Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1168 Turning Point (9)

She thought of Shu Jie, Ruan Qing, Ruan Wei... Ruan Chi, these people who should have died a few years ago, and she felt filled with fear and helplessness. What should she do? Is it their turn next? one by one……

In the ward, Ruan Lin's Ruan Jianguo couldn't accept the bad news for a while. Ruan Jianguo's head was buzzing and he didn't listen to what the doctor was saying.

On the contrary, Ruan Lin quickly calmed down, and she said to Ruan Jianguo with a firm expression: "This matter must be kept secret, and Jiaojiao cannot know about it."

Ruan Jianguo felt great pain in his heart and still could not accept this fact.

He turned to look at the doctor and said, "Did you make a mistake in the examination? My mother has always been in good health. It is impossible for her to have such a disease."

Even Mr. Shu's poor health back then was nourished by the Ganoderma lucidum brought back by Xiaobai. Mrs. Ruan Lin ate much more than him. Her hair has turned darker over the years. People who have seen her say that she is getting better and better. The younger you are, how can you get a brain tumor?

Ruan Jianguo felt that the doctor must have made a mistake.

"Mr. Ruan, I know it is hard for you to accept such a result for a while, but based on medical ethics, I tell you that we will not be wrong. Now medicine is much more advanced than in previous years, and this disease is not completely incurable. , you should treat it rationally."

"Can it be cured??" Ruan Jianguo looked at him, hope rekindled in his eyes.

The doctor nodded with a natural expression: "The medical level of our hospital is one of the best in the province, but there are indeed a few experts in this field. However, our dean knows several brain experts. You can ask our dean If you help me, introduce a few experts, it’s not impossible to cure the old lady.”

"Your dean, Yuan Hui?"

The doctor nodded, but then added: "It's just that our dean has recently gone to other provinces for academic exchanges, and may not come back for a few days. It would be better for the old lady not to be discharged from the hospital these days. Do a comprehensive examination and don't go back and forth." It’s a struggle.”

Ruan Jianguo glanced at him and said nothing.

The doctor was also looking at him, and then at Ruan Lin, but he became a little uneasy, not knowing what the mother and son meant.

In the end, he could only say: "You should discuss this matter carefully. It is best to get treatment as early as possible, otherwise it may become more serious as time goes by." After saying this, the doctor led the nurse out of the ward.

The nurse continued to make rounds in other wards, while the doctor returned all the way to the office. Seeing that no other doctor on duty had come to the office, he closed the door of the office, sat behind his desk and made a phone call.

Within a few seconds, the other party picked up the phone. I don't know what was said on the other side. The doctor kept nodding and finally said: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

After a pause, as if waiting for the other party to say something else, he asked hesitantly: "Then what you promised last time..."

The person on the other end probably gave him an answer that satisfied him. The doctor nodded, smiled, and hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Yuan family.

After Liu Ma put down the phone, she raised a satisfied smile and returned to the room next to the stairs. The room was filled with a strong scent of incense. Mrs. Yuan knelt in front of the desk, her eyes lowered, and her hands hung. Holding a string of Buddhist beads, she was praying devoutly.

Hearing the footsteps, she raised her head and looked at Liu's mother. Her eyes that should have been withered at this age were abnormally dark.

Good night~

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