Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1512: Helping the emergency but not the poor (6)

"What do you mean?" Liu Mei climbed up with difficulty and sat on her knees on the bed.

There were no lights on in the room, so her entire figure was hidden in the darkness. Her hair was disheveled, she was extremely thin, and her arms were missing. Her entire upper body looked as scary as a wandering ghost.

"Aunt Ruan said that Ruan Jiaojiao fell ill some time ago and spent all her money."

"Ruan Jiaojiao, that loser who should have died? Is she here too?" Liu Mei had a strange expression.

What happened to Ruan Jiaojiao three months ago was widely spread in Xiahe Village. When the Ruan family still lived in the village, many people saw how favored she was in the Ruan family.

So something happened to her, and the whole Xiahe Village was discussing it, with different thoughts.

But basically they all feel sorry for it. The Ruan family has done good things over the years, building roads in the village and helping them improve their lives. Many children in the village even wear the clothes sent back by the Ruan family.

Although those clothes are second-hand, those clothes are the best in terms of style and quality. Even if you go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy new ones, the quality and style cannot be compared. In addition, Ruan Jiaojiao never dresses well. Shu Wei sent her a lot of clothes every season, and she couldn't finish them all, so basically the clothes that were eliminated every time were no different from the new ones, and there were even a lot of new ones that she didn't have time to wear. clothing.

So every time Ruan Lin brought it back, many people would come to grab it, fearing that they would not be able to get it if it was too late.

Ruan Jiaojiao herself comes back once in a while. To the children in Murakami, it is just like Chinese New Year, because she will bring a lot of candies and snacks and distribute them to them. Her return has become the most anticipated thing for the children in Murakami. .

Therefore, both adults and children in Xiahe Village liked Ruan Jiaojiao very much. When they heard that something had happened to her, they felt a little sorry. Some even organized a spontaneous trip to the city to see her, although they didn't see anything in the end.

There are regrets, and of course there are other thoughts. For example, Liu Mei is full of joy, as if she would get some benefit from someone else's death.

Liu Mei probably didn't know why she hated Ruan Jiaojiao so much. She just didn't like her anyway. When she heard the news of her death, she was still happy at home for two days.

Who knew that within two days, I heard that she was not dead and that she had gone to Beidu for treatment.

Forget it, now that she can't even borrow money because of her medical treatment, he hates her even more. He said in a cold voice: "She is really lucky! She won't die even if she does this!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Seeing Liu Mei talking so freely, Xu Jianlin scolded her hurriedly and glanced outside for fear of being overheard by neighbors passing by.

Not only did Liu Mei not restrain herself when she heard the words, but her voice became louder and louder. As long as she thought about it because she had no money to spend, she would get angrier and angrier. She shouted out as if she was afraid that no one would hear her: "Isn't what I said wrong? So She is a loser, and she is not afraid of wasting her money! Do you know why she almost died? That’s because God couldn’t bear to see it and came to collect it...ahem..."

After shouting this, he suddenly fell silent, looked at the people outside as if they were ghosts, and started coughing vigorously, turning pale.

Outside, Ruan Lin and Ruan Jianguo, who had packed some clothes from upstairs, had faces so cold they could freeze.

After Xu Jianlin left, although Ruan Lin didn't agree to borrow money, she felt a little compassion when she saw the clothes he was wearing and went upstairs to find some clothes.

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