Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 99 The Handyman Disciple Is Terrified

In the Holy Demon Sect, Li Xiaobai and others were indeed assigned to the place where the servants lived.

Although it is a gathering place for handyman disciples, there is no problem with the environment, and it is only for three days, so it is not a big problem.

Scanning around, Yu Sanbian and Qin Lan were not seen in the crowd. It seemed that they were related to each other everywhere they went.

It's a pity that Yu Sanbian didn't say that he would find a good place for himself, and he didn't see him being soft when he smoked Huazi.

"Brother Ruthless, you are so righteous. There are not many monks who are as sincere as you these days!"

"Yeah, my little brother is willing to work hard for you in the future!"

"Let's not talk about it, this time I was able to enter the Holy Demon Sect, thanks to the help of the ruthless brother. Where the ruthless brother is useful, we must go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate!"

"Boss Ye's great kindness, I will never forget it!"

On a mountain top, a total of more than two hundred monks all knelt on one knee and roared in unison.

The sound became louder and louder, and all the handyman disciples in the vicinity fell silent, shutting their doors behind closed doors. Even the prickly heads who were planning to find fault with the newcomers swallowed their saliva at this moment, and calmed down involuntarily.

Where did this monk come from? I'm afraid the whole organization has come here, right?

Looking at these monks who seem to want to take over the mountain as king, all the handymen want to cry but have no tears. Who have they provoked? A group of plague gods like this have come over, can they still be good in the future?

"Wang, there is Er Gouzi!"

Er Gouzi was extremely dissatisfied, why did this group of people pay homage to Li Xiaobai.

"Hehe, and Master Ji Wuqing!"

Ji Wuqing also said, how could such a large-scale fan meeting be missing.

"Yes, yes, yes, we must also follow Lord Ergouzi and Lord Ji!"

"Master Er Gouzi is very powerful, and the day of becoming a god is waiting!"

"Master Ji Wuqing's domineering side is leaking, and I can hardly hold a candle to him!"

The monks changed the subject and started flattering Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing in a tacit understanding.

These two are celebrities around Brother Ruthless, they must not be neglected, they must be praised, maybe this chicken and dog are also two powerful people.

"Boys are good, Mr. Ergouzi will take you to choose a room, let's go!"

Er Gouzi's vanity was greatly satisfied, he stood up, with his paws on his back, and glanced at the stunned leading disciple beside him.

This disciple is arranging a house for everyone. According to the usual practice, the other party should please him first and give him some benefits so that they can live a more stable life in the future.

But I didn't expect that the dismounting power on his side hadn't started yet. He came up with loyalty, righteousness and courage, and he was almost sworn sworn. Under such momentum, he forcibly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Fellow daoists, Yuan Fang is in charge of managing the servant disciples. I will arrange the residences of fellow daoists. Please come here!"

Yuan Fang smiled happily and made a gesture of invitation.

The crowd followed and came to a row of huts. The house was not bad, quite spacious. As a famous sect, even the area where the disciples of the handyman lived was not comparable to that of ordinary people in the outside world.

The doors of the rest of the houses were all closed at this moment, and occasionally a few handyman disciples immediately returned to the house after seeing Li Xiaobai and others, with the doors and windows closed.

Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled, he waited for someone to come to other people's territory, why did he feel that they were afraid of him instead?

"Okay, let's assign houses to each other. Two people share one room. From now on, they will be from the same family. The more close you are, the better you are." Li Xiaobai said.

"Yes, we are brothers in need, so we must be as close as possible!"

"Whoever dares to touch my brother, I will kill him!"

The monks were furious, and along the way, they deeply realized the feeling of sharing weal and woe.

The strength of the ruthless brother made them feel the warmth of home.

" can get along well..."

Li Xiaobai was speechless, the group of monks were a little passionate, and they didn't know how to respond, so they turned and entered an empty house on the edge.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, with two beds on the left and right, cabinets and stools at the head of the bed, and a long table in the middle, which looks very clean and tidy.

There are not many things, but for a cultivator, a bed is actually enough, and he will not do anything other than practice on weekdays.

"Wang, Master Ergouzi wants this bed!"

Er Gouzi pounced on the bed beside him.

"The deity wants this bed."

Ji Wuqing strode to the other bed with her head held high, with her short legs, but it was a pity that her legs were too short to get on.

Li Xiaobai pulled him aside and went to bed to rest on his own.

The bed was quite comfortable.

"Hehe, kid, this bed is reserved for the deity, don't annoy the deity!" Ji Wuqing was very angry, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't get on the bed.

"You little grass chicken, you can sleep on any bed, just lie on the ground." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Heck, this Pudong rooster possesses the blood of the immortal phoenix. It is not impossible to become an immortal at a single thought. Although you created this deity, you'd better treat this deity with courtesy!"

Ji ruthlessly combed the feathers, and said with a bad look.

"You short legs, whenever you can jump up, this bed will be given to you."

Li Xiaobai yawned.

Ji Wuqing was about to say something more when there was a knock on the door, and Yuan Fang's voice sounded outside the door.

"Ye Daoyou, are you satisfied with this house?"

"Satisfied, is Senior Brother Yuan busy?" Li Xiaobai rolled over and got off the bed, opened the door and asked.

"Senior Brother Ye is pissing me off, just call me Xiao Yuan, hehe."

Yuan Fang's posture was very low, and no one who saw the scene just now dared to make mistakes.

The aura of this group of people is definitely that of the people in the Jianghu, and they are definitely the masters who occupy the mountains and become kings. I heard that if you beat one of this kind of people, the rest will come out in a swarm to kill you.

"Then call him Junior Brother Yuan, but what's the matter?"

"Hey, it's actually not a big deal, I just want to ask Senior Brother Ye if he needs anything else, so that Junior Brother can buy more."

"No need to be so troublesome, I'm only here for a short stay, and I'll leave after a while." Li Xiaobai waved his hand.

Yuan Fang breathed a sigh of relief, if this is permanent, the local snakes here will change hands in the future.

"Junior Brother Yuan, is there a place for buying and selling in the Holy Demon Sect?"

Li Xiaobai asked, the pile of loot in the space ring must be sold quickly.

"Yes, there is a trading shop at the foot of the mountain. All monks can set up a stall there as long as they pay the fee of two low-grade spirit stones. There are often high-level senior brothers and sisters haunting there. As long as there are enough spirit stones, they can I found a lot of good things." Yuan Fang said.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Yuan. Junior Brother Yuan has worked so hard this time. It's a small gesture. Please accept it."

Li Xiaobai took out a low-grade spirit sword casually and handed it to Yuan Fang. This is a spirit weapon in the sword array.

"This... this is too precious!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ye!"

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