Become a Big Brother’s Favorite After Marriage

Chapter 209: After all, I didn’t choose anyone else (5 more end)

"Qi Yue?"

Qin Yanchen frowned slightly, grasping the most crucial point in Gu Si's words.

How could Qi Yue know?

Could it be.

Qiao Ansheng really told him about his marriage?

But why did she do this?

While concentrating in meditation, Qin Yanchen's mind suddenly inserted the scene of Qiao Ansheng and Qi Yue embracing each other at Nanjing University this afternoon.

Could it be that in order to be with Qi Yue, she would rather take the risk of paying a huge price, violate the contract with him, and privately tell Qi Yue the news of their marriage?

The more Qin Yanchen thought about it, the more gloomy the expression on his face became, as cold and terrifying as the wind and rain were about to hit him.

At the same time, the voice of Gus inside the microphone sounded again.

"Yeah, you didn't see how miserable my nephew was drinking in the bar alone. He kept chanting Qiao Ansheng's name, and kept asking why, saying that he could not be good enough, he could change it, why couldn't he give it to him? He has a chance, eh, you have done what you wished now. With a final word, you will marry Qiao Ansheng directly. You don't leave any opportunity for others, but pity my nephew. I don't know how long it will take to cheer up again!"


Gu Sixu babbled, but didn't know that on the other end of the phone that he couldn't see, the man's originally cold face changed slightly, and suddenly it appeared a little bit inconsistent with it.

"But President Qin, you are too cruel. What happened between you and Qiao Ansheng? Why did you suddenly get married? Are you relieved of the past? How did Qiao Ansheng explain to you? "

After a chatter, Gu Si refocused the conversation on Qin Yanchen.

He was not surprised that Qi Yue’s confession would be rejected by Qiao Ansheng. What he was surprised was that one walked so unrelentingly at the beginning, and the other became bitterly hated. How did the two men release their previous suspicions and bring each other’s lives back to life? Intersecting.

The answer to him was endless silence.


"Hello? Hello!"

"Damn, Qin Yanchen, you are really good, and you hang up my phone again! It's best not to beg me in the future, or I will see how I can get this bill back!"

After realizing that Qin Yanchen had unilaterally hung up the phone, Gu Si was so angry that he almost didn't throw his phone out.

But when he thought that this phone was the latest model he had just bought last week, it was really painful to smash it, so in the end, he could only stop his hands and turn the anger in his stomach into a curse.

On the other side, Qin Yanchen was standing at the study window while holding his phone with a black screen.

The night is like ink, and everything you can see is an indistinct chaos.

Suddenly, he put the phone in his trouser pocket, turned around and walked out of the study...

In the bedroom, Qiao Ansheng faced the darkness of the room, smelling the clear breath that seemed to be everywhere, his nose was sour, and tears came out of his eyes without warning!

Don't stay away, don't get close...

It’s no good to keep your mouth shut, nor to open your mouth to apologize...

So what should she do, is it right?

What should she do?

The more she went down, the less she knew, where should she go in the future?

The low sobbing sound can be heard clearly in this silent room.

When Qin Yanchen pushed open the bedroom door, what he saw was a small face that was raised from between his knees and covered with tears.

The lights in the corridor penetrated into the bedroom, allowing him to clearly see all the dynamics in the room.

With a huge bed, Qiao Ansheng occupies a very small corner.

She sat on the bed with her legs bent, her hair messy, tears still rolling out uncontrollably in her flushing eyes, so silent and full of grievances...

Qiao Ansheng didn't expect Qin Yanchen to return. Her eyes were filled with tears. Just as she raised her hand to wipe off the moisture that blocked her sight, the man's tall posture was so thunderous that he went to bed. Rolled together around her.

"Qin Yan..."

Qiao Ansheng hiccuped in panic, and as soon as he thought of a sound, the slightly cool lips pressed directly against her lips, blocking all the words in her mouth.

Qiao Ansheng didn't know what was going on, but thought it was Qin Yanchen's anger that came to toss her again, so naturally he tightened his body in a nervous state, completely unable to devote himself to the current ambiguity.

She did not dare to refuse, but she would not cater to it either, like a puppet with a soul lost, letting a man manipulate...

After a while, Qin Yanchen paused, seeming to sigh in a low voice.

After that, Qiao Ansheng felt the force that was moving between her lips and teeth changed, becoming very gentle and patient, like a lingering kiss between a real couple, with deep and deep affection.

The breath in the bedroom was hot and restless.

I don't know how long it took, Qiao Ansheng's stiff body finally softened again.

The cheeks were reddish, and the black eyes that had been cleansed by tears filled with uncontrollable emotions. With the five fingers gathered, he could only hold the bed sheet tightly under him.

In the courtyard, the branches swayed with the night wind, as if they were cheering and encouraging.

Two hours later, the wave subsided and the room returned to calm.

Qiao Ansheng was nestled in a man's arms. This seemed to be the first time Qin Yanchen did not leave her to go to the bathroom for washing immediately after the end, but stayed by her side...

Qiao Ansheng softened his body, not daring to open his mouth to break the peace.

I don't know why Qin Yanchen treated her this time, seemingly different from the past.

Time slowly passed, and just when Qiao Ansheng thought they would hug each other to sleep like this, a man's dumb voice suddenly sounded in the quiet room: "Why did someone cry in the room just now? Huh?"

Qin Yanchen hugged the tenderness in his arms, Qingjun's face had a rare color of feet and feet.

Only after Gu Sina learned that Qiao Ansheng had rejected Qi Yue's confession, he knew that he had misunderstood Qiao Ansheng at Nanda this afternoon.

Qiao Ansheng did not accept Qi Yue's confession to her at all.

No one knows what kind of roller coaster-like ups and downs his mood is. He doesn't want to investigate the reason for the hug between Qiao Ansheng and Qi Yue. He is only grateful for the feeling of regaining his loss!

This woman did not choose anyone else after all.

"Then why did you come back to find me? Didn't you say that you would never forgive me?"

Listening to the man next to him suddenly mentioning his sadness not long ago, Qiao Ansheng bit his lip, and asked with an open mouth.

But this question not only has no offensive power, but also sounds wronged...

Thinking of thanking and apologizing just now, Qiao Ansheng could not help but muster the courage to explain clearly to this man, but did not realize that everything would become her self-love and the fuse of her being bullied, Qiao Ansheng couldn’t help but again It was a sorrow and grief, and the eyes were red.

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