Where is this?

Lush forest, fresh air.

Many unfamiliar images appeared in the memory.

I actually crossed over!

I just took a nap and crossed over.

It must have been due to the sudden death of overdraft overdrawn for a long time, as a third-rate cartoonist, he really lacked exercise.

Anyway, I have always had nothing to worry about, the only thing left is my dream, the dream of becoming a top cartoonist, showing the world of fantasy in my heart to readers, enriching my soul, so as to support my life forward.

But this obsession has unconsciously become a source of pain for myself, who has no talent for painting.

I died in a ten-square-meter rental house like this, and probably the first thing I found was a manuscript editor, who has been making screws for garbage industrial comics for a long time in order to hone his drawing skills, and until now, he has not even had a real fan.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

First, figure out where you really are.

From just now, he felt as if his body was much lighter, and a large number of memories were transmitted into his brain.

Trying to recall all the past, it turns out that the original owner of this body is a comic book author with a strong drawing ability, also named Lance, who has the same name as his pen name!

Currently traveling to find inspiration for the story, a week ago on a fish boat to Whale Island, living in a small hotel by the port, this time up the mountain to take a walk to observe nature, but did not expect to be killed on the spot because of eating poisonous mushrooms in the mountain forest.

"What a wonderful fate

" "Well, Whale Island?" Lance was familiar with the term, but he wasn't sure yet.

Keep reminiscing....

"Where am I and what kind of world is this?"

Along with such questions, more and more memories and pictures appear in the mind.

Lance felt more and more familiar.

Youkexin City, Sky Arena, Kakin Empire, Whale Island, Dark Continent! Hunter!


Isn't this the world of full-time hunters who read manga in their previous lives! He actually traveled to this world, which is one of his favorite comics in his previous life.

Fortunately, it's not too dangerous a world. The world as a whole is right, and ordinary people are quite friendly.

"Reading ability"!

The first time he thought of this word, the ability to have countless possibilities, he had fantasized too many times that he would have this magical power.

The second soul of Lance suddenly awakened, and he put on a sexy and shameful pose and shouted,

"Come out!" Manga

Mitar" This is the ability to read his own fantasy: "Manga Mitar! "Imaginary characters and stories can be realized, not only can they be directly converted into comic book content on paper,

but also characters and objects in comics can be visualized in the real world.

Apparently nothing happened

, "Eh~ Is the posture not handsome enough?"

Lance knew that, of course, the ability to read was to have a certain talent and be trained over the years. It is possible to develop it, and what capabilities will appear is not very certain. However, according to the personality of your own will, the probability should be the trait system.

But since you have come to this world, there is the possibility of having this ability to think.

Excellent physical fitness is the indispensable foundation of mental ability

, and from just now, he can also feel that his new body is much lighter than the bulky flesh bullet in his previous life.

It happened that there was

a lake not far away, Lance saw his reflection from the lake, not bad, a handsome guy, temperament full of elegant artistic atmosphere.

"What kind of shampoo is used for this silky hair? This is much stronger than those fake advertisements on TV, it is the real duang duang duang! "

It's not important, now I'm more concerned about how talented this body is, after all, it is the foundation of cultivation ability.

In order to test the limits of his physical strength, he began to run towards the top of the mountain, and in the process he clearly felt that his speed, explosiveness, and staying power were far beyond his previous life.

Reach the highest point of the mountain, easily climb the tallest tree, and stand at the top overlooking the entire island.

This is the feeling of the primeval forest, and Lance is in an extraordinary mood at the moment.

Looking back, my childhood dream was to travel the world and explore the unknown during my travels, but such a dream was such a luxury in that world, so I chose to become a cartoonist.

But now it's different! In this world, maybe anything is possible.

Looking at the sea horizon, the exciting opening

sentence Monster Rare Beast

Treasure Secret Treasure

Magic Mirror

The magic power blooming by the word secret unknown

attracts countless strong people and crazy about it.

The world calls it "The Hunter"!

As a traverser, you must have a combination of elements such

as "rebirth, dreams, and new worlds", and life can be described as an unprecedented counterattack.

This life must be wonderful!

"Ding, detected that the host has a strong desire to explore the world as a traverser, and the system successfully started"

Sure enough, since this kind of thing has happened. Goldfinger or something is also taken for granted, as a traverser, without Goldfinger, it is better to lie flat at home.

Lance was almost moved to tears "System, I know, you won't be absent"

The system is loading....

But fortunately, the area of human activity in the hunter's world is not so dangerous. Although the civilian world is very safe, the upper limit of this world is also very high, not to mention the existence of those who have the ability to think, there is still a dark continent on the other side of the continent, which means that one day disaster will suddenly appear.

The system is loaded "

Hello host, the daily lottery system serves you" "System, quickly say, what functions do you have" "

This system is a daily lottery

system, there is a chance to draw once a day, and the prizes come from the heavens and worlds," the system responded mechanically.

In the heavens and worlds, any commodity is possible. It sounds great, but if you think about it, it means that it is possible to draw any item

, "The prize pool has a thousand items, and the prize will be updated weekly

", "The system will give priority to updating the prizes that the protagonist desires in his memory every week",

"The system has no human service and intelligent assistance, all functions please explore freely, the service only supports answers to simple questions" "The system

gives away unlimited backpack capacity"

"First Crossing Reward A Crossing Gift Pack, which has been distributed to your backpack, good luck" After the electronic tone of the system disappeared, some information about the basic use of the system also entered Lance's soul.

Lance also understood the system in an instant, only supporting a very small number of question answers, almost no assistance, as long as the mind called the system, the prize pool would appear.

Prizes are abundant, updated weekly, one piece per day, and randomly obtained.

That's it? It's too simple and crude, but I like it.

"Use the Traverser Newbie Gift Pack first

" "Ding, receive rewards"

Ten times the physical strength, mental power, understanding, and potential!

Superpower Training Box (Doraemon is a mysterious prop from the future world that can train three superpowers, namely mindfulness, clairvoyance, and teleportation, and must be practiced for three hours a day for three years. Ten

times the physical strength of ordinary people! It should be super strong, maybe it has reached the level of Xiaojie in the early hunter examination stage, after all, he fell out of the big fish king of Whale Island at the age of 12, and he weighs nearly a ton anyway.

Compared with ten times the physical strength, the mental power and potential are ten times greater.

Although there is no clear value indicating the mental power value of ordinary hunters, even ordinary people's mental power should reach the level of professional hunters after ten times, which is of considerable help in developing powerful mental abilities.

The tenfold potential is even more important, both Jay and Qilu Wei have extraordinary talents, and they have obviously become a lot stronger from the early days of the hunter exam to the period of obtaining the license, far exceeding some candidates in the same period.

In a short period of time in the Sky Arena, the combat power of Xiaojie and Qilu has risen sharply, and the combat power in the later stage directly surpasses many veteran professional hunters, which is something that happened within two years, and potential is importance.

Feeling the physical changes after strengthening, Lance feels that his current self can easily win the championships of various sports in his previous life.

"Try your luck, today's lottery is also used

" affirmed the coquettish card in the big hotel

"Ding, Phoenix brand old two eight bicycle "

This.... Well, it's better than nothing.

In the memory of reception, it is learned that it is now eight years after the release of Greedy Island, that is, in 1995, four years before the plot began.

This year, the advent of the Internet, the popularization of mobile phones, the invention of the latest airship, the new Olympia Fighting Conference and so on.

Just when Lance was still fantasizing about whether to take a hunter's license in a few years

, suddenly the sky darkened, and there was an invisible cumulonimbus cloud in the sky of the sea towards Whale Island.

Such weather continues to be dangerous in the forest.

It was necessary to rush back to the town below the mountain before the rainstorm came, but it seemed that it was too late.

Whale Island is not big, about a day can walk around the island, according to the original body memory, it seems to pass by Xiaojie's house at noon.

Reborn in this location, perhaps by fate, Lance decided to try his luck, and

then summoned the bicycle in his backpack and ran in the direction of his memory.

The rainstorm came much faster than expected, and Lance's body was already drenched, which did not affect his mood, after all, he was about to meet his favorite character.

Soon, he saw a detached house on the hill in front of him. This is Xiaojie's house, just like in memory.

The first time I saw the hut on the hill, I felt unreal, if not for the reality of the rainstorm and cold, I really thought I was dreaming.

Return the bike to the system space, adjust your mood, and walk to the front of the house.

With a speed that is not fast or slow, he knocked politely on the door

, "Knock knock",

"Is anyone there?"

After about five seconds, the door opened.

What appeared in front of him was a seven or eight-year-old hedgehog head, with innocent eyes and an innocent smile, wasn't it the little jie in childhood?

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