In the tavern, Mitt briefly introduced the daily work content.

The work is very simple, there are almost no guests during the day, and only after 5 o'clock in the evening, the fishermen return from fishing at sea to drink beer and gather in the tavern to chat.

Since the units and customers in the store are nearby, few people order food in the store, and the occasional order only needs to make some home-cooked food.

In the evening, after a busy day, Mitt took Lance to choose a comfortable room on the second floor of the tavern, and the remaining three houses remained as travelers' inns, but were basically idle all year round.

Since he had to go home to cook for Xiaojie and Grandma, Mitt left without much pleasantries, leaving Lance alone. Lance looked at Mitt's back and decided that "I must repay this family more when I develop in the future"

The week passed quickly, during this time, Lance did a very good job in the tavern, and he was very familiar with many village men, of course, there were some left-behind women.

If Mitt hadn't worked in the shop, the women would have abducted Lance.

Originally, Xiaojie's childhood was mostly spent in the forest and nature. But due to the arrival of Lance, the trajectory of life has also changed a little.

Now Xiaojie, every day after class, he will come to the tavern and shout for stories.

But unexpectedly, with the gradual development of the adventure plot of Lance's Great Age of Discovery, many fishermen who came to drink in the town also plunged into the world of the story.

This kind of story still has a certain appeal for fishermen who are also sea boys, and it just suits the taste of these fishermen.

Lance conquered some regulars with his charisma and excellent bartending skills, and gradually the people in the town basically recognized this outsider.

The relationship between Mitt and Lance has gradually entered another feeling, although the two are not openly in love, in their hearts, the other party seems to be lovers.

And regular customers can also see that they have to tease the two of them every day.

Privately, many people think that Mitt should marry off this time.

Time moved on slowly, and Lance had fallen in love with this cozy island.

In this leisurely daily life, Lance is not idle, taking a walk in the morning, drawing comics, chatting with local residents during pub work hours in the evening, and clocking in the superpower training box on time every day.

Of course, the most important draw every day now, so far Lance has not drawn a prize that will make him stronger.

Occasionally, there are prizes that can be used, such as mastery of survival skills in the wild and mastery of advanced acrobatics.

A few days later, the surprise came.

Lance now doesn't look at what products the prize pool has, it's all randomly drawn, and no matter how good the prizes are, it's uncomfortable to see.

"System, lottery

" "Ding, draw a universal capsule company commercial product gift package

" "What!" Lance was first startled, and then the whole person's spirit instantly reached a bursting point.

After opening the package, a bunch of products from the universal capsule company were placed in the prize space.

From personal spaceships to anti-gravity cars and motorcycles, there are hundreds of models, personal electronic devices and home robots, and many products that have never been seen before.

The more familiar here is the portable universal capsule, about two hundred, marked with some storage items, including food, home appliances, field houses and so on.

Earn a lot, now they are developed.

But immediately Lance calmed down, just as Huaiyu was guilty.

Take out the products that are obviously not of this era and show them, and they will definitely be in a highly dangerous state after being discovered by some people with intentions.

Their own strength cannot expose these products in front of people, otherwise they will be killed at any time.

Even the most basic motorcycle may not be able to be used at will, such a cool motorcycle if the person who sees it is interested, and this person happens to be a person who thinks ability, and happens to be not a regular hunter...

And even if ordinary people ask which company mass-produced this car, they can't answer it, and in this era when the Internet has developed, it is impossible to fool the past casually.

Thinking of this, I decided to use these discordant props as little as possible for now.

Obscene development, and then amazement of the world is their own path, and death is not their own style.

At Lance's suggestion, Mitt, his grandmother, and Jie decided to take a boat trip to a nearby island, and Jie hadn't left Whale Island for as long as he could remember.

It just so happened that Mitt also had some supplies he wanted to buy that could not be found on the island.

Grandma wanted to go to a nearby island to meet former friends.

Xiaojie was also noisy and wanted to go with him.

So Lance was left alone in the store to preside over the overall situation.

The Fulix family didn't expect how much the tavern would change next.

Chajiu is a thirty-year-old fisherman, and is recognized as the strongest in the town, both in terms of navigation skills and fishing skills.

Because of his love for the sea, he was an adventurer when he was young, and after being shipwrecked, he drifted to Whale Island and almost starved to death at sea.

A girl named Jasmine from Whale Island, who is good at cooking, rescues him and gives him an egg fried rice, which is the best egg fried rice he has ever eaten, and also gives him a second life.

At the same time, Cha Jiu also fell in love with Jasmine, Cha Jiu gave up his adventure at sea and stayed on Whale Island to live an ordinary fishing life, and the two young men also married naturally because of love.

They love the sea, and on calm days they snuggle in fishing boats in the sea.

But two years ago, Jasmine died of illness, and since then he has rarely left the fishing boat, and has been adrift in the sea near Whale Island, which is all he and his wife Jasmine remember.

However, the exception is that Cha Jiu occasionally goes ashore to the only pub on the island, which is where he proposed to Jasmine and has good memories.

Cha Jiu looked at the familiar tavern in front of him and walked in leisurely with dead eyes.

In the tavern, the noise echoed throughout the room, Cha Jiu sat casually next to the bar, and he didn't order food after not eating for two days.

"Auntie, serve the wine, give me the strongest wine" It had been a month since the last time I went ashore, and I didn't know that the tavern was now in charge of Lance.

Lance arranged the relevant wine according to Cha Jiu's request, and he didn't want anything unpleasant to happen in the shop when Mitt was away.

As soon as he drank, the cup slammed heavily on the table, signaling to continue serving the wine, and it was clear that this was a man whose heart had been frozen, and the wine was also continued cup by cup.

The infusion of a large amount of alcohol made Cha Jiu fall asleep, and in the dream Jasmine was scrambling with a familiar egg, it was this smell, it was the taste of Jasmine.

Lance silently put the freshly made egg fried rice in front of the man.

Cha Jiu's eyes have not yet opened, his nose followed the taste to find the taste of this plate of dreams, his body moved uncontrollably, picked up the spoon, dug a spoon, and gently put it in his mouth, at this time he was still half-awake and half-asleep.

The moment the egg fried rice entered the mouth, all the drunkenness seemed to disappear at once, and the eyes burst into dazzling light, and the other customers in the store looked at this scene in disbelief.

The more Cha Jiu ate, the more spiritual, the whole person's movements began to involuntarily exaggerate, and he ate crazy.

"That's the taste, it's the taste of jasmine," he

shed tears of happiness and sadness as he ate it.

But the difference is that this bowl of egg fried rice seems to taste better than his wife.

After listening to other guests tell his story and egg fried rice, Lance, who inherited the cooking technique of Xiaodangjia, perfectly restored this egg fried rice according to the geographical environment and eating habits of Whale Island.

Cha Jiu knelt on the ground with emotion, looked at the empty plate, and fell into memories, Lance knew that he knew very well in this link, the memory part that appeared in every episode of watching Little Boss back then.

"Such a delicious egg fried rice?"

"Restored the taste of jasmine?"

"I seem to see Cha Jiu's eyes burst with dazzling light, is it an illusion?"

"No, I saw it too, that's not an illusion."

Egg fried rice caused a commotion.

"Boss, bring me a copy too,"

"I want it too, I want it too"

At the request of the group, Lance knew that the time had come to show the real technique, and about ten minutes later, Lance came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of egg fried rice.

"Guys, the egg fried rice is ready." The moment Lance unveiled the cauldron, the dazzling light seemed to appear again, soaring straight into the sky. "Eating" all people now only this desire dominates. Most of these people, most of them uncultured, are simple fishermen, and they want to praise the dish in words, but they can't find the right words.

It can only be expressed with a happy expression of uncontrollable action.

Who have the rough old men on these islands ever eaten such a delicacy, and this egg fried rice is reserved a week in advance, even if it is obtained from the world's most exclusive restaurant. They don't know now, at this time they eat this dish called golden egg fried rice, which is one of the signboards of the world's first chef Lance that will be respected by the world in the future, which can be blown for almost a lifetime.

After the night passed, Lance's egg fried rice soon spread throughout Whale Island.

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