For some reason, Li Xiaobai felt that he could understand the meaning conveyed by the dog barking.

Could it be that he had unknowingly opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and learned to talk like shit?

"Wow woof!"

"Okay, Liangchen will accompany you for a walk!"

This little dog is no ordinary dog, and he doesn't even like the elixir of justice.

The treasure it talks about is definitely not ordinary.

Li Xiaobai gave Situ Yanyu a few instructions, and temporarily entrusted her to take care of the shop, and then followed the little broken dog and disappeared outside the door.

In the store and in the bathhouse, all the monks were astonished, and they were all overwhelmed by Li Xiaobai's operation.

Two species can have such a smooth conversation, is this the culture of bathing?

The dog also took a bath in the pool just now, and it must be because of this that it was able to communicate with the boss without any obstacles.

Thinking of this, the monks began to concentrate more on taking a bath. The boss sincerely did not deceive them, taking a bath was indeed the best way of communication in the world.

on the street,

The little broken dog kept sniffing and sniffing in front of him, as if he was looking for something.

"Is there really a baby?"

"Wow woof!"

"It's more precious than my elixir?"

"Wow woof!"

"Where did the baby come from on this street?"

"Wow woof!"

There was a sly light in the little broken dog's eyes, and Li Xiaobai's ability to understand the dog's language was naturally due to its ability.

Although I can't speak human words for the time being, it's still a trivial matter for humans to understand what I mean.

Li Xiaobai was skeptical, and followed the little broken dog into a small alley.

The alley was empty, with no one there. The little broken dog jumped at the end, looking very excited, and motioned for Li Xiaobai to dig up the soil on the ground.

Li Xiaobai got closer to feel it, and it seemed that there was a pungent smell coming from it.

I don't know how to practice, and I can't distinguish medicinal herbs, but even if it is an item buried underground, the smell it emits can be conveyed to the ground, which is obviously not ordinary.

"It's here?"

"Wow woof!"

"Stand back and wait for me to dig it up!"

Li Xiaobai said, not noticing the playful eyes of the little broken dog at the side.

Exchanged a fully automatic Luoyang shovel in the system mall.

The fully automatic Luoyang shovel can shovel soil automatically, and consumes one low-grade spirit stone per minute. The higher the power, the higher the spirit stone level consumed. (30 middle-grade spirit stones).

Note that one inch is long and one inch is strong.

He took out the Luoyang shovel and put in a piece of low-grade spirit stone. The head of the shovel started to rotate quickly, and the ground was instantly broken and dusty.

It turns out that the shovel is used in this way, and it is really convenient.

A small dark crater was revealed, and the contents could not be seen clearly, just the size that an arm could pass through.

The little broken dog rushed over suddenly, as if he wanted to snatch the treasure, but Li Xiaobai slapped him aside.

"The baby is mine, don't grab it, I will give you the magic pill later."

Seeing the slightly impatient look of the little broken dog, Li Xiaobai was even more convinced that there was definitely a treasure inside.

Put your hand into the hole and start fishing for the treasure.

"Hey, you're very good, I'm not in vain for bringing you out of the Divine Beast Mountain Range."

Li Xiaobai laughed strangely, his finger touched something, his face was happy, he found it!

I stretched out my hand to touch it, and it was soft, and it felt a little wet, and when I pinched it, it sank directly into a piece.

What is this? It doesn't look like a spiritual weapon or a panacea. I don't understand it.

Withdrawing his hand, he looked carefully at the sticky substance on his finger, which was light yellow, sticky, and wet.

He leaned under his nose and asked, a strong and pungent stench came, which made Li Xiaobai roll his eyes.

This is... Xiang?

"Wow woof!"

The little broken dog grinned stupidly, turned around and ran out, and fled.

"The True Solution of Blood Demon Metamorphosis, give it to me!"

Li Xiaobai was furious, he was brushed by a dog, he worked hard and spent 30 yuan of low-grade spirit stones to fish out such a thing.

Needless to say, eat dog meat tonight!

The bloody aura swept across the entire alley in an instant, and the little broken dog's movements froze instantly, and fell straight to the ground, with a frightened look in its eyes, it saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in the blood mist, countless bones.

"Come back." Li Xiaobai said with a sullen face.

"Wow woof!"

The little broken dog was honest, the power of the gorefiend spirit made it a little frightened.

"Tell me, how to solve it?"

"Eat it, if you can eat it, we will still be good friends." Li Xiaobai said lightly.


The little broken dog was excited, without saying a word, he ran to the entrance of the cave and wiped out the unknown objects inside.

Seeing it licking its tongue happily, Li Xiaobai felt an unreasonable chill in his heart, grandma's, it really is a dog that can't change it...

Forget it, business matters.

"Open your mouth!"

The little broken dog opened its mouth, and Li Xiaobai threw the pill in his hand into its mouth.

This is the justice elixir, as long as you eat it, you will become very righteous.

Carefully observing the changes of the little broken dog, the little broken dog turned around twice in place, and didn't seem to feel anything, but opened his mouth, the person and the dog were all shocked.

"Damn, this idiot actually forced Master Ergouzi to eat Xiang, oh no, it's Xianzhen, Master Ergouzi wrote down this hatred, and he will report it someday!"

As soon as this remark came out, the alley was completely silent.

"I... can I talk?"

"It was Lord Ergouzi who was talking just now?" Little Pogou looked shocked.

"Hey, what do you think?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Er Gouzi cheerfully, this elixir is really extraordinary, it can make Er Gouzi speak out.

"Hey, boy, don't always worry about the little details. Your Ergouzi is destined to become a great success. It is also your blessing to be able to get in touch with Ergouzi's Xianzhen in advance."

"That's the end of this incident. Don't worry, Mr. Ergouzi will never bring up old accounts."

"Well, you are right, it is indeed my blessing."

Li Xiaobai cleaned the clothes on his body, and he was still cheerful. This poor dog didn't know it, but before he knew it, he had been arranged clearly.

After taking the elixir of justice, you have to focus on doing good deeds in the future. If you want to cheat people, you have no chance.

Li Xiaobai's appearance was abnormal, the little dog was a little suspicious, and wanted to say something, but the words changed when he spoke.

"Wang, who is so devoid of public morality that he actually digs a hole in the ground, and Mr. Er Gouzi will fill it in!"

The elixir soon began to take effect, and Er Gouzi lay down on the edge of the cave and started filling the soil crazily.

Shock was written all over his face.

"Boy, what kind of elixir did you give me? Why does Mr. Ergouzi have an inexplicable urge to do good things?"

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