Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1450 Everyone returns to their own (2)

Duan Qianyang could only follow along.

Because Xu Xu had specifically confessed that the room where Feng Niannian was imprisoned had nothing but a bed, and the two big men Ruan Hao invited yesterday were still guarding the room outside.

Ruan Jiaojiao and the others came early, and they took turns guarding one of them. One of them was already sleeping unsteadily, and the other was yawning again and again. When he saw them coming, he immediately woke up and kicked the other person next to him. foot.

The big man was probably dreaming, and it was a nightmare. He was so frightened that he jumped up, turned his head and looked around: "What's wrong, what's wrong!"

Seeing Duan Qianyang and the others, their minds instantly cleared.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, his face changed, he looked a little guilty, his eyes moved around, as if he didn't dare to meet their eyes.

Ruan Jiaojiao's heart tightened when she saw it, and her first reaction was that she wouldn't let Feng Niannian escape!

Obviously, the other three people also thought of this, and Xu Xu immediately kicked the door open.

Xu Xu had always been very strong, but Duan Qianyang felt that it was a bit exaggerated to open the locked door with one kick. He glanced at him, and then looked in, and was relieved when he saw that Feng Niannian was still here. Take a breath.

Feng Niannian's hands and feet were tied, not only to prevent her from escaping, but also to prevent her from committing suicide, but Ruan Jiaojiao didn't expect that her mouth was tied!

A very long towel is stuck between the teeth, and the towel is tied to the back of the head. It looks quite tight.

"Meow?" Is this to prevent yourself from biting your tongue?

But according to common sense, a person cannot die if he bites his tongue.

"That, that, I tied it up." The guilty man from before explained sheepishly.

It turned out that after Xu Xu and the others left yesterday, Duan Qianyang sent them here and left. Feng Niannian had somehow pushed the sweat towel out of his mouth, and kept giggling like a mechanical smile in the middle of the night. , it’s really too permeable. Even though he’s a martial artist, he’s afraid of these nonsense things, so stuffing the sweat towel into Feng Niannian’s mouth wasn’t enough. He even went out to find a towel to tie it up. This stopped her from making those weird laughs.

Listening to the big man's explanation, Duan Qianyang also felt her laughter last night, and he couldn't say anything. He could only say helplessly: "Let's untie it first."

Seeing that they didn't blame them, the big man felt relieved and immediately ran up to let go.

Ruan Jiaojiao saw Feng Niannian lowering her head before and thought she was not awake, but when the big man went to untie her mouth, she realized that she had been awake all along.

Because almost the moment the big man untied her towel, she suddenly raised her head and looked at her, her eyes still as greedy and predatory as before.

Ruan Jiaojiao was looked down upon, but because Xu Xu was by her side, she was still stable.

Ruan Jiaojiao originally thought that she might say something or ask something, such as who they were and why they found her, but she found that in addition to looking at her, she was forced by Xu Xu's colder eyes. After retreating, he lowered his head, said nothing or asked, as if he was really just a rag doll, only his eyes could move and nothing else.

"Meow??" Are you Yuan Man'er?

Ruan Jiaojiao asked proactively.

Feng Niannian didn't react at all, as if he hadn't heard anything at all.

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