After all, compared to her cousin Yang Mei, Ruan Jiaojiao was the good friend she had been with for three years. It was obvious who was more important than the other.

Yang Mei followed her parents to Changling when she was three or four years old. She has lived in Changling for more than ten years. It is said that the water in the city nourishes people. This is true. Yang Mei is quite beautiful, dressed in a fashionable style, and her skin is a little whiter than others. , she was always the one who was noticed when she was in school.

She felt that she should be like this when she moved here, but she didn't expect that after she carefully dressed herself up, Ruan Jiaojiao would steal the limelight on the first day of reporting.

Others didn't know Ruan Jiaojiao and thought she was Xu Xu's sister, but she had already known about Ruan Jiaojiao from Yang Ji, and knew that she was a young, pretty, and good-achieving little genius. .

She has been staying at Yang Jin's house for the past few days since she came back. I heard her say it several times, and she felt very uncomfortable every time. She deliberately wanted to compare with her.

So when I saw Ruan Jiaojiao dressed more fashionably than me, and she was barely pretty, and she was picked up from the car by that handsome young man, I felt a little bit uncomfortable about Ruan Jiaojiao. It turned directly into hostility.

She meant what she said, but she didn't expect that she would be so crowded by several teenagers, especially when she was a girl. You must know that when she was in school, the boys used to support her. How could it be like this? To her.

It was the first time she was treated like this. She couldn't believe her ears for a moment, and then her face turned ugly.

However, Ruan Lei was still unwilling to let her go, and asked sarcastically: "Miss Yang, please tell me, you Changling people are so rich, you shouldn't be short of this little money, right?"

In Beidu, a lucky stone costs fifty cents, but in Changling it is a little more expensive, one yuan per piece. Yang Mei has seen it in the market.

She can still afford to buy one or two, ten or more, but hundreds, or even two or three hundred, that's three hundred yuan, which is equivalent to a month's salary for some people, and Yang Mei naturally doesn't have that. Money can't be generous either.

So even if he was ridiculed by Ruan Lei, he could only bite his lip and stand there with red eyes, as if he had been bullied by many people.

Ruan Lei sneered again when he saw her like this. He didn't have any sympathy for her. He usually didn't argue with girls, but that was without touching his bottom line, and his bottom line was naturally Ruan Jiaojiao.

He had to say that she was so brave to bury his sister in front of him. You must know that he used to be the one who dared to stand on the podium and speak cruel words to the whole class. Now five of the nine brothers are not at home. But it’s no problem for him to replace nine!

In the end, Yang Mei covered her face and ran away, bumping into several students who were about to enter the school gate.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at her back, turned around and asked Yang Jin: "Do you want to chase her and take a look?"

"It's okay, don't worry about her, I'm not her nanny." Yang Xiao said nonchalantly. She was not five or six years old, so she could still chase her ass every day.

Ruan Jiao smiled tenderly, took her arm again and said, "Then let's go in and check the classes. I don't know if we are in the same class."

Yang Xiao nodded and changed the topic, talking about class division. The two of them didn't take the episode to heart at all.

The class placement form for the first year of high school is posted next to the cafeteria at the left corner of the school gate and on the wall of the boiling water room.

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