After the Silent Observer was activated, Hornes flew towards the sky above the airship at full speed in the state of a spirit body.

The thick fog had long since made him lose his sense of direction, but he knew that he could find the answer by flying towards the source of fear.

Being in the spirit state has many disadvantages, such as the inability to manipulate the flesh and not having any effective attacks.

But there are also quite good advantages, such as the fact that the living cannot see or hear it, not only can penetrate objects, ignore physical attacks, and the laws of gravity.

It also has the property that does not require breathing, which has the advantage of being able to dive into the sea to a depth of 10,000 meters and fly freely in the air.

In addition, he has the ability to never forget in this soul state, since he developed this ability, he has loved reading, secretly learning in a world of one hundred and eighty times, how many geniuses can he roll up in the world?

Unfortunately, he spent almost all of his hobbies reading movies and novels.

Speaking of which, Hornes is still the first time to fly at a height of 10,000 meters, according to his fastest flight speed, about 100 meters per second, he has now flown at least several kilometers or so.

Until now, he had not seen the end of the fog, but some blurry objects began to appear around him.

So he gradually slowed down, and after carefully observing the surrounding scenes, he found some incredible scenes.

What appeared before his eyes was.

Remains of ancient temples suspended in the air and remains of unknown creatures.

Giant whales and flying elephants, as well as rusty armor and blades.

Large cruise ships and airships are tightly bound by rattans that spread out of nowhere in the depths of the fog.

Dilapidated skyscrapers and towering trees mix on the drifting island.

These shocking images lead to the worst conclusion.

That is, the Sky Titanic strayed into some unknown magic realm.

As a lover of the culture of Uncharted and Magic, he has read many books and reports and documentaries on the subject, and the two are easily distinguishable.

Most of the secret realms are paradises, with abundant resources and peerless treasures, which are not only a huge attraction for secret hunters, but also full of opportunities for ordinary people.

The magic realm is full of horror and murder, unknown creatures and curses, if you accidentally enter the magic realm, the possibility of ordinary life survival is almost zero.

But Horns believes it is not a desperate situation.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the "Magic Land Hitchhiker's Guide" written by a great Magic Realm hunter that he had read when he was a child, and in this century's

greatest Magic Land survival guide book, four big characters were lovingly printed on the first page.

"Don't panic"

is the most important message that the author wants to tell every reader who has gone astray into the magic realm, and it is also the first basic rule for survival next.

When he was a child, he dreamed of becoming a realm hunter, and he also knew very well that he should stabilize his mentality now.

Calm down, observe, analyze, and then make a decision.

Every step in the Magic Realm is dancing on the edge of death.

At the moment, the visibility is very low, and he observes the objects and scenes that appear around him while flying, and because it is a spirit state, he cannot judge whether the fog contains harmful components to the human body.

He followed a slender tentacle and began to search for the essence of the creature in the mist, and the confidence to dare him to be so bold came from his mental ability, in this invincible spirit state, he thought that he would not attack and hurt himself.

"This tentacle is at least two hundred meters long," he continued to explore with surprise, until he felt the creature's body in front of him, and when he flew closer to observe.

This turned out to be a huge black squid, but the difference was that its body was densely packed with tens of thousands of eyes, which were closed and closed.

"Such creatures"? Unheard of!

How big the body is, because the visibility is relatively low, Horns can't judge.

Suddenly, some eyeballs on the creature began to move, focusing on Horns.

"Actually? Discovered?!

"In this 180th of a second world, this monster found me in a spirit state?"

When Hornes and these eyeballs looked at each other, a great sense of fear hit him, and in his head there were instantly the painful sounds of many creatures being killed.

Then the scene of fighting between monsters gradually began to instill in his mind, and whenever an eye looked at him, he should be able to feel the pain that the monsters who were tortured felt before they died.

After his memory of being tortured twice, in the moment of returning to God.

Those shots, which were almost static, also seemed to start moving slowly towards Horns.

Escape! An instinctive reaction.

Fortunately, the speed of this mysterious creature's shot movement was not as fast as Horns imagined, and it seemed that it was just a simple eyeball with high-speed movement.

"Psychic Attack"

If it weren't for the fact that he was in the accelerated world of the Time Observer at the moment, only being observed by two eyes, he might have died in the eyes of this mysterious creature.

Fortunately, he was fast and left the area in a very short time.

Horns slowed down, this was the first time he had been attacked in a soul state, and he was quite frightened.

After collecting his mood, he decided to continue exploring, it should be a very rare situation just now, as long as he was careful of the creatures in this mist.

Then he found that there seemed to be a ruined temple not far from him, only about tens of meters away, and

some kind of ancient writing was carved on the collapsed stone pillars on both sides of the temple, which he judged to be ancient Kape.

Kim Fulix used this example in the Handbook of Restoration of Ruins.

Although he did not know these ancient texts, an object enshrined in the middle of the temple had already given him the answer.

Magic lamps

exist only as a magical product in fairy tales.

This is a story that many children have heard.

But at the moment, this magic lamp made of gold is so simple as in a fairy tale, Horns can feel that it exudes an evil aura, and seems to confuse those who see it to touch it.

Just a glance and not much stop, Hornes knew that there was nothing in this misty magic realm that could be judged by common sense, and could not be further understood.

But intense curiosity led him to the thunderstorm above the fog, and he had a hunch that in order to get out of the fog, he had to understand the origin of the fear.

After another minute or so, he finally broke through the fog and came to the sky below.

It was still that round of blood moon, but the sky was covered with thunderclouds, and when lightning flashed, it passed through the clouds and shot into the fog.

Above this altitude of tens of thousands of meters, Horns looked far away, looking for the edge of the fog below, but this fog seemed to be boundless like a continent.

He continued upwards and finally passed through the thunderclouds.

The truth is at hand.

What kind of existence is it, exuding such a terrifying aura.

Curious and scared, he finally saw the answer.

What he didn't expect was that there were actually four figures in the air at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

After flying a little closer, I found that their size was not what ordinary humans should have.

The first thing to observe is the nearest blue female giant.

"The naked upper body alone is about five or six meters, blue skin, sexy body Rao Yao is full of muscle at the same time, and the body seems to be composed of energy!" This image reminds him of the lamp god in fairy tales.

But fear did not come from her, and in her Horns could clearly feel that it was an air of deception and seduction, mixed with lust and laziness.

"Not her"

second place in a higher position.

It was a warrior about three meters tall, with several scars visible on his naked chest, shoulder armor made of precious stones, a huge championship belt in gold, and a pendant on his chest that seemed to be the skull of some humanoid creature.

Angry and distorted looks, even in a world that is almost static, even knowing that the other person cannot hurt him. Hornes did not dare to approach him in the slightest.

Horns had never seen such a fierce and terrifying person in his life.

No, it shouldn't be said to be human, in his unreasonable humanoid body, Horns seemed to see a demon from the pool of hell's blood.

He dared to assert that there could even be tens of thousands, no, hundreds of thousands, or even more lives at the hands of this man


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