Li Xiaobai shook the scroll in his hand, and presented it in front of everyone carelessly.

"This is……"

The surrounding monks were speechless. The white paper on the scroll was completely blackened with ink, and only a dot was left in the center.

This thing can also be called a painting, where does the confidence come from?

"Boss Ye is trying to amuse me. This random graffiti is not a painting." Xia Jian said lightly, with a playful look in his eyes.

"It seems that Boss Ye is not proficient in painting, so I was so abrupt." Wang Ruoxian glanced at the painting, showing no interest at all.

"I thought that the two young talents and people with lofty ideals should have different views, but unexpectedly, they have the same views as the people in the world." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"This painting is the image of all living beings. We gather here to look for the dawn in the dark and the light in the mist. In the Northern Territory, Saint Demon Sect and Tianwumen are respected, but those who can really afford the light , only the Holy Demon Sect."

"A point in the darkness is like the brightest star in the universe, which is in line with the Holy Demon Sect's positioning as a lone star in this chaotic world."

Li Xiaobai talked eloquently, and everyone who listened was stunned. They didn't expect that such a profound philosophical connotation could be expressed in a painting that was not as good as a child's level.

Can't help applauding.

Li Xiaobai's face was indifferent, and through the praise of Xia Jian by those scumbags just now, he already understood that the way of painting is not how good you are at drawing, but how good you are at bragging.

As long as you can tell the profound core, you can pretend to be invincible all over the world.

The art of painting is not only aesthetics, but also psychology.

"Wang, why don't you communicate with Master Ergouzi in advance, and you will make Master Ergouzi look ugly!" Ergouzi cursed at the side, his face full of displeasure.

"Is there a time when you're not ashamed?"


"Boss Ye has a thorough understanding of the Holy Demon Sect."

Xia Jian said lightly, those strong words made him feel a little pained.

"It's just arrogance. If you can't draw, you can't draw. Why are you so mysterious!"

Xia Liu had resentment in his chest, so he missed a great opportunity.

"Look at other people's paintings." Wang Ruoxian said, despising Li Xiaobai even more in his heart.

"This picture of spring residence in Fushan is not bad, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there is some artistic conception."

"This picture of students asking for advice is also good. The stories in the school have a Confucian style."

"This picture of love and filial piety is not bad..."

"Yeah, look..."

The rest of the monks unfolded their picture scrolls one by one, commented on each other, and quickly left Li Xiaobai behind. Although Tang Neng Yipin had benefited them a lot, the boss's confession was not as brilliant as expected.

After the comments on the painting of the central character were finished, the rest of the people just went through the motions. After a few flattering words, everyone changed the subject.

"Recently, a lot of things have happened in the city. The most prosperous thing is Boss Ye's Tang Neng Yipin. I heard that many monks have made breakthroughs overnight, and the results are extraordinary."

"I heard that several masters failed to obtain the formula for the bathhouse."

"Boss Ye's bathing technique can be passed down from a master?"

"A good day doesn't have a teacher's inheritance, it all depends on a hard-working heart for the welfare of living beings." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Boss Ye has the world in his heart and admires it. With this bathhouse in the future, even if we are not destined for the Holy Demon Sect, the road ahead will be more open!" Mentioning Tang Neng Yipin, the monks were happy in their hearts.

Wang Ruoxian frowned slightly, and said lightly, "Tang Neng Yipin is indeed miraculous, but unfortunately it is not as good as Lingquan. I tried it yesterday, and the effect was not satisfactory."

That's because you went to the wrong store. If you go to the deluxe version of Tangneng Yipin, you will be so comfortable that you can take off.

Li Xiaobai murmured in his heart, this woman just has a sense of superiority, and everyone looks superior.

"Going to the Holy Demon Sect this time is not just a simple study." Xia Jian said lightly.

"Appreciate further details."

"You have heard of the secret realms. Throughout the ages, many amazing and talented people have left behind many secret realms. I am waiting to go to the Holy Demon Sect this time to improve my cultivation. , a secret realm in the Northern Territory is about to open, and all sects will select talents to go to the secret realm."

"In the Northern Territory, there are only a handful of sects that are qualified to select talents to go to Zhongzhou, and the Holy Demon Sect is one of them."

There was a flash of pride in Xia Jian's eyes. He was determined to win this spot.

"Hiss, I have often heard of the inheritance of the Jiu Sword Immortal these years. Could it be that the secret realm this time is also left by the senior Jiu Sword Immortal?"

Jiu Jianxian's name is very resounding, and he was also a powerful man who ascended to the upper realm hundreds of years ago. It is rumored that Jiu Jianxian only uses one sword against the enemy, and he must drink before killing the enemy. The more there are, the stronger the power of this sword will be.

Having been famous for hundreds of years, no one can pass a sword in his hands. This is the belief in the hearts of many sword repairers.

He is also the one who has left the most secrets in the Fairy Continent.

"I heard from my master of Zhenyuan Kingdom that the secret realm this time was left by Beichen Feng, a disciple of Zhenyuan Great Immortal Seat in the past. We are a blessed place for Confucian students."

Beichen Feng is a low-key person, only those who practice Confucianism will know.

It is rumored that Beichenfeng once went to the West Desert alone, and debated with the old Buddha in the West Desert. For three days and three nights, without using a single bit of cultivation, he turned the entire West Desert into a barren land, and became Confucianism and Taoism in the hearts of scholars. holiest.

"Young Master Xia has the help of the Zhenyuan Kingdom, and he has also obtained a place to study in the Holy Demon Sect. You must have a place in the trip to the secret realm. Congratulations to Young Master Xia, my little girl."

Wang Ruoxian covered his face and chuckled, Xia Jian was very useful.

"Liang Chen once met a Jindan stage national teacher of Zhenyuan Kingdom, what is his status in Zhenyuan Kingdom?"

Li Xiaobai asked, this was a question he was more concerned about. After all, in the Zhenyuan Kingdom, he directly made the national teacher into a puppet. If he was discovered, it would be difficult to explain.

"In Zhenyuan State, anyone above the Golden Core stage can become a national teacher and enjoy a salary. In my Zhenyuan State, Golden Core monks travel everywhere, which is nothing at all."

"What about the Nascent Soul cultivators?"

"Two digits."

"What about the tribulation period?"

"Boss Ye seems to be a little too concerned about the strength of Zhenyuan Kingdom. Zhenyuan Kingdom has a Confucian inheritance and a rich heritage, which is beyond what you and I can imagine."

Xia Jian said lightly.

Li Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, Jin Danqi had no status in Zhenyuan Kingdom, so the chance of being discovered should be very small.

"It's a good day to be abrupt."

"Boss Ye, are you sure you won't leave this position?" Xia Jian asked abruptly.

"Well, it's quite comfortable to sit on."

"Okay, Boss Ye is sitting in the challenge seat today, Xia is curious about Boss Ye, please give me some advice!"

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