Xu Xu squeezed her little hand, as if silently comforting her.

"Jiaojiao, are you feeling uncomfortable? Does your hand still hurt? Let your uncle take a look again."

Ruan Jiaojiao's face really didn't look good. Shu Lang was a little worried, so he bent down and put Ruan Jiaojiao's little hand on the table, looking at the light pink scar.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

Ruan Jiaojiao shook her head and tried to force a smile, but her psychological quality was not strong enough yet, and even her smile was fake.

"What's wrong with Jiaojiao's hand?" Qian Qian took a breath of air when she saw the scar on Ruan Jiaojiao's palm. With such a scar, even just by looking at it, she could imagine how many injuries she suffered at that time.

"How about going to the hospital?" she suggested.

"No, it doesn't hurt. It's okay, uncle." Ruan Jiaojiao retracted her little hand, took a sip of the newly served milk from the waiter, and barely suppressed the fear in her heart.

"Why don't you go back first..." Shu Lang was still worried. Ruan Jiaojiao's face was really ugly. When she came out, her face was red and healthy pink. But now, she is neither pink nor red, just bare. It turned out that it made him very worried.

"No, uncle, I'm really fine." Ruan Jiaojiao said anxiously. She didn't want to go back. Instead, she wanted to find out whether the Nian Nian Qian Qian said was the Feng Nian Nian she was taboo about.

She turned to look at Qian Qian and asked: "Auntie, does the Niannian you are talking about look similar to me? Or is it similar in some way?"

"They look similar at first glance, but you feel different." A moon hidden behind dark clouds on a rainy day, which makes people feel gloomy, and a small sun under the blue sky and white clouds , looking warm and comfortable, has a completely different temperament.

"Then what's her last name?"

"My surname is Feng, my name is Feng Niannian. How old are you this year? She just turned nine in June last year. She should be about the same age as you." Qian Qian didn't suspect anything. She just thought she was aroused by her words. Interested, he added: "Jiaojiao, do you want to get to know her? Auntie can introduce you to her."

"No, no, no." Ruan Jiaojiao immediately waved her hand and refused.

She didn't want to know him, and she never wanted to know him in her life.

Ruan Jiaojiao is now sure that the Feng Niannian mentioned by Qian Qian should be the Feng Niannian she knows.

She once thought that since Beidu was so big, they would not have any interactions, but she never expected that she would learn about her from other people's mouths.

Feng Niannian...

Ruan Jiaojiao thought about this name in her heart, but she became more and more uneasy.

Meeting Xin Miao was already strange enough, but now meeting Feng Niannian, Ruan Jiaojiao couldn't understand why there were suddenly so many souls snatching other people's bodies in the world.

Ruan Jiaojiao was a little confused. She didn't notice what happened to the blind date between Shu Lang and Qian Qian later. She returned to Shu's house with worries all the way.

She was happy when she went out, but when she came back she was so silent and looked not good.

Everyone looked worried, and heard Shu Lang say that milk had been poured on her hand. For safety reasons, Mr. Shu still called his own doctor over. After seeing it, he was sure that there was nothing wrong, and everyone relaxed. One breath.

Watching Ruan Jianguo go out to see the doctor, Shu Jie opened the door and returned to Ruan Jiaojiao's room.

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