Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1573 The family moved to Beidu (1)

The results of the college entrance examination came out near the end of July. This time everyone performed normally, so the scores were within everyone's expectations.

With a total score of 750, Duan Xu received full marks in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. He lost nine points in Chinese and English, with a total score of 741, making him the top scorer in the province.

Ruan Jiaojiao scored full marks in English and lost points in other areas, but she still scored more than 720 points.

Ruan Lei scored full marks in chemistry, with a total score of 690.

The three of them are among the top three in the school and the top ten in the province. Statistics on the national figures are still needed.

As for Lu Zishu, he did very well on the exam, with a score of 540. He could choose a better major at an ordinary undergraduate school.

The first time Ruan Jiaojiao found out about her score, she called Mr. Shu. Mr. Shu was so happy that he could not get into the university. According to the admission score of Qingda University in previous years, Ruan Jiaojiao was twenty points higher and would definitely be admitted. .

After calling Mr. Shu, Ruan Jiaojiao did not rush to inform Shu Lang and Shu Wei, but urged Duan Xu to call Duan Qianyang.

Ruan Jiaojiao knew that Duan Qianyang wanted to know Duan Xu's performance methods in many ways, but if he said it in person, the meaning was different.

Since Duan Xu has inherited the body of the original owner, he must do some things, especially Duan Qianyang, who is really pitiful. Although he holds a high position, he is the loneliest.

Duan Xu has had a very good relationship with Duan Qianyang over the years. He didn't say anything after hearing this. He called Duan Qianyang. Duan Qianyang's voice was trembling with joy, and then he asked Ruan Jiao Jiao's grades were so high, and I was relieved to hear that her scores were also so high.

This time on the phone, Duan Qianyang did not hang up in a hurry, but contacted Ruan Jianguo again.

Ruan Jianguo has always been a wealthy person. Ruan Jiaojiao did so well in the exam this time. From the moment he knew the score, he publicized it everywhere with loudspeakers. He kept talking about having a grand banquet and setting off as many fireworks as possible.

Ruan Jiaojiao thought that Duan Qianyang and Ruan Jianguo were talking on the phone about Duan Xu, but she saw two men on the phone and started discussing the banquet!

Duan Qianyang has a special status and this banquet cannot be held with much fanfare, so he hopes Ruan Jianguo can help.

Ruan Jianguo waved his hand, indicating that this matter would be taken care of by him, which made everyone spit.

Ruan Jiaojiao held half of the watermelon in her arms and moved her butt silently. She whispered into Duan Xu's ear, "Brother Xu, I'm really worried about Uncle Duan."

Ruan Jianguo's wealthy style is simply poisonous and contagious.

At first, Ruan Jianguo said he would donate a building to the school, and Duan Qianyang turned around and donated a library. Now, Ruan Jianguo said he would hold a big banquet, and it seemed that Duan Qianyang over there wanted the same.

The two of them are still thousands of miles apart now, but when they both move to Beidu a month later, they will have more opportunities to meet each other.

Duan Qianyang, that handsome and elegant uncle, won't become like Ruan Dashan, right? Holding a big brother in his hands, with a beer belly and saliva flying around?

Hmm... Ruan Jiaojiao covered her face, feeling that this was simply impossible to watch!

Duan Xu probably thought of this as well. He frowned, then turned to Ruan Jiaojiao and said, "I won't do that." He would keep himself in the state she liked.

Ruan Jiaojiao nodded in agreement: "Yes, Brother Xu, you absolutely can't do this, absolutely not."

In the past, when Ruan Dajian and Shu Jie stood together, they were at best a combination of a beast and a beauty, and they were barely watchable.

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