Become a Cartoonist System

Chapter 279 Link Start!

But Sagiri is not in a hurry, because "CL" she is in charge of is still in production, with brand new graphics and a huge project.

As November approached, KyoAni's "CL" was largely completed, and Sagiri went to Weibo to publish the pre-heating poster of "Sword Art Online".

[VR Animation] The first season of "Sword Art Online", the first attempt of Haiyang's new work, buy VR glasses/VR capsules and get the first season of "Sword Art Online", a global exclusive broadcast of virtual reality animation, not to be missed! Double 11 officially released, pre-sale Online store address:..."

In the pictures on Weibo, a set of posters with extreme 4K picture quality dazzled the eyes of a bunch of fans.

This is a set of posters, a total of twelve, ten screenshots of Sword Art Online's real machine, one character landscape, and one VR equipment art poster.

In the picture of the character, a boy with black hair and black pupils is wearing a black suit and a girl in a white sword suit with maroon hair and orange pupils is sitting on the grassland.

The sun is setting in the distance, the low green grass is blowing in the wind, the jagged river is winding, and the weird buildings are suspended in the air.

And behind them, there are two weapons inserted in the grassland in a cross shape, a black sword and a silver sword, reflecting golden light in the setting sun.

Bright colors, extreme light and shadow, beautiful characters, serene atmosphere, and atmospheric design are undoubtedly the new works of Teacher Haiyang.

"After the comics of "Gabriel" and "Magic", the animation "FATE" and "Super Cannon Season 2" are still going strong. I thought that Ocean Lolita wanted to enter the field of animation, but I didn't expect to accidentally jump to VR In the animation industry, I have to say that the teacher is really courageous."

"What's the matter, there is no news at all, and a new work is suddenly released, do you want to take advantage of the popularity of Double Eleven?"

"Buy VR and get free VR animations on Double Eleven? I'm afraid Mr. Haiyang has received some strange advertising errands, even touching VR advertisements, isn't he afraid that his reputation will plummet?"

"I don't have to be afraid to wait for a true fan. To recharge my faith, it doesn't matter to buy one. It's cheaper than half an 'Apple X' anyway."

The official website quotes 3,000 for VR glasses and 50,000 for the VR cabin.

The price of Sagiri is not high, especially the price of VR glasses. It is equivalent to buying an ordinary desktop computer of 3,000 yuan, which is equivalent to a slightly expensive smartphone. This price is basically affordable for office workers. .

President Qin complained about the price of the VR glasses for a while, but she didn't care, since Sagiri felt it was worth it anyway.

People-friendly price is the premise of global popularization. The price of 3,000 yuan is just right. Those who want to buy it will buy it, and those who don’t want to experience VR will naturally not waste this money.

Compared with the affordable price, the size of the VR cabin is more likely to be complained about. No, Internet users were surprised when they saw the specifications of the VR cabin.

3 meters long, 2 meters wide and 0.75 meters high!

Is it still a VR cabin? The size specification is no different from a big bed. There is no room for ordinary people to put it in their homes. Only big rooms with more vacant rooms can afford it. Doesn’t this force everyone to buy VR glasses?

There was a sudden storm of complaints. Fans liked Mr. Haiyang's works, but when they saw VR, they felt cold.

"@秦常, I beg you to let Teacher Haiyang do something serious, and stop tossing around in the VR field."

"@Qin Zong You can't find anyone, but Hai Yang Lolita. I don't know if she is very busy. There is only one animated film, so let her do the second one."

"I'm not optimistic about VR, but I will buy one on the day of release, and I will support it as a genuine version. I just hope that your company will stop asking Mr. Haiyang to make animations."

Many people advised Haiyang Luoli to do something serious, don't be tempted by President Qin's money.

As we all know, the current level of VR is still very immature. The VR in the eyes of players is to wear heavy VR glasses and control the game with two hands.

As everyone knows, the VR equipment sold by Sagiri does not rely on any handles, and directly affects the human brain, allowing people to immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality and experience visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, taste, smell, perception and other senses. All-round influence, truly experience the elegance of another world.

As for the most vexing security risks,

Black technology has solved all hidden dangers.

Before users use it, a lot of possible danger statements will be listed in the terms of use, and it has nothing to do with Sagiri whether players believe it or not.

With top-level VR equipment, human beings can enter the virtual reality world while sleeping, and can exit at any time, and wake up the next day still alive and well.

It is conceivable that the way of life in the future will change. People are still active on the Internet while sleeping, and try brave adventures in a virtual world. People who don't like fighting live in a virtual city, which can be called a city. Rebirth.

Sleep time accounts for one-third of human beings' 24 hours. Taking this one-third is equivalent to one more meaning of life. Its significance is no less than buying a house or a car. It is a necessity in life!


Tokyo, Izumi’s house, on the eve of Double Eleven.

In Gabriel's bedroom, the lights suddenly turned on, and there was a loli in a sportswear that only covered her thighs, followed by a girl in pink shorts and pajamas.


A cute little milk cat lay on Gabriel's white bed, meowing lazily, as if dissatisfied with the fact that the two of them woke it up.

Ignoring Tuanzi's protest, Gabriel knelt down and knocked on the bed board. Hearing a few crisp metallic sounds, he looked up at Sagiri and said, "This is the transformed virtual bed? Wouldn't the effect be sharper without the glass cover?" reduce?"

Gabriel didn't want to play VR at first, but when she came back from school, Sagiri told her that her bed had been replaced with a special version of the virtual bed, so she thought to herself that it's all installed anyway, so why not play around with it.

Sagiri came over and patted Tuanzi's head, and said with a smile: "This is a special version, only me, you and Rafael's bed is specially made, other people don't have this kind of privilege, anyway, you will know after trying it."


Gabriel responded plainly, seeing Tuanzi lying in the middle of the bed, preventing her from sleeping, she put her hands under Tuanzi's armpits.

The latter stared at the cat's eyes, and was held up by two tender hands.

"By the way, there are computers in the virtual reality world, and you can play games in it."

Sagiri took over the panicked dumpling, rubbing her face while hugging her.

Tuanzi continued to stare round her eyes, with a "meow meow?" expression.

"Huh? Playing on the computer in the VR world, you're probably stupid." Gabriel lay on the bed, covered her with the quilt and did not forget to roll her eyes.

Due to the fact that the company does not currently have many entertainment functions, Sagiri specially equipped each person's initial login point with a computer that can be operated online.

"Yes, it can also be connected to the Internet. It can run any masterpiece of games perfectly, and it can also broadcast live. If you want to try it, try it." Sagiri hugged the kitten, and suddenly said:

"I'll go to bed later, if you don't want to watch "Sword Art Online", let's play games online in the VR world."

Gabriel looked at Sagiri with an expression of "Are you kidding me.jpg".

After Sagiri left the room, Gabriel thought about how to sleep, and remembered another thing.

Turn on the phone and read the login instructions sent by Sagiri.

"Login method description (concise version):

1. Quick login method:

Put on VR glasses or lie down in the virtual cabin, close your eyes and say 'LinkStart! ’ or silently say ‘Start connecting! ', the relevant hardware will quickly hypnotize the user, allowing the user to immediately enter a deep sleep state and connect to the virtual reality world.

2. Slow login method:

Lying in the virtual cabin (wearing VR glasses), close your eyes, do nothing, and wait for yourself to fall asleep.

This process may last ten minutes or an hour. In short, after the user falls asleep, the players will automatically log in to the initial island in the virtual reality world.

If the user just wants to sleep and does not want to rest in the VR world, he can silently say "exit the virtual reality world" to exit, continue deep sleep, and dream when it is time to dream. When the time reaches the alarm clock, the machine will automatically wake up the user. "

After reading the concise version of the login method instructions, Gabriel snorted softly in disbelief:

"It turns out that you can log in just by shouting a slogan. Why is there no other company to do such a simple thing?"

Shouting a string of English or, you can have a deep sleep, Gabriel does not believe it in her heart.

"Forget it. After shouting, I'll ask Sagiri for 10,000 pocket money."

Gabriel was certain that the brief instruction manual of more than ten lines was a cold joke written by Sagiri.

"Wait until I take a picture of the shouting scene, so that she won't renege on it."

Gabriel turned on the phone camera and put it aside to take pictures automatically. Then she closed her eyes and shouted loudly:

"Link Start!"

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