Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1182 Digging for cancer (7)

Hearing this, Shu Jie, who was walking next to her, also looked over. Ruan Feng's grades were good, better than the last one Ruan Bo who was admitted to college, but not as good as Ruan Hao, Ruan Chi and the others. She had also proposed to Wu Le, Ruan Feng could be asked to imitate Ruan Bo and learn other arts. Wu Le was very concerned about his son's affairs, so he was naturally willing to do so. Even if he had no money, he was willing to support him. However, Ruan Feng himself refused because he said he was not interested in it.

If the child doesn't like it, the parents can't force it.

Although Shu Jie felt it was a pity, she didn't say anything. She just usually paid more attention to his studies. Fortunately, this child was not talented enough, but he worked hard enough and could get into a good university with his current grades, but she didn't I asked him what he wanted to learn. After all, it was a little too early to ask now.

"I want to study medicine, clinical medicine." Ruan Feng replied, with light in his eyes.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at him in surprise. Although many girls in this era took the nursing path, not many were studying medicine, because studying medicine was at least five years or more, or even longer.

Those with poor family conditions expected to make a lot of money after finishing college. No one would be willing to waste time on this. She did not expect that Ruan Feng actually wanted to study medicine, and also clinical medicine. She was not satisfied with this. How do you know, but this one seems to be the longest one? It’s also the most difficult.

The memories Ruan Jiaojiao had inherited faded away the longer she stayed in this world, so she really couldn't remember what these brothers studied in her previous life.

I just remember that her second brother Ruan Jie did not study national defense in his previous life. He should have studied economic management. Therefore, he inherited the Ruan family business and became a domineering president in his previous life. Her eldest brother Ruan Hao seemed to be a professor. Taking care of your uncle's research institute at the same time?


Seeing Ruan Jiaojiao entranced, Ruan Feng shouted. Ruan Jiaojiao came back to her senses and said with a smile, "That's good. From now on, Jiaojiao won't have to spend money when she gets sick."

"Bah, bah, bah! What are you talking about? Bah, bah, bah!" When Ruan Feng heard this, his expression immediately changed and he yelled.

Seeing that he was so taboo, Ruan Jiaojiao immediately smiled and said twice. She was about to say that he was so obsessed with a medical student, but before she could say anything, she heard a clang and three ouch sounds coming from the front. Passed over at the same time.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked over immediately. Under the dim street lights of the school, she only saw something rolling and jumping, with reflections under the street lights from time to time. It ran towards her direction, very fast, like... There is a spring installed on the bottom, so it will be ejected directly.

The strings in Ruan Jiaojiao's mind suddenly tightened. With previous experiences, she reacted quickly this time. She immediately took two steps back. At the same time, Xu Xu and Shu Jie took two steps forward at the same time, thinking You have to block the bounce for her.

But that thing seemed to have eyes. When it was still a few meters away from Xu Xu and Shu Jie, it fell to the ground with a thud, and then bounced up again, in the direction of Ruan Jiaojiao, who was hiding behind them. .

"!!!" Ruan Jiaojiao.

Ruan Jiaojiao raised her head and looked at the bicycle wheel that jumped into the sky, perfectly jumped over Xu Xu and Shu Jie in the middle, and then hit her directly. There were only two words left in her mind: die!

If this hit her, she would be covered in blood!

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