Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1022 Xin Family (10)

"Is that Mrs. Ruan's daughter?" she asked. Because of her own daughter, she naturally liked the teenage girl more.

"Yes, Jiaojiao, come here." Shu Jie smiled and nodded, speaking of her daughter with tenderness in her eyes.

Ruan Jiaojiao let go of Ruan Hao's hand, walked over, and followed Shu Jie's instructions to call people.

Ruan Jiaojiao seems to be born with such a magical power that makes people who like her like her very much, even if they meet her for the first time.

Mrs. Xin was like this. When she saw Ruan Jiaojiao walking up to her and calling her aunt, she immediately stretched out her hand to pull her over. She smiled and said to Shu Jie: "Mrs. Shu, you raised this child really well. I felt like an old friend at first sight. My daughter is ten years old this year, Jiaojiao will be good friends with her later, okay?"

Of course Ruan Jiaojiao could only nod.

Mrs. Xin seemed to really like Ruan Jiaojiao and led her along the way. Shu Jie was a little surprised. Seeing that Xu Xu followed Ruan Jiaojiao from beginning to end, she felt relieved.

When Xu Miao came out of the kitchen with tea, she met the Ruan family who were solemnly invited in by the Jiang family.

Yesterday, she knelt outside Xin Miao's door for a whole afternoon. It was not until the evening that Mrs. Xin's wife pretended to see her and asked her to get up.

Naturally, she didn't believe Mrs. Xin's claim that she just saw it. She was sure that she did it on purpose. However, even if it was like this, she couldn't do anything. She came to someone else's house to be a servant and Xin Miao's nanny. She would still be there in the future. You have to expect them to provide you with a good husband, so even if you have any thoughts in your heart, you don't dare to express them.

Yesterday, she knelt for most of the day, and her knees were swollen. Her mother rolled eggs for her in the middle of the night, and she had to get up to entertain guests the next day. She felt that her life was really hard.

But she didn't expect that she, who was so miserable, would have to face a scene like this, a scene that made her extremely humiliating.

She was wearing the uniform servant uniform of the Xin family, holding tea in her hand, while Ruan Jiaojiao, who came on the same train as them, was wearing a beautiful little skirt and was surrounded by people walking in.

And the boy she likes also dresses so decently, but on the other hand, she...

Xu Miao blushed almost as soon as she saw Ruan Jiaojiao and the others coming in. She just wished she could find a hole to bury herself in.

She didn't care that she should be bringing tea to him at this time, turned around and ran to the kitchen, but because she turned too eagerly, she bumped into a servant who was coming out with tea from behind.

The tea was not hot, but it was still warm. The two people bumped into each other. First, the tea splashed everywhere, and then there was a clattering sound of cups falling to the ground.

The servant who was hit was so frightened that his face turned pale. He didn't even care about the fragments scratching his hand. He bent down and apologized to the people around him, while bending down to pick up the fragments on the ground.

Xu Miao was so frightened that she stood there for a long time without moving.

Today is Xin Miao's birthday party. Logically speaking, you can't break things. It's not unlucky after all. Mrs. Xin was originally a gentle person, and she treated her family's nannies well. She was always kind and cheerful, but at this moment, she couldn't help but look extremely ugly.

Feng Yue never expected that Xu Miao would be so unworthy of the stage. She was entertaining guests on the other side, so she hurried over and hit Xu Miao hard. Then she turned around and pulled her to apologize to Mrs. Xin.

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