
The unknown existence was silently mixed in.

The two were shocked in their hearts!

March instinctively attacked, her hands were so fast that she could only see the afterimage, and in an instant she unfolded dozens of thought threads, wrapped around the creepy wooden doll in a suit on her shoulder, trying to cut the thing directly.

It saw that March was not panicking when it shot at herself, but reluctantly made a confident expression with a mechanical stiff face, without any expression or words, and seemed to lose its vitality all of a sudden and became a dead thing.

Sure enough, Nian Thread couldn't hurt it in the slightest.

After the first wave of attacks, it came to life again, saying to March "My body is the same as my will, it will not be destroyed" March

did not believe in evil, and once again pulled the thread with all her strength, trying to penetrate the seemingly dilapidated and powerless puppet's body, but it still seemed to cause damage to it.

At the same time, through the feeling transmitted by the chanting thread, March sensed the same defensive thought as the one named Apollo just now, "It seems to be the same ability"

Since it cannot be destroyed, it is necessary to open the distance first, and March will throw the puppet that seems to have lost its vitality to the ground where the vision is visible.

I decided to take a look and think about countermeasures.

Siso was also taken aback by this strange clown, not only because of how terrifying the clown itself looked, but because the creature seemed to radiate a fear beyond reality, which felt like facing a ghost in a horror movie.

The clown held a hydrogen balloon in his hand and stared at Siso with a smile, which couldn't help but make his back feel a little cold.

Siso also felt that this time was a little tricky, and tentatively asked,

"What are you?"

The clown did not answer him, but simply said.

"Gone with the wind"

Then Siso's body seemed to break away from gravity and flew towards the air, he reacted quickly, and at the first time he used his free love to stick to the floor.

"Siso Siso Siso Siso Siso ..... The clown twisted his limbs and danced in ways that were impossible for humans to do, uttering the non-human language fanatical, hysterically repeating Siso's name.

Completely extreme psychopathy or insaneness.

But in the next second, the clown's body that had just twisted seemed to jump in a frame in an instant, and he was already standing quietly in place, holding a balloon and staring at Siso deadly.

"I want to taste your fear"

The horror emitted by the clown was like a shadow that enveloped Siso's whole person, because this kind of thing was also the first time he encountered, and Siso did not make a rash move for a while.

It's just that some gloomy breath makes people's scalps numb, in the end, it is just a product of the ability to read.

At the same time, March on the other side also thinks so, "just a beast that looks a little scary",

but neither of them dare to take it lightly, in the magic realm, many things that cannot be understood with common sense can happen.

The two with extremely high combat literacy have already returned to their senses and began to exercise their brains at high speed.

To observe and analyze, then to destroy.

That's their style.

But both of them were more difficult at this time, that is, they lacked intelligence, and they were not familiar with the monster in front of them, and only guessed that it was a thought beast manifested by unknown forces.

In battles between capable people, intelligence is the most important factor in determining victory or defeat.

Lance on the side didn't think so,

because he was very familiar with these two terrifying aliens.

They are:

Slapi the goosebumps!

The Soul Returning Clown in the Ancient Death Light!

Lance, a lover of thrillers, is too familiar with this character

, and Lance roared into the air, "I'm still a newcomer crosser, don't treat me like this, isn't it too exciting to arrange such a plot from the beginning" and I don't know who to cry to.

But thinking about it calmly, it doesn't seem to be so scary.

Because the two ghosts that appear here are still different from those that appeared in the movies in the previous life.

The days of mixing on Whale Island are not only about making love, since spending a lot of money to connect the island to the Internet, I have browsed the information of the world with curiosity.

I learned that there are many events and inventions in the world that overlap considerably with the original world, such as food, clothing, music, art, etc., as well as movies.

At first, it was surprising to find that the world had these overlaps, but there were more or less some differences.

I just had an illusion at first glance, and I thought that this horror character also had an isotope in the multiverse.

Lance was not idle for a short time, and in his observations, he found that the puppets and clowns in the movies of these two hunter worlds were far less powerful, but they also had some strange abilities.

For example, the ontology of the clown in the previous life was the death light of the evil god before the birth of the universe, which is immortal and immortal, and has the power to distort reality.

And the spirit puppet Slapi does not seem to have the ability to teleport, read power, resurrect dead things, and think manipulatively.

It would be terrifying if it was really the setting like in the previous life.

Interestingly, in both films, you can see the screenwriter and investor list with the shadow of beating up the enemy family.

At this time, the three of them all thought together, the monster in front of them is indeed a fearful creature that has been embodied by the Nian ability, they will first kill their creator, and then gain more powerful power, and they also have the image and character of the creator's subconscious, words and deeds, and so on.

"These are all because of the ghost characters in horror movies, namely the spirit puppet Speara and the Soul Returning Joker, it seems that they are the embodiment of fear in the hearts of the two people who have just fought each other,"

Lance kindly reminded them, but in exchange for a murderous look from Siso.

From this look, Lance can probably understand what Siso means, specifically saying, "You kid is still distracted on such an urgent battlefield, don't be too arrogant!" I won't allow you to die until you fight me!"

March also stared at the spirit puppet, not daring to be distracted for a moment, a little helpless and disgusted by Lance's action, very unhappy said, "Young Master, take care of yourself!" For

the information provided by Lance, the two of them are not completely unconcerned, but the next second of distraction may be life-threatening.

They had a hunch that these two manifested beasts were not at the same level in terms of combat effectiveness and IQ as the master who had already been killed by them.

Thinking that there are so many people with abilities on this airship, if the fear in my heart is realized... Siso and March couldn't help but feel their scalps tingle.

As it turned out, scary Halloween parties had also begun elsewhere on the airship.

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