"It's the effect of the elixir just now. This stupid guy actually has such a good product. You can consider turning him into the deity's small treasury."

"Why did the deity speak out what was in his heart, what kind of elixir was that just now?"

The Pudong Rooster looked confused.

"Wang, what a goddamn horse, how dare you call yourself the deity in front of your lord Er Gouzi!" Er Gouzi frowned.

Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled, after taking the evil pill, the Pudong rooster didn't seem to have any abnormal behavior, which was very different from Er Gouzi's eagerness to do good deeds.

"Hehe, this deity is immortal, Phoenix Princess is heartless, you asshole dare to yell in front of this deity, don't you know how the word death is written?"

The Pudong Rooster looked arrogant and didn't take Er Gouzi seriously.

"Wang, this seat, Mr. Nicholas Ergouzi, is also the most powerful superpower in the past and present. Even a broken chicken dares to act presumptuously in front of your Ergouzi!"

Er Gouzi exploded immediately, and a chicken was even more arrogant than it, this is unbearable.

"Ji Wuqing?"

"Is that your name?"

Li Xiaobai felt very novel, the mount produced by the system actually had its own name.

"Call me Master Ji."

Ji Wuqing glanced at Li Xiaobai indifferently, lowered her head and combed her feathers attentively.

"Wang, boy, this broken chicken is too arrogant, let's stew it." Er Gouzi grinned, his face full of evil intentions.

"Chicken, what do you remember?" Li Xiaobai ignored Er Gouzi and continued to ask.

"Call me Lord Ji. Since I was born, I have never lost a single defeat. I have fought against the great sun, fought against the three-legged golden crow, and beheaded all the gods and Buddhas in the sky. Now I am indifferent to life and death, and I hide my merit and fame. I just want to be a quiet beast the undead phoenix."

Ji Wuqing raised her head and chest, and said lightly.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this chicken also looked unreliable, could it be that after taking the medicine of good and evil, it would become unreliable.

"Wang, you can run the train with your mouth full of shit, Mr. Er Gouzi is well-versed in the past and the present, so I can conclude that you are a weak chicken, don't talk nonsense here!"

"The mount should have the self-awareness of the mount, hurry up and get bigger, and let Er Gouzi ride it!"

"Heck, broken dog, lack of education!"

Ji Wuqing's eyes were burning, and he pecked at Er Gouzi.

"Wang, how dare you peck Er Gouzi!"

Er Gouzi was furious, and rushed forward to wrestle with Ji Wuqing. For a moment, the co-pilot's seat flew like a dog.

The strength of these two is about the same, and they belong to the pecking of each other.

Li Xiaobai shook his head and turned on the car music.

"Use the nunchuck quickly, hehehe!"

"Use the nunchuck quickly, hehehehe..."

The music sounded, and the entire carriage echoed with passionate singing.

The chicken and the dog fight more happily, the chicken feathers are flying all over the sky, and the chickens are crowing and the dogs are barking.

On the carriage, the monks were even more excited. They had never heard this music before, and the tune and lyrics were very weird, which went against common sense, but it was pleasant to the ear and made people excited.

Boss Ye is really a god!

"Wang, there are not many people in this world who can tie with me. As a chicken, you are not bad."

Er Gouzi said out of breath.

"Heck, your martial arts are so high, this deity has never seen you in your life, you are qualified to be this deity's opponent!"

Ji Wuqing lowered her head and smoothed her messy feathers, her small chest heaved violently, and after some fighting, it lost its strength.

"Sit still, don't fight!"

Li Xiaobai concentrated on driving, looking out the window, this forest was the one that Situ Yanyu brought out, the truck had already driven very deep, it would take some time to turn around and return to the pipeline, so he simply went through the forest directly.

The straight line between two points is the shortest, and it can save some time.


Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing fell silent, and the roars of beasts came from around them.

"Boss Ye, you have gone the wrong way. This area is a place frequented by monsters and beasts. You should return to the official road as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Boss Ye, it's too dangerous to walk like this."

"I've already seen a few monsters in the distance..."

"No, the tiger in front is rushing over!"

The monks seemed panicked and kept calling Li Xiaobai.

The back compartment of the truck is open to the air, and everyone is exposed to the outside. If any monsters catch up, they may become food in their stomachs.

"Don't worry, it's just a mere monster, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Li Xiaobai said indifferently, he naturally saw the obstacles in front of him, the heavy trucks are not for nothing, this guy has only one dead end if he wants to block the trucks with his arms.

Turn the steering wheel, put it in gear, step on the accelerator to the bottom, the big truck roars and rushes out.

The stumbling tiger is not afraid at all, the windshield is transparent, and it has already seen Li Xiaobai through the glass.

The tiger silently calculated the distance in its mind, then suddenly exerted force on its feet, and rushed over in the air. It planned to break through the windshield, get into the driver's seat, and eat Li Xiaobai.

It's a pity that the wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The windshield is bulletproof reinforced tempered glass, let alone a monster, even a magic weapon, it cannot be broken.

The tiger slammed into the windshield with a slap, blood bloomed, its body instantly limp, and rolled to the side of the road.

Attribute point +100...


Hitting people with a mount actually counts as one's own attribute points, what's so good about it?

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he turned the steering wheel in his hand, stepped on the gas pedal, and the truck drove out.

The car body bends and turns right, and drives wherever there are obstacles, the front of the car is bumped, the smoke and dust billow in the forest, and the surrounding monsters flee, these big guys are not something they can deal with.

Everyone in the car was terrified, with waves of bumps, their hearts were in their throats, and they didn't know what happened to Li Xiaobai's car, it was too violent.

Fortunately, the truck was very hard, and nothing happened after a collision, and it was still driving all the way.

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +50...


The system panel kept jumping in front of him, Li Xiaobai was very excited, he found another way to upgrade, the damage to the mount was also counted as his own attribute points, which was much more comfortable than going into battle by himself.

From this point of view, it is not a bad idea to become a street killer!

The truck took the shortest route, rushed all the way, and quickly rushed out of the forest and returned to the official road.

"Wang, daddy is scared to death, boy, why do you drive without looking at the road?"

Er Gouzi was frightened and was very angry.

Ji Wuqing was also jumping wildly in fright, because the tiger jumped up just now and scared it half to death.

"Didn't you see that I was walking the shortest distance?"

Li Xiaobai said indifferently, the value on the dial is slowly returning to zero, and the input spirit stones are not enough. Sure enough, this thing is really expensive.

Slowly park the car beside the official road, take out the spirit stone and prepare to refuel.

At this time, several familiar shouts came over, "I am a disciple of the Xia family in Guyue City. The Patriarch and your leader have always been on good terms. Please help me."

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