When Ruan Jiaojiao saw this dog-legged appearance again, she finally knew who it looked like. It was clearly a replica of Ruan Jianguo, and she couldn't help laughing.

Shu Wei had always maintained a cold attitude towards Jiang Bin, and now he got out of the car with a calm expression.

Jiang Bin didn't care. When he saw Ruan Jianguo getting out of the car, he immediately ran over to introduce him.

The Jiang family is engaged in education, so both Jiang Yuanlong and Jiang Bin are quite serious on weekdays, giving people the impression of a teaching director.

But now that he saw the Ruan family, Jiang Yuanlong smiled sincerely.

Everyone first exchanged greetings outside the door. Ruan Jiaojiao raised her head and watched them talking. She found that her rich family was actually really powerful. Apart from being timid towards her grandfather, she had no trouble dealing with other people. Despite the stage fright, he was quite presentable.

"Ayawn." The winter in Beidu was really too cold. Ruan Jiaojiao only stood outside for a few minutes before she couldn't help sneezing, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ma Yinyun looked at her immediately. She only had one son. After Jiang Xiao was lost, her health was not very good and she never gave birth to a second child. Now when she saw the beautiful and lovely Ruan Jiaojiao, her eyes couldn't help but As soon as she got up, she came forward and held her little hand, and said to Shu Jie: "Sister Shu Jie, is this your daughter?"

Shu Jie nodded with a smile and introduced her: "Yes, this is my daughter, Ruan Jiaojiao, and this is my son, Ruan Jie."

"Hello, auntie." Ruan Jiaojiao always had a sweet mouth and shouted immediately.

Ma Yinyun was very happy to be called out. Remembering that she was still outside, she quickly greeted her and entered the house first.

The courtyard of the Jiang family is a courtyard. After the two elders of the Jiang family passed away, the three brothers of the Jiang family were completely separated. Except for Jiang Bin, who had not yet married, he still lived here, and the second master of the Jiang family had moved out.

However, I knew that the Jiang family's big house was going to treat a guest today, and it was said that the guests were from the place where Jiang Xiao had stayed. The second master of the Jiang family and his two sisters-in-law who had married outside also rushed back to watch the fun.

The Ruan family and Shu Jie already had a lot of people, and with the addition of the Jiang family, there were really a lot of people.

When Ruan Jiaojiao was led in by Ma Yinyun, she heard the commotion inside, and then she saw two children coming towards her. The two children ran rampant in the crowd, first bypassing Jiang Yuanlong in front of them. and Jiang Bin and others, and then rushed towards the group of female relatives behind them.

Ruan Jianguo and Shu Lang were sandwiched by Jiang Yuanlong and Jiang Bin and walked in front. When he saw the two children colliding with each other like this, Ruan Jianguo knew that the women walking behind them were afraid that they would bump into Ruan Jiaojiao and Shu Jie, so he subconsciously wanted to go He pulled, but the two children rushed too fast, so he didn't hold back, and watched helplessly as one of them hit Ruan Jiaojiao.

He was startled, but fortunately the next second he saw Ruan Jie lifting the colliding child by his collar, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


"Auntie, help!" The two children shouted in unison. One of them kicked his legs under Ruan Jie's hand, extremely anxious.

When the two children bumped into each other, Ma Yinyun, who was holding Ruan Jiaojiao, was also startled. She didn't care about her nephew who was being lifted up over there, and only asked Ruan Jiaojiao anxiously: "Jiaojiao, are you not injured? "

Ruan Jiaojiao shook her head. Even if Ruan Jie didn't lift the naughty child, she thought she could avoid it.

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