still too small. We can build a large bathhouse with a wave of enthusiasm, and gather a wave of spirit stones. Wouldn't it be fun?"

"Yes, this is a good time to make a fortune, and we should take a chance."

The elders agreed that no one would have too many spirit stones.

"As for the boss, you don't need to worry about it. I will let those who are guests in the clan take care of it."

"In addition, the second child is about to return from Zhenyuan Kingdom. You should take it easy recently and try not to cause trouble. You know, it is not so easy to keep the training places of the Holy Demon Sect."

Xia Jiuquan said lightly.

"My child understands, thank you, Father!"

"Well, let's go..."


next morning,

Li Xiaobai slowly opened his eyes, the bathhouse was still overcrowded, and instead of decreasing, the line outside had become longer.

Faintly, there is a tendency to line up across the street.

10000 attribute points.

One day and one night, the result is not bad.

Full defense.

The defensive power is nine turns and the sixth turn of the indestructible golden body (1900060000).

Status Gorefiend Corroded.

It only needs to wait a few more days, and the defensive power will be advanced, and the effect of the blood demon erosion will completely disappear by then.

Now the monks in the pool are basically all packaged accommodation service packages. In order to attract more repeat customers, Li Xiaobai has not launched daily and monthly packages for the time being.

After all, it is currently in the stage of attracting customers. If there are more repeat customers, more people will come to join us when we open a branch in the future.

"Boss, don't you have a place to store clothes here?"

"Yeah, it's very inconvenient to hold it in your hand!"

A monk asked, many of the male compatriots in the pool who are more confident in their figures have completely entered the bathing state, put their clothes aside, and showed off their hard-covered and strong muscles, hoping to attract the girls in the female bathhouse next door .

It's almost time, and everyone's boarding package is about to end, and after a while, the female monk next door will change out, this is their chance.

Most of the rest of the male monks still can't save face. The most important thing is that they usually neglect the tempering of the physical body. They don't have strong muscles and sexy abdominal muscles. They dare not show off in front of the goddess, and they seem a little inferior.

Looking at the monks in the pool who were spattered with chicken blood, Li Xiaobai shook his head and laughed. A bathhouse actually made these monks fall in love.

"Hehe, not yet, we will set it up in the future." Li Xiaobai said.

"The knowledge of taking a bath is great. You use it to take off your clothes and meet each other frankly. It shows that you have roots of wisdom. Come here often in the future, and you will realize more things."

"Boss, tell me? Isn't this bathhouse a place for cultivation?" The monks were puzzled.

"Of course not. The bathhouse is just for soaking in the bath. It is too one-sided just for cultivation."

"Although the water in this pool is clear, you are indeed very wary of each other. Putting on clothes means putting on a mask and camouflage. Taking off your clothes means removing the burden and vigilance from your shoulders. People are honest with each other. , getting along with the most relaxed attitude, this feeling will naturally be in place."

"A real man can feel what kind of person he is by soaking his body in water. Bathing is the best way to communicate."

"If a person is ruthless enough, he must sit to the bottom at once regardless of the water temperature. If he is an indecisive person, he will try the water temperature first, and then slowly soak in the water."

"So, when looking at people, take a bath first. There is nothing in this world that can't be solved by one bath. If there is, then take two baths."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Hey, listening to Jun's words is better than studying for ten years. I didn't expect the boss to have such insight. I learned it!"

"The boss is so strong, presumably it's because of the long bath?"

"That's right, the boss resisted Jin Danqi's attack without a hair being hurt. He is definitely a great master. Maybe he is just comprehending the nature of the world by taking a bath!"

The monks were ashamed, they didn't expect the water in the pool to be so deep.

It's just that they simply understand taking a bath as washing clean and speeding up their cultivation. They are indeed one-sided.

"Okay, the overnight package is over, it's time for another batch!"

Li Xiaobai looked at it and started to chase people away.

The male monks dawdled and wobbled out of the pool, as if they were waiting for something. Li Xiaobai naturally knew what they were thinking, and waited by the side with a smile.

The more these monks discover the beauty in the bathhouse, the stronger their sense of belonging to the bathhouse, and the more they will be inseparable from the bathhouse in the future.

With a "squeak", the door of the women's bathhouse opened.

Situ Yanyu walked out slowly with many female monks, and the blossoming hibiscus was so beautiful that the male monks were blushing and heartbeating.

The dozen or so monks who were about to show off their figures immediately stepped forward and began to swing the oss wildly. Their muscles were raised high, they looked heroic, and their masculine charm was fully revealed.

The female monks lowered their heads, their eyes drifted unconsciously to where the male monks were, with inexplicable smiles hanging from the corners of their mouths, and their eyes rippling.

Seeing this situation, the male monks worked even harder.

"Brother, you have trained your biceps well!"

"Hey, Junior Brother, you have well-developed quadriceps. That's right. Fengshen's legwork is not in vain!"

"However, the younger brother still appreciates the abdominal muscles of the older brother, which are like a steel plate. Dare I ask the older brother if there is a secret?"

"Don't you dare? The back muscles of the junior brother are the real separation of the plasmodium. It's too shocking to look at. The senior brother has to learn more from you!"

"Brother praises..."


Li Xiaobai was stunned by this wave of operations, these monks were too shameless, they actually started talking about business nonsense, but judging from this, these female nuns are still doing this.

Still too innocent!

Such a simple routine can be trapped.

Vaguely, the excited discussions of the nuns outside the door reached Li Xiaobai's ears.

"Sister Yun, did you see that, those men just now are so handsome!"

"If you ask me, the male monk in the middle is the most handsome, and his abs are amazing!"

"Tch, the most handsome one is the third one from the left. That figure is perfect!"

"I'm coming tonight..."

"Sisters, keep a low profile and pay attention to your image..."


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