Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1775 This is called a long worm! (9)

"Hallucination? How could it be a hallucination? There is really a snake! If you don't believe it, go to the window and look!" Duan Sishu was so anxious that he pulled his collar and pointed at the window, screaming and jumping: "Go and see! That snake just And you’re staring at me!”

"..." The waiter had never known that a weak-looking woman could have such strong hands. What made him even more speechless was what she said, "Why is that snake staring at me?" Can snakes still stare?

It's just that the person in front of him is a customer of the hotel or a relative of the owner's daughter who is engaged this time. The waiter can only try to keep a smile on his face. While taking off Duan Sixu's hand, he said with a smile: "Madam, you are really tired. I think you should have a good rest. If you are not satisfied with the room here, I can change it for you."

"What do you mean? You don't believe me?" In Duan Sishu's eyes, the waiter's polite smile seemed to turn into ridicule.

"Madam, you misunderstood. I just...snakes don't move out in winter, let alone pythons. It's impossible for our hotel's security personnel to miss such a big target, so your statement is really unbelievable." .”

"Then what do you mean by that? Could it be that I'm just making a fool of myself?" Duan Sishu's voice became louder.

The waiter didn't say anything. In fact, he really thought she was lying.

Duan Sishu was irritated by his attitude, and thinking that this hotel belonged to the Ruan family, he felt that they were deliberately neglecting him, and he suddenly lost control of his emotions. He raised his hand and scratched and hit the waiter.

The waiters in the Ruan family have been professionally trained since Ruan Hao got started. It is absolutely impossible for them to fight back against customers. Duan Sishu is also very messy. No matter how hard the waiter hides, he will still be injured. When other waiters arrive, The waiter had been beaten to a terrible state and had several bloody marks on his face.

Several waiters rushed up to fight her off, but even so, Duan Sishu's arrogance was still very arrogant, and he cursed at the waiter: "I want to complain to you! I want to complain to your hotel! The hotels opened by the underdogs are indeed underdogs." ! You bunch of rubes!"

When Ruan Jiaojiao, Duan Xu and others heard the news and rushed over, what they heard was Duan Sishu's substandard scene, which was comparable to a shrew and a shrew.

Ruan Jiaojiao was really amazed. Ever since they moved out of Xiahe Village, she hadn’t seen such a scene for who knows how many years. Even her grandma had become a lot more refined over the years. She never expected to hear it again from Duan Sishu. It comes out of the mouth.

Who is Duan Sixu? She is the daughter of the Duan family. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a famous lady in Beidu!

The faces of the Ruan family were ugly, and Duan Qianyang's face was even more ugly.

What day is today? Today is his son’s engagement day! It was the most important day for him and Duan Xu at the moment.

He had always known that Duan Sishu disliked Duan Xu, and he had never hidden it before, especially in the first two years when he often put eye drops in front of him.

Although he wasn't happy, he didn't say anything. After all, one was his biological sister and the other his biological son, and the palms and backs of his hands were all flesh. The only thing he could do was to try not to face each other head-on.

But he didn't expect that Duan Sishu would ignore him to such an extent and cause both families to lose face on such an important day.

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