As the man said, he took the lead and rushed in.

Behind him, a large group of people followed. Qiao Mingdong couldn't stop him. He could only pull Qiao Mengxi, who was still stunned, to hide aside, avoiding the collision of the crowd.

When Qiao Mengxi reacted and followed her father toward the house.

I saw that after several people rummaged and grabbed it, the originally neat and elegant living room had become a mess after jumping.

Seeing this, the maid at home hid in the kitchen so frightened.

Qiao Mengxi stood in the corner of the living room and watched all this happen. She didn't dare to go forward and grab something from those tall men. She could only shout in her throat: "Hey, what are you doing!"

"Are you crazy?"

"You are robbers, do you understand? You are committing a crime!"

"I want to call the police, I want the police to arrest you!"

Qiao Mengxi's eyes were red, and when she gestured, she would pick up the phone and call the police.

But when her finger touched the dial pad, the phone she was holding in her hand was unexpectedly dusted to the ground, and the man’s gloomy voice came from one side: "You report, I want to see. , How will the police handle this?"

"We all signed the agreement in black and white. It is you who did not pay the debts and defaulted first. By doing this, we are just taking back what belongs to us!"

The leading man warned coldly, then turned to continue his search.

Seeing this, Qiao Mengxi looked resentful.

She leaned over and picked up the phone that had been knocked down on the ground, looking at the newly added scratches on the screen, her hatred grew!

These Confucian and powerful brash men, without giving them a lesson, really treat their Qiao family as a soft persimmon that can be pinched by any cat or dog?

Thinking of this, Qiao Mengxi unlocked the screen again and prepared to call the police again: " are bandits! Do you think I dare not call the police? I will call 110 now..."

But before she finished her cruel words, the phone in her hand had already clicked again and hit the ground.


About two or three seconds later, Qiao Mengxi screamed and said, "What did you call my phone?"

"Don't call the police, go upstairs and stay in your room!"

Facing Qiao Mengxi's stunned and slightly hurt gaze, Qiao Mingdong's face was stern, and his face was clouded with clouds.

"Dad, if you don't call the police, let them vacate our house?"

Qiao Mengxi didn't give up, and still said to herself.

She didn't believe it, she didn't believe that Qiao Mingdong could endure other people's chaos in her own home, and endure the brilliance of this home!

"I owe them money. Even if the police arrive, I won't stand it up, and I will only shame all the faces of Qiao's family!"

Qiao Mingdong clenched his fists when he heard the words, and his undulating chest showed his unrest at the moment.

It's not that he doesn't want to call the police, or that he doesn't want to drive out all the people who come to make trouble, but he understands better in his heart that it is his guilty conscience that is untenable and he owes money to others without giving it, so compared to these people who want to pay, In fact, he is the one who is really afraid of facing the police!

Qiao Mengxi couldn't hold back Qiao Mingdong, so she could only pick up her mobile phone and ran upstairs through the messy living room angrily.

As soon as he entered her room, the first thing Qiao Mengxi did was to lock her door.

She was afraid that those ‘cruel’ people downstairs would go straight to the second floor after sweeping the first floor!

Fortunately, things weren't as bad as Qiao Mengxi thought, and the group of people downstairs were not really wicked people.

After those people took some precious things such as porcelain, they couldn't get their hands free, so naturally they wouldn't go upstairs again.

Moreover, the real purpose of their trip today is to make Qiao Mingdong pay attention to the debt repayment, so that maybe next time they don’t need to speak up, Qiao Mingdong will find a way to raise money to repay the debt.

"Mr. Qiao, let's take these things back and press them. If you have money on hand, I can return them to you immediately. Of course, if you don’t have the money to take them out, then we’ll have to sell these things for part of you. Debts owed to us!"

The leading man held a porcelain bottle of unknown age, and said he was polite towards Qiao Mingdong.

Looking around, except for the kitchen, the first floor was covered with traces of people searching for it. Looking around, it was as devastated as if it had been attacked by robbers.

Qiao Mingdong pressed the corners of his lips and did not speak. Obviously, even though he hadn't blocked anything after this, he would never show these people any good looks.

But the leading man didn’t care about it. He didn’t forget to give Qiao Mingdong a wake-up call before he left: “We will come again in a while. At that time, I hope you have prepared the money. We don’t want to do it again for breaking into other people’s homes!"

After speaking, there was no need for Qiao Mingdong to answer, the man snorted coldly, carried a large group of people behind him and walked away mightily.

Qiao Mingdong stood on the spot with a blue face, until the hidden servant appeared tremblingly and asked him what to do if he needed to clean up the house again, that he finally got out of the feeling of being humiliated.


Window on the second floor.

When Qiao Mengxi confirmed that the debtors had really left the house, she breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door, and ran downstairs again.

In the hall, two maids are struggling to clean up, restoring everything to its original appearance...

It's just that those things that have been taken away become empty pieces, but it is difficult to recover.

Qiao Mengxi moved her lips, wanting to start saying something.

But when she looked at Qiao Mingdong's increasingly thin figure, she didn't know what to say, it was the occasion.

Silence spread in the living room.

At this time, Chen Peixiang, who was called out to play cards by several ladies, just came back from the outside. When she came into the house and saw a mess that had not yet been cleaned up, she was taken aback by surprise, and immediately broke it out loud. The suffocating atmosphere: "Ming Dong, this...what the **** happened to this? Our house has a thief?"

Chen Peixiang held his bright diamond pouch in his hand, astonishment could not be concealed in a pair of beautiful eyes.

She just went out for a long time, how could this house be the same as having been robbed?

"It's not a thief, it's a robber. Just now a lot of people rushed into our house and took away everything that could be taken away! Mom, I was really scared to death!"

Qiao Mingdong fell silent, just giving Qiao Mengxi a chance to speak.


After a narration, Chen Peixiang finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

She raised her eyes to look at the home that she had only obtained through painstaking efforts, a worrisome color surging through her eyes.

No one would hope to live in a turbulent home.

If some things are not resolved every day, they will have no peace for a day!

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