Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 73 Where Are The Fairy Clothes?

Xia Jiuquan was one of the four elders, and the rest of the family elders also looked gloomy.

They were cheated, by Tang Neng Yipin's boss.

Who would have thought that what the other party sold was just ordinary water, so they couldn't practice at all.

"Uncle Chen, hurry up and bring someone back to the family to bring over the first-level spirit grass. No matter what, the family's reputation can't be ruined. Let's get through tonight first!"


In the bathhouse, a group of family elders rushed to the hall to appease everyone again.

"Everyone, we didn't expect this situation to happen. In order to make up for everyone, everyone's bathing time has been adjusted to a private room. Our housekeeper has already gone to the family to transport the elixir. After a quarter of an hour, it will be put into the bathhouse. among."

"Please trust the Xia family once more!"

Xia Jiuquan was very sincere, and the noise in the bathhouse gradually subsided. Twenty-five low-grade spirit stones were exchanged for a large amount of Xia family's cultivation resources. After all, they earned it.

After all, the world of cultivating immortals is still a circle where strength and interests are paramount.

Since the Xia family is willing to give a huge amount of compensation, they are also willing to wait. Anyway, they can rent a room, so there is no harm in waiting.

"The Xia family is well-known, but this method is not flattering. Could it be that the head of the family thinks that taking away the little girl's underwear can keep the little girl here?"

A cold voice wafted from the women's bathhouse.

"This voice...Miss Wang, Wang Ruoxian?"

"Isn't Fairy Wang studying in Theravada Sect, why are you back?"

"I didn't expect Fairy Wang to appear in this bathhouse. Sure enough, taking a bath is the best way to communicate. The boss will not deceive me!"

Xia Jiuquan was startled, he recognized the voice, but he didn't expect that Miss Wang's family would also come, and she was backed by the Hinayana sect, so she was definitely not to be offended.

"What does Fairy Wang mean by that? Small shops don't have the habit of taking away clothes from customers."

"However, the clothes of more than half of the monks present are missing. How can you explain it?"

The cold voice came again.

At the same time, the entire women's bathhouse fell into screams.

"Who moved my clothes!"

"The underclothes were taken away, and I have no face to face anyone!"

"Xia family, you are so despicable. When I go back this time, my Liu family will definitely draw a line with you!"

It was only at this time that the monks realized that indeed, their clothes were gone.

The ground was empty, not even a sock.

Xia Jiuquan was also stunned. Clothes thieves came in this bathhouse and took away more than half of the monks' clothes.

God damn it, who did this!

"Patriarch Xia, my little girl doesn't care for any elixir, she just wants to return her clothes."

"Fairy Wang, don't worry, I'll send someone to look for it right away, oh no, go buy it!"


Inside Tangneng Yipin, Er Gouzi rushed back again.

"Wang, boy, there are big fish!"

"What big fish?"

"The Xia family is transporting elixir to Xia's Yipin. There are a total of ten carts. This kind of resources should be shared, so that the common people can benefit from it!"

"There are such good things!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes shined brightly, this is an excellent opportunity to make a fortune, ten carts of resources may be exchanged for sky-high priced spirit stones.

The Xia family was really willing, there was nothing to say, they had to operate.

"Yanyu is guarding the door, I'll go out for a while."

The little broken dog is very familiar with the surrounding terrain, and all the routes he takes are the shortest.

After half an hour.

A carriage appeared in the field of vision. This carriage was a circle larger than ordinary ones, and each carriage was pulled by two horses.

The front and back two teams guarded.

"How about it, can you grab it?" Er Gouzi asked.

"Routine operation, Drunken Eight Immortals!"

With skills, there is no need to show up by yourself, the strong aroma of wine wafts, and the smell of spirits instantly fills the streets.

The smell of wine wafted around, and wherever he did it, the creatures were intoxicated, no matter if it was a human, a horse, or other creatures, they were all paralyzed, their brains went blank, and they fell to the ground in a daze.

"Not bad, boy, hurry up and collect the elixir."

Er Gouzi was very excited, his head became hot, and he rushed out, trying to squeeze the wool.

It's a pity that he didn't take two steps, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Hey, it's all mine!"

With a big wave of his hand, Li Xiaobai put all ten chariots of spirit grass into the interspatial ring. Judging from the appearance, it should be a low-grade panacea.

It is also a fortune to sell in the future.

Draw your sword, the streets are full of swords, and a few large characters Nicholas Ergouzi appear on the ground, teaching you to be a man!

After grabbing a wave and leaving, there are no witnesses, which is perfect.

Li Xiaobai was delighted, but Tangneng Yipin was blown up. Herbs were Xia Jiuquan's last resort to keep the guests in check, but he didn't expect to be intercepted halfway through.

Many monks waited for a long time, but there was no trace of the herbal medicine, and the person in charge never appeared again.

Finally, they understood that they were cheated.

"Don't talk about it, go and bring some clothes for the fairies first. After returning, immediately report to the Patriarch what happened today. I will write down this grudge first."

"Yes, I was tricked for no reason. I can't stand the bad breath."

Xia Family Yipin, in the owner's room.

High-level gathering.

"There is no need to put in any more materials. The Xia family's Yipin will suspend their studies starting tomorrow. I will go and explain to the other families."

"Go and find out where the two dogs Nicholas came from. If you dare to steal my Xia family's elixir, you must pay the price!"

Xia Jiuquan was furious in his heart. The series of blows caused by the opening of the Xia family Yipin caused the Xia family a lot of losses.

Whether it is the expense of buying water at Tangneng Yipin, or the robbing of resources, it is a big deal, and the renovation cost of Xia's Yipin, calculated back and forth has lost more than 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

Even for the deeply rooted Xia family, it is not a small expense.

The most important thing is that someone quietly robbed Xia family's supplies in the city, which is definitely not something that ordinary monks can do. Behind this, there are probably shadows of several big families.

Could it be to demonstrate to him?

"Then this is the first product of the Xia family..."

Xia Chuan asked tentatively.

"Nizi, it's all because of your news that my Xia family has been disgraced. If you weren't my own, you would have been decapitated by now!"

Xia Jiuquan was furious, and the tables and chairs in the house were instantly reduced to powder.

The young master of the Xia family didn't dare to take a breath.

"Xia Family Yipin is closed. Tomorrow I will go to Tangneng Yipin personally to meet the boss and see who he is!"

"Also, the second child is coming back, you have to treat him well!"


next morning,

A large number of monks gathered at the entrance of Tang Neng Yipin. After the disturbance of Xia Family Yipin, the whole city knew the magic of Tang Neng Yipin's bathhouse.

Taking a bath can improve one's cultivation, even the Xia family can't imitate it, this shop is incredible.

It's just that when the monks saw the new price on the wall, they were all dumbfounded.

I need a mid-grade spirit stone for half an hour, is the boss crazy?

"Boss, you don't want to open a black shop, do you?"

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