Siso's sudden appearance frightened Lance Chrysanthemum, and the whole person instantly jumped like a frightened wild cat, quickly closing a distance of about ten meters from this dangerous man.

So far, Lance feels that his sexual orientation has always been relatively traditional, of course, it is absolutely impossible to bend in the future, but Siso this guy appeared next to him without warning, ambiguously attached at such a close distance, as long as it is a normal man will be frightened, no, women will also be frightened, even if you are a handsome guy.

There is an indescribable charm in this guy itself, which may be very attractive to benders, and it will also be interesting to look at as a comic book character.

But if you greet Lance in such an abnormal way as the first time you meet, it will be a catastrophic shadow for Lance, who is an absolutely straight man, not to mention that this guy is too dangerous, especially for himself who is still growing up.

Of course, in Siso's cognition, he didn't seem to feel that the behavior just now would be disliked, he just wanted to simply provoke Lance.

Normally, as two young people of the same age and practicing at the same time, being quietly close to another master of the same level, shouldn't it be considered a provocation?

Two people look at each other, don't they tacitly identify each other as their prey, and

everyone happily releases murderous energy together, which is unhappy?

How did I get to you, I really want to be disliked?

"Why are you four-eyed boys suddenly so close to me, it's so perverted!"

Looking at Lance's disgusted expression, am I perverted? Four-eyed boy?


I specially wore this customized suit today, even the glasses are the satisfactory style I tried hundreds of in the store, this outfit and temperament match so perfectly, I don't know how many beautiful women on this rich Titanic are fascinated by me, you actually call me perverted?

However, Siso is not a careful man, although he is scolded inexplicably, but Lance's attack point Siso does not care at all.

"It seems that this gentleman seems to have a deep prejudice against people who wear gold wire glasses

" "That's right! Especially the gold-wire glasses man in a suit," Lance accentuated his tone on the gold-wire glasses.

"I'm wearing a suit dress on this ship, it's very reasonable, in order to conform to the character I wear gold wire glasses, it's very logical, why do you have to target me"

Siso is quite confident in today's dress, but as a killer, he still feels that this outfit is a little lame, not in line with his nature and identity, but on this airship, he still has to clean himself up a little, otherwise it is too conspicuous, especially in the case of performing a mission, he still has to compromise.

"You guy started stalking me in Puerto Dore, you guy who reveals a dangerous aura, isn't it normal to keep a little distance from you, I just don't like men being so close to me, besides, I'm not interested in men

" This word changed in Siso's ears, and he thought

"dangerous breath?" It turns out that he has long been discovered, it seems that the practice is not enough, it seems that he has been hovering on the edge of killing and death for too long, how can he hide this aura in front of the real master, Lance, what a good man~

" "But I'm really interested in you" After speaking, Siso released a little murderous aura.

Lance is extremely crazy, I'm a family person, "Please be normal, although I know that you don't mean that, but I still feel very uncomfortable, you can easily ruin my peach blossoms like this, pervert

" Siso heard this and muttered in his heart "Peach Blossom, is it March" and

glanced at Madge, sure enough, this woman's feeling does not seem to be so sharp, the two have made progress?

Lance, who can make March let her guard down, is indeed an interesting man.

March really appreciated the moment when the two handsome guys had just been so heartwarming, remembering the ambiguous picture, and instantly seemed to have some special hobby awakening in her body.

However, as a relatively normal killer of the three views, he naturally understands the point of Lance's fried hair, and she is not surprised by Siso's inexplicable behavior.

In her many years of career in the underworld, she knows that the personalities of those masters who walk in the distorted path of life are more or less out of the ordinary range, and even those who are orthodox martial arts masters and professional hunters with normal styles are considered a minority.

In order to prevent the two of them from doing it on the spot, March interrupted the tense atmosphere.

"Okay, you two, don't waste any more time on boring things, come and sit"

Lance didn't want to fight with this kind of fighting maniac, and Siso's desire to fight was also extinguished.

The three people sat face to face at the round table at this time, their eyes wide open.

"So, let me introduce you, this is my partner, Siso, we are hired to snatch gems from you and kill people, but seeing that you have a good attitude, this time I will reluctantly be a peacemaker." Lance

thought to himself, can you killers talk so well? Don't you feel that there is no certainty of victory, and feel that the risk is too great to compromise?

"Siso, there is no problem on your side, originally you should have wanted to make money by doing this mission, and then make up the money you owed me before, as for the compensation for your failure in this mission..."

March said with difficulty "The money you owed me before will be written off, there is no problem"

Siso is a sensible person, from the performance just now, March and Lance seem to have reached some kind of agreement, it seems that this brother named Lance bought March with money, By the way, let her convince herself to interrupt the mission.

But March will keep his promise so much, not only because of the money, but obviously because the winning rate is too small to give up.

Killers are basically for money, and if you know that you will fail before a mission starts, most of them will choose to give up, and Siso is also well versed in the routine.

"This ahhhh Since you said so, of course I will

give you this face, I will give you this mission, I will give up this mission" "But the mission is a mission, I am still very interested in what you taste like"

Siso couldn't control his desire and stared at Lance deadly.

Here it is again, this feeling of being treated as prey, Lance really has no tricks for this kind of person, but he is not too afraid, after all, after reaching a certain realm, the masters can basically know the gap with the other party before they make a move.

"Oh? So what exactly do you want? "Lance deliberately showed some impatience, but even if he really fights a little, it is nothing, and he can test his level in this world by fighting with Siso, but I am afraid that this guy is out of control while fighting, and how to look at Siso does not look like a person who receives good things in battle.

Siso leaned his hand on the table, leaned forward, and said to Lance with an obsessive look.

"I just want to kill you or be killed by you"

The perverted nature of the battle mania was once again exposed.

If it is in the comics, it is indeed interesting to see a handsome character say such things, but when he really faces this person, it makes Lance overwhelmed, not that he is afraid, but simply feels that there is no way to talk with this guy with an abnormal head.

Seeing that Siso was about to lose control again, March felt helpless, so she liked to act alone, whether it was a partner in the brigade or a friend on the road, there were almost no normal people.

"Siso, I'm still here, give me face this time, so I like to fight so much, wait for this ship and then make a private appointment between the two of you,"

"It's the same, I'm not in a very good state tonight" Speaking of this, Siso looked at his arm, which had been bleeding continuously since the beginning.

"Lance, don't be too anxious, in order to welcome the with

you, I'll find you when I'm healed" "I thank you

" "Okay, then it's such a happy decision" After speaking, he handed Lance three gems from the table.

"I've already selected two of them here, and you put the rest away, young master" March also complained about Lance's rich and wealthy style, and sending gems was as casual as sending milk tea.

Lance took it smoothly, and did not look at which two gemstones Magge chose, and immediately included the gems in the prize space.

This move was precisely captured by Siso, who narrowed his eyes at Lance, "Oh? Have you mastered the ability to read so quickly" Judging from the observation of tracking all the way before, there is a high chance that this man will not use the ability to read, let alone use the ability to use it so skillfully, Lance, I am more and more interested in you.

Lance clearly felt that some kind of desire in Siso seemed to be coming up again, and he had just deliberately shown it to Siso in order to confuse Siso and the Phantom Brigade behind him, making them mistakenly think that their abilities were related to spatial storage.

Lance "The look in your guy's eyes is really uncomfortable",

but from the moment Lance noticed the box that Siso was carrying, Lance felt very familiar, this is not the thing that just appeared at the auction. It seems that it was eventually bought by the royal family of the Kakin Empire.

Feeling that the mediation was almost the same, and she didn't want Lance to know so much about her mission to steal the treasure box, she spoke.

"Very good, what happens to me after the two of you have nothing to do with me, Lance don't say I didn't help you this time, next I have something to talk about with Siso, it will take about a few minutes, can you trouble you to wait for me over there, I have something I want to say to you alone later

" "Okay, you talk first, I'll go

and wait for you" After speaking, he left, and walked to the bow of the boat not far away to wait for March.

After pulling Lance apart, Siso explained to March the situation on his side.

"So, Siso, you actually infiltrated the exclusive area of the Kajin Empire, and also entered the treasure house to take the emperor's inheritance?"

"Just swaggering out like that?"

Siso "Although she is only a princess of the country of Kajin, there are indeed two brushes in the guards around her, but fortunately, there are only three people guarding the treasure house, and I have already put them in, although only one of them has mastered the mind, but the other two still have two brushes

" This surprised Magge, "Is it true that I looked up to those royal families?" It seems that the royal family does not have so many masters in their hands, and there is a chance that we will cooperate again, and next time play a big vote" Although March is a joke, but the psychology does have this calculation, ready to propose to find a small country to play like this next time I see the head of the group.

"No, March, you are too naïve, not as simple as you think, maybe the general small country without strength can let you play so much, but the Kajin country heritage is unimaginable

" "Oh?"

"I thought it was okay, but when I left, I met a tall cloaked man with a scythe, that guy is dangerous, and I feel like the Grim Reaper!"

"Grim Reaper?" March couldn't figure out what Siso was trying to say.

"March, you should also be familiar with the breath of death"

March nodded, indeed, I don't know how many times they have faced death.

"Since the moment the cloaked man appeared, I have had the feeling of facing death"

Siso looked at his bleeding left hand, this injury seemed to be no better than a month, Siso recalled while talking to himself.

"That guy's trick just now was too sudden, too weird, and suddenly appeared out of thin air without warning, but fortunately, his injury is limited, otherwise this arm will trouble you to stitch it again

" "Fortunately, the box you want has not been snatched away, I am not running this trip in vain, for you I can be regarded as desperate

" "Don't say it so touchingly, just trade, but look at the fact that you were injured by such a serious injury, after I shot these two gems, Probably it won't transfer a work-related injury fee to your account, it's a small compensation

" "Probably..... Look what you said, I look like a greedy person like you, compared to the work injury fee, I hope you don't break the next contract between me and Lance

" "So, since it is such a tricky opponent, how did you end the battle, and appear here to swagger and chat with me" "

Although that guy is weird, he is not very strong, and in the process of fighting, I can feel that he seems to have achieved some purpose in the fight before leaving."

"Some purpose? What do you think it will be?

"I don't know yet, but something special happened after he hit

this treasure box" "What

" "Several mist flew out of this treasure box and quickly disappeared from my field of vision, however, I could feel that it was something ominous and terrible, although I didn't know what it was, but I could also feel death from that gas, and the cloaked man seemed to have some connection with this treasure box

" "And, He is definitely not from the side of Kajin Country, he is more like he came for this treasure box, March, don't you look at the difficulty of taking on the task recently"

Looking at Siso and then talking about this matter is unusually serious, this expression is the first time they have seen it in so long since they have known each other.

"Even you feel terrible unknown things"

The blood from Siso's arm was still lingering, and March thought thoughtfully, it seems that this mission is indeed not so simple.

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