Dangerous places like the Magic Realm are usually only sought and explored by hunters and countries when they are entrusted with certain group missions, and must be heavily vetted.

Because there doesn't have to be something scary, like an infectious disease, or some strange alien species that humans don't understand.

The five major disasters that exist in the world are good examples.

However, in this area of human activities in Lake Mobius, some exotic magical realms that exist are mostly not so terrifying.

Some television stations have even hired professional hunters to shoot documentaries in less dangerous forbidden lands.

When Siso first debuted, in order to cultivate in an extreme environment, he had received a commission to investigate a forbidden magic realm.

"You've just explored sunglasses, is it weird?"

March said he didn't understand, and he had the impression that Siso's kind of fighting maniac would only be interested in prey other than humans.

Lance was also quite surprised.

"Okay, some of the so-called magic realms are just relatively dangerous places,"

Lance asked curiously, "Are you so sure?"

Instead, Siso was a little surprised: "Don't you watch TV?"

"Don't look!"

Lance makes love with Mitt every day, and has no time to watch TV.

March worked all year round, was busy making money, and did not watch TV.

"Haven't you heard of World Geography Channel's "Uncharted, Magic, I'm Coming"? That's a big production, live-action first-person shooting. Super experience"

Macchi..... I've known this guy for two years and didn't know he had this hobby.

"I can't imagine that you are still obsessed with TV shows

" "By the way, the fourth episode of the second season is the content picture I contributed, you must check it out!"

Lance never expected that Siso would be involved in this kind of thing?

Although Siso didn't seem to care, he had already begun to think of countermeasures in his mind.

"It's just that the realm that you strayed into this time seems to be a little too dangerous, little brother, don't die so early"

Siso didn't know if it was intentional, as if he deliberately said this to Lance, he

instantly pulled off the original customized suit with a wave of his hand, replaced it with a very personal style of customized clothing.

The other one was not idle, brushing his hair from front to back.

The original crepe hairstyle has also become an extremely flamboyant flowing back!

Strangely, I wonder when even the iconic makeup on my face has been restored?

Lance looked at this magical scene, what happened? What happened and why can cross-dressing be done in a split second?

Lance couldn't help but burst into foul language.


You can do magic, right? Siso, tell me, you can magic, speak quickly, tell me that you will! "

Siso... He probably got the direction of Lance's focus.

"No, but the magic is a little,"

Siso quickly changed hands, casually performing a common poker trick.

Lance originally thought that these were exaggerated performance methods of anime, or lazy frame skipping, but he didn't think that the anime world could really be so unreasonable.

"Wait, you guy, don't try to fool me"

March saw Lance acting so surprised, isn't this a normal operation...

They often play this operation when they are on mission.

March wondered, "Why do you always pay attention to these unimportant things

?" and "Hey, is it only strange for me?"

Just as a few people were talking, lightning and thunder roared above, and although the fog blocked the sky, it could not stop this powerful momentum.

A huge lightning bolt fell on the airship, and because the speed was too fast, everyone did not see clearly how terrifying the lightning was.

But Lance clearly saw that his strong sixth sense allowed him to activate the stand-in ability at the first time: game rhapsody.

In a world where time stops, he sees a lightning bolt with a diameter of at least three or four meters hitting the transparent ceiling.

Lightning of this magnitude would definitely tear the hull apart, and unexpectedly, the hull did not seem to be harmed, only a slight vibration.

Lance remembered the airship's brochure, which seemed to have the strongest lightning protection system ever, and it seemed to have worked.

"That moment was too dangerous just now

" "Get away" Madge's cold voice came into Lance's ears, and Lance

came back to his senses,

not knowing when he had actually hugged Madge tightly.

Show funny, is it my instinct as a gentleman?

"Hold me enough, let me go"

Although he said this, March did not use all his strength to push Lance away, but seemed to blush a little.

However, he immediately let go of March, he is a man with a wife and children.

March's momentary blush was seen by Siso, "Is this all right?" "Little brother is so charming?

But at this time, if you still engage in these, the rich boy's world Siso is still incomprehensible.

Lance let go of March, and as for why he was suddenly a gentleman, he didn't pursue much.

Lance gasped...

March reminds, "Don't relax! Sure

enough, the fog had entered the hull of the ship, and before you knew it, it was already densely wrapped around,

"hold your breath," Siso reminded.

After Lance did so, he also subconsciously raised his anger, Siso and March unfolded the circle with all their strength, and the royal guard and the security section of the original ship were also ready to meet the enemy.

At the moment, it was very quiet.

Lance, March, and Siso were back to back, observing the surroundings.

But the visibility indoors is also getting lower and lower.

Until, the viewing distance does not exceed five meters.

Suddenly, there were screams from not far away, which was the voice of everyone in the Royal Knights.

The screaming voice was mixed with fear.

Lance also unfolded the circle and condensation

, and at this time he saw clearly that countless monsters were in these Knights, and they seemed to have lost the courage to resist.

These monsters have different forms, and the three of them have all seen silhouettes with their condensation, but what is certain is that these monsters all exude powerful mental abilities.

At this time, a member of the Order with a broken arm emerged from the fog, this member happened to be the one who had just arrested Lance, and he saw that he had no left arm and no ears. The whole person has completely lost the majesty of being a royal guard.

Closely chasing behind him was a deformed strange man with scissors, covered in blood, distorted facial features, hunched over, and shackled with a hand chain, his ugly appearance was extremely disgusting

, he laughed strangely maniacally, and from his mouth he could see that one ear had not been completely swallowed by him.

If Mi Ji is present, he will definitely be able to recognize this monster for the first time, this is the 3D horror game masterpiece of the year before last, and the ghost in the shape of the bell tower.

This one! Lance recognizes. The piles of game discs bought for five million six months ago were originally to study the progress of game development in this world, but it was this ugly face printed on the cover of a horror game that I accidentally turned over.

It can only be said that the art of the production team is too powerful, and designing such an uncomfortable monster is for players like Lance who only like RPGs and gentleman games.

That shocking glance almost made himself vomit out all the food he ate last year.

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